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Stretching northward along the coastline of the Suvan Sea, the Cobalt Mountains are the home of the Bronze Wood, numerous ruins, and creatures both strange and fantastical.
by Archon on July 1st, 2011, 4:04 pm
"Aw, but reminders can be fun," Rachel replied with a giggle, and her eyes took on a mischievous glint, "Or maybe we could even do a little bit more this time.."
As Jokor grabbed Rachel's wrist once again his auristic vision caught a brief flash of something other than amusement. It was brief, but strong, and with a bit of thought Jokor would be able to identify it as anger.
Despite what Jokor had seen Rachel remained teasing and amused in appearance and tone as she grinned, "Tsk tsk, Jokor, no need to get so grabby. If you want something, all you have to do is just ask me nicely. Anything at all..."
When Jokor walked away Rachel remained in place, and quietly watched him. The mushrooms did indeed seem to be the ones that he had been searching for, and were plentiful enough that Jokor managed to fill about three quarters of the basket with them. As Jokor finished putting the last mushroom in the basket Rachel spoke up again, "I have to say, I'm disappointed Jokor. I thought you were someone who followed their curiosity and liked adventure, but it seems you're more just the type to go along and do what you're told like everyone else," she gave a heavy, dramatic sigh, "And here I was even thinking you were kind of attractive too..."
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 1st, 2011, 6:39 pm
Jokor's rather cautious nature flared up as soon as his auristic vision picked up on the strong flare of anger. The fact that it didn't even show up on her face did unnerve him, nobody was that good at keeping emotions away from their expressions that well just because. Trying his best to let his caution not show on his face, while at the same time keeping a loose eye on her aura, he just chuckled at her comment of being grabby. "Well if I want something I don't ask Rachel." he said with a mischievous grin on his face looking back towards her as he continued to pluck the mushrooms. "I just take it, its easier to ask forgiveness of people then permission after all, if I even bother with that." when he had picked up the last mushroom he stood back up, turning back towards rachel, he didn't like being with his back to anybody that could pose a danger after all. When she accused him of being just the type to go along and do wat he was told to do anger briefly flared up inside of him and most likely would be easily seen on his face. "I listen only to one person and thats me, if I don't see the use of doing something I don't do it." He snapped at her, before trying to reel in his temper. "Besides, if I was a curious and adventurous guy I would take steps to make sure others don't know of that. Surprise is always nice to have on your side." |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 5th, 2011, 3:21 pm
Rachel was quiet as Jokor spoke, but her grin remained on her lips as she watched him. As he snapped at her the grin switched to a teasing smirk, and she brought up a finger to waggle at him, "Tsk tsk Jokor, such a temper. An attitude like that will make it hard to find a lover you don't need to pay for, and that's something you generally don't want to take," she gave a small chuckle and wink to Jokor, "Unless you like being arrested."
Rachel fell silent and gazed at Jokor for a few moments before she pulled out a dagger, in her right hand, and began to lightly toss it up, twirling it a couple times, before catching it again by the handle, "So, now that you're all done with your mushroom picking are you going to scamper off again Jokor, or will you stay and play with me a little longer?" she slowly ran her tongue between her lips, Jokor's auristics picking a bit of desire from her, "I'm sure we could find something more fun to do than whatever they have waiting for you back at the Welcome Center."
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 8th, 2011, 11:53 am
Jokor just bristled at Rachel's comment about lovers, before a smirk made its way onto his face. “As if, the golden dragon is legal and thats not much more then a brothel with a fancy name and I haven't heard of anybody being thrown into the tank just for going to that place. So at least get your facts straight about that.” When she pulled out a dagger and began playing with it and giving her offer jokor just scoffed as he put his basket of mushrooms on the ground pulling out the few packaged mushrooms and dropping them besides the basket. “I got some time to play waste anyway, so I don't see why not.” He grasped the handle of one of his daggers underneath his cloak and stealthy pulled it out of its sheet keeping it hidden from view and he put his weight on the tips on his toe’s. Ready to dash in any direction that he needed to. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 12th, 2011, 6:06 am
"Sure, the Golden Dragon is legal," Rachel smirked at Jokor as she sauntered a little closer to him, "But you're not handsome enough to get serviced there for free," she tossed a wink to Jokor as she gave her dagger a flip, "So taking that's a bit out of the question."
Rachel continued her slow advance towards Jokor, her whole body swaying enticingly with each step, and her blue eyes were roaming up and down Jokor like she was appraising him, "Well then," she grinned as she moved within striking distance, "Let's play."
Still with the same grin, along with the same sense of desire to his Auritic vision, Rachel lashed out with a flat slash from right to left. It was high, making it easy for Jokor to dodge, but it was coming hard and fast. Maybe she was testing him, or her idea of playing was a bit strange.
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 17th, 2011, 6:39 pm
Jokor rolled his eyes at rachel's response. “We where talking about whoring, so if I ain't getting it for free doesn't have to do shyke with what we where talking about. Besides I wouldn't go to there if they paid me, don't want the family jewels to rust and fall of from whatever those whores have.” he shot back before ducking underneath the high strike, finding it strange that that feeling of desire was still lingering in her aura. Not thinking more about the strike after he dodged it he quickly stepped in and lashed out with his dagger towards rachel's stomach, if the strike would land he would twist the blade out of the way and just ram his fist into her stomach. Quickly darting back out of range after that, hit or no hit. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 20th, 2011, 2:48 am
Rachel nimbly dodged back from Jokor's slash, a laugh spilling from her lips as she moved, "If you're so worried about it, maybe you should make sure the lucky lady is nice and clean between her legs," she smirked as her gaze flickered down to just beneath Jokor's waist, "Assuming you're nice and clean yourself."
As soon as the words left her mouth Rachel dashed forward once again, her dagger flashing around in another simple slash, but this one aimed directly at Jokor's chest. Unlike the last it wasn't as fast or hard, again making it relatively easy for Jokor to dodge backwards and away from it.
"Or maybe you're all clean and innocent?" Rachel's voice was teasing and playful, as were her eyes, "At least in regards to being intimate with a woman? Have you even enjoyed the beauty of a naked woman?" |
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on July 23rd, 2011, 11:50 pm
Jokor narrowed his eyes as rachel easily dodged his slash, laughing as she did so. It seemed she was a bit more skilled then he thought. That or he was just overestimating his own skill.
Jokor just scoffed at her reply and was about to let lose another remark before the woman dashed forwards, her dagger lashing out towards his chest in a simple slash. Jokor simpely stepped backwards letting the dagger slice through the air before attempting to grab her wrist, wanting to make sure she couldn't use her weapon, before trying to kick her legs from underneath her. If he managed to make her fall he would try to twist her arm, forcing her to stay on the ground.
“So what if I never slept with a woman?” Jokor said, her attempted dig easily sliding of him. "Nobody holds weight on that!" |

Jokor - Streetrat
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by Archon on July 26th, 2011, 5:30 pm
As Jokor stepped backwards his back found the rough bark of a tree, and Rachel's face lit up as his movement was forcefully stopped. It seemed that him running into the tree had been her goal from the start, and she quickly moved in to take advantage of it. She was so focused on her goal that Jokor easily managed to grab her arm and kick at her legs, knocking her down to her knees in front of him.
As Jokor twisted her arm Rachel gave a bit of a cry, not entirely of pain, and she grinned up at him, "Not bad Jokor, but I think I win," as she spoke she lightly tapped a dagger against the inside of his thigh, having managed to sneak it out while she fell, "Still, I'm impressed. You're certainly stronger than you seem," Jokor didn't need his auristics to see her desire anymore, as it was plain to see on her face as she gazed up at him.
"How about you let my arm go now?" she smirked up at him, "Or is there something you're wanting me to do down here on my knees?" her tongue slipped out and licked lightly at her lips as she tossed a wink up at Jokor. |
My posting and other AS work will be slow for the time being. I'm sorry for the inconvenience, and I'll try to get back up and running at full speed soon. |

Archon - Luminous Herald
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by Jokor on August 20th, 2011, 2:46 pm
As jokor felt the rough bark of a tree pressed against his back he let out a short string of curses, how the hell was he so stupid to fall for a trap that easy! He let out a mental sigh of relief when his following move did work out and he forced her to her knees, things weren't going that bad after all. The illusion that he was winning was shattered when she grinned up at him and tapped a dagger against the inside of his tigh. “Ah petch” jokor cursed, she could have stabbed him at least twice in his nuts if this was a real fight. At her compliment he just grinned down at her. “Being underestimated always makes your fights more easy.” He said in a slightly confused tone, the confusion didn't come from anything she had said, more from the fact that she was looking at him with such a look of desire on his face and he honestly didn't have any idea how to handle that. When she asked to let her arm go now, or that there was something else he wanted her to do while she was here on her knees. A blush made its way on jokor's face and he just released her arm. Trying to figure out what the heck that last comment meant. The confusion about what she was doing was clearly seen on his face and it would be obvious to him that jokor didn't have much, if any, experience with women. Especially women like her. |

Jokor - Streetrat
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