Knight Training (Fraha)

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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Jaelyn Baroth on June 24th, 2011, 8:30 pm

Jaelyn let out a relieved sigh at Fraha's assurance that all was fine, and she opened her mouth to express her relief at that fact. Before she could speak however Fraha looked absolutely terrified by something behind Jaelyn.

Practically by pure instinct Jaelyn twisted her body and drew her sword out from the sheath on her hip. Planting her left foot for a better base she brought her sword and shield quickly to the ready as her gray eyes scanned the darkness. Not seeing anything immediately threatening she quickly stood up, but she kept her sword and shield at the ready as she searched for what Fraha had seen.

When Fraha spoke Jaelyn turned and glanced over her shoulder in a bit of confusion, "What about what you saw?" she quickly returned her gaze forward in case whatever it was emerged from the darkness, "Are you sure you wish to keep sparing if there is something dangerous stalking us? Perhaps it would be better to call it there and return to within the walls," there was no fear in Jaelyn's voice, but a bit of nervousness.

Jaelyn was no Knight, but she wanted to become a great one. How great would she be if she let a civilian be harmed here outside the walls just for a bit of sparring practice?
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Fraha on June 27th, 2011, 10:24 am

Lowing down the arms Fraha felt by choosing not to attack her. In all that figting she forgot about the sword and an offence could get her seriously injured since seeing how watchfull Jaelyn was. She waited for her to look around expecting her to understand the trick, but a smile came up on Fraha's face as she saw Jaelyn actually believing her. "oh-hoh!" gigglegasped Fraha at Jaelyn's question. Her mouth was slightly opened from surprise "oh come on, you didn't fall for that!" laughed Fraha crouching the back.

It wasn't a wise move if seen from outside but Fraha had everything under controll. An carefull watcher could notice the steadyness of Fraha's legs, flexed and ready to jump away in any random direction at every time. The idea was to lower Jaelyn's guard OR to provoke her, no bad intentions, just to make her opponement less concentrated in order to have a major chance in landing a strike. She felt like she oved her one.

How would she do it? She didn't know, Jaelyn was armored, well armed and skilled, not to speak about her shield...damn shield.

"who could possibly be here exept us?" Said she as her legs started to run against Jaelyn. Sure enough that her partner wouldn't be too surprised Fraha Charged with the left handed high above her head with the intention of a vertical strike on Jealyn't shoulder "it's armored anyway" thought Fraha. But as she was close enough instead of pushing down the blade Fraha jumped forward and pushed both legs paralelly against Jaelyn to perform a dropkick on what ever was in her way. She hoped to kick the shield instead of Jaelyn.
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Jaelyn Baroth on June 30th, 2011, 5:48 pm

Fraha's giggle brought Jaelyna's attention back to the woman, and for a few moments a confused silence was her only response to Fraha's words. After a few moments the meaning sunk in, and Jaelyn gave a soft gasp as realization struck her.

"Oh! It was a trick," there was not anger or frustration in her voice, and as she continued to speak there was nothing but sincerity, "Thank you for the lesson, Fraha."

It was a valuable lesson to learn now that Jaelyn thought on it. To not let your focus be distracted from a fight made much sense for actual combat. In a spar it might be fine, because neither was trying to hurt the other, but in a real fight Jaelyn could understand how it might prove a deadly mistake.

As Fraha charged at Jaelyn the Squire readied her sword and shield. She didn't want to attack with her sword, the sharp blade being poorly suited for sparring against an unarmored opponent, and so she prepared to catch Fraha's overhead strike with her own blade, and then strike back with her shield.

That was not what Fraha did however, and the young woman's kick caught Jaelyn's shield squarely. Unprepared for the sudden impact Jaelyn was knocked back, and then fell heavily to the ground from the sudden backwards force exerted on her. Her armor absorbed much of the force of the fall, but it was still strong enough to leave her staring up at the night sky above for a few stunned moments.
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Fraha on July 5th, 2011, 8:24 am

A grin of satisfaction pervaded Fraha as she landed the strike just where she wanted. Using the shield as a wall she also used the opportunity to flick back. Fraha's back curved while the her legs pushed against the shield, giving her enough inertia to perform a backflip. Landing stable on both feet Fraha watched as the armor containing her opponement hit the ground. It felt good, Fraha could feel proud of herself without feeling guilty as she was sure there was no danger in that.

There was something odd however, Jaelyn thanked Fraha? You sure are a devoted student aren't you? smirked Fraha. Taking any chance to learn something, admirable. Bowing her head a little in sign of respect Fraha truly was planning her next move. She had gave Jaelyn time to recover, knowing how does it feels, and then Charged Jealyin as she started any other move. She didn't know how to attack, the idea was to respond to a reaction. Jumping as always over her she somewhat shouted I got other tricks to reveal if you want with a wicked grin showing her teeth
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Jaelyn Baroth on July 10th, 2011, 4:11 pm

As Fraha complimented Jaelyn for her devotion the young Squire sat up, and, even though it was hidden by her helmet, she gave a slightly embarrassed smile that touched her voice as she responded, "Thank you. A Knight must be prepared to face any circumstances they come across, and I hope to be an excellent Knight some day."

Standing up once again Jaelyn brought her sword and shield to the ready once again. It seemed that Fraha was much more trained than Jaelyn had initially expected, and so so decided to go for a strike with the flat of her blade. She moved forward and slashed in a flat circle from right to left, her sword turned so the flat of the blade was strike instead of the edge, but Fraha was already moving in a leap and grinning as she called out.

"I would be happy to learn anything you care to teach me," Jaelyn responded pleasantly as she turned to face Fraha once again and moved to attack, but this time she brought her sword down in a diagonal slash from upper right to lower left, again with the flat of the blade going first.
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Fraha on July 11th, 2011, 7:46 am

While in mid air Fraha saw her strike coming so she roughly grabbed the hilt with both hands and went to block the Jaelyn's strike. As the weapons collided Fraha hit violently the ground, pushed strongly by the partner. She tilted the blade to the left while moving while leaning right with the upper body in order to make Jealyn's blade slide down on hers. Fraha would be happy to block it better but, she simply hadn't enough strenght. As she left the blade slide down her eyes looked in those of Jealyn. This brought her a few seconds in the past, an excellent knight is what she craved to become. Jaelyn had in intence gaze, concentrated, determinated, firm, it could be almost described as a flame.

As Jealyn's blade slided down enough to cease of being a threat, Fraha went forward with her left shoulder on the shield as if she was about to tackle it but she didn't. While making it look like she was trying to bash Jaelyn her hand, which was pressed against her ribbs went down, quickly and hidden in order to grab the shield from below. She thought that in the rush this action would be unnoticed since the many ambiental and prospective factors so as her fingertips could touch the circular shape of the shield Fraha clenched it tightly and pulled it up using Jealyn's hand as a leverage. She thought that by applying enough strenght up she would press the upper part of the shield against the partners chest exposing like that her lower part. She then used the left leg to plant a knee on Jealyns thigh, on the side of the right one.
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Jaelyn Baroth on July 13th, 2011, 1:42 pm

The longer Jaelyn sparred against Fraha the more impressed she was with the woman's skill and agility. She knew that some people wore lighter armor and focused more on agility to protect themselves, but before she had met Fraha she had not thought it possible that someone could safely fight without armor.

Sword blow deflected Jaelyn braced herself as Fraha dashed forward, expecting a heavy impact like when the woman had kicked at her shield before, but this time there was none. Instead her shield started to twist on her arm, the bottom going forward as the top came back towards her, and almost by pure reflex she brought her sword wielding arm up to press back against the top of her shield and keep it from painfully twisting her wrist.

Glancing down she caught sight of Fraha's fingers curved around the bottom of her shield. Well, that explained what was happening. With a faint smile at another lesson learned Jaelyn leaned forward and shoved against her shield with both of her arms, hoping to send Fraha stumbling backwards, and then follow it up with another horizontal slash from right to left with the flat of her sword.
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Fraha on July 15th, 2011, 9:59 am

Her kick wasn't effective, au contraire Jealyn suddenly had an impetus of strenght and bushed Fraha away. It was a fast move that caught Fraha surprised since she had only one leg standing. Fraha felt the entire body pushed back, however her agility was enough developed to make it in time to place the foot that just had failed at kicking on the ground. However she gave too much attention to that, which caused her to miss the incoming sword on her stomach. The hand was above her shoulder and the flat point of the blade was already too close.

It would hit her flatly on the hip, if only she would be a little closer, but the push sent her back, causing the sword to contact barely this skin. The sharp point of the weapon passed on her abdomen, luckily only barely, but still the point managed to cut a little amount of skin on her centre-left side of the belly. As the swing got away, Fraha glanced at it, noticing a red line drawn by the tip of that sword. Ouch.. said she skeptically before stepping forward against Jaelyn. This she faked an attack from right up to down left with her left hand and knowing her opponement would most likely use the shield to block at the last moment she jumped with the right left on the center of the shield, but instead of pushing it away, she used is a support to raise the other leg higher. Her upper body was central all the time and the sword meanwhile had made it's was on the left so it would help to block in case of attack. It wasn't hard to use the shield as a trampoline since it could be curved as she saw. With her weight on it would fall down or land on her thigh for sure.

As she was high enough The black sandal started to push down, on the Jealyn's forehead. This could hurt, but so did the cut, it's a spar and this was normal. Besides, she would get any medical service from the Order anyway, while Fraha had to arrange by herself. Quick and merciless Fraha attempted to strike that kick.
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Jaelyn Baroth on July 19th, 2011, 5:46 pm

"Ouch?" Jaelyn quickly asked in response to Fraha's uttered word, a bit of worry in her voice and throat at the thought she might have injured her sparring partner.

She didn't have long to worry about it though as extra weight on her shield told her Fraha was still capable of fighting. Jaelyn couldn't bring her other arm around in time to help bolster her shield arm this time, and so she dropped to one knee and brought her shield arm to rest on top of her armored thigh for extra support.

Unfortunately this tactic left her in the perfect position for Fraha's attack to hit, and Jaelyn's world was rattled as Fraha's foot connected with her helmet. It did hurt some, but more than that it left her disoriented. Unsure where exactly Fraha was, along with unwilling to strike with her sword again, Jaelyn staggered back to a standing position with a strong bash from her shield in her best guess at the direction Fraha was.
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Knight Training (Fraha)

Postby Fraha on July 21st, 2011, 9:42 am

"Wow, she thinks fast" thought Fraha noticing her idea of the leg support. However she landed the strike succesfully, which was good enough. As she did it, the leg standing on the shield pushed back. Since she was high, her head leaned back while the back followed, causing her to backflip from the shield on the ground. Nice move, performed with grace and technique. However silently landing on the ground, with the upperbody still leaning forward Fraha didn't notice the shield incoming. Looking down on the ground, about to raise her eyesight, Fraha only felt a strong wooden thud on her cranium which immediatly made her fall on her back, on the ground. An instant of realization while looking at the stars above...then AAAAAAAAH!!! a loud yet whispered complain as her hands left the weapon to grab the forehead. It hurted as hell, and dhe could sense her hands getting wet, but not out of th regular sweat yet blood.

Wai wai wai wait a second!! asked she quickly, pointing out the right hand opened, in sign of stop. A wound had opened on the forehead and was dripping badly, nothing scary, "foreheads always bleed a lot" added she waiting for the ache to fade. "dammit, you're strong, you totally won this one". She understood the importance of always, ALWAYS watch what the opponement is doing. It costed her an incredible headache this time, but next time she could pay with her life.

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