Fade closed her eyes as he kissed her neck, his lust was threatening to burn her up, it was almost painful. She almost didn’t notice his first words, but as he announced who he was she paused for a split second curiosity tying to win over what was burning inside her and failing to do so.
His embrace sent electricity through her body, it felt strange for a moment: the four arms holding her, picking her up, laying her out and calmly undressing her. He undressed her slowly, unbearably slowly for Fade, he didn’t want to harm her…yet, for all she knew, her lower lip trembled in eager anticipation a deep burning in between her thighs.
She smiled pulling him closer “Rak’kena” She whimpered hardly getting the words out, she tasted the name then chuckled, parting her legs to be closer her hand tugging at his clothes then running down his muscled back. The wait had been to long, Fade was almost frantic to be satisfied, she kissed him passionately, her legs wrapping around his body like steel claws keeping him anchored to her, trying to get him closer, if that were possible, her hips pumping to a primeval beat. She pressed him close emanating soft sounds with every gasp.
Her other owner had been older, slower, nothing like the searing hot streaks of pleasure running up and down her body, it was too much, Fade was practically gasping for breath her chest heaving, almost jerking, she moaned again fingers digging into his back, the rhythm frantic.
She kept on kissing him and holding him to her even after, her pale body relaxing though she still panted, her body covered in a shiny sheen of sweat. She her clear blue eyes for a few seconds then opening them looking straight into his with adoration “How was that?” She whispered not really caring if he didn’t answer. She was waiting for him to do, or think anything her fingers tracing circles on his skin, ready to do it all over again or anything for him, for this was her source of happiness.
One thing was sure, only the highest trained ladies, the mistresses of the art of sensual pleasures and those marked by Nikali could give so much, often leaving weak men powerless.