Rivaal (Holdless)

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Rivaal (Holdless)

Postby Rivaal on July 6th, 2011, 5:19 am


Name: Rivaal

Race: Vantha

Age: 20

Gender: Male


Height - 5'10
Weight - 130 lbs
Hair - Black - Shimmers blue
Length - About medium length
Facial Hair - None
Skin Color - Tanned
Eyes - Depends on the mood
Build - Athletic
Unique Markings - Maybe/Unseen?

From: Avanthal
Currently in: Lhavit


Lhavitian - Poor
Common - Basic
Vani - Fluent


Rivaal grew up like any Vantha in the cold north. He learned stories, told stories, helped cook, hunt, perform, and everything that a child could do to the best of his poor ability. Unfortunately, Rivaal soon found he was chosen to marry a young woman when they came of age. At first it didn't bother him, but all of the great stories about love and happiness made him think. By the age of fifteen he had stolen money and a spear from his parents and fled Avanthal in the night. Finding refuge in the back of a trade caravan, he managed to stay hidden for part of the first day, being lucky until he sneezed.

Catching the attention of the traders, he was going to be sent home. After pleading for what seemed to be hours, they agreed to let him stay on if he made himself useful. Revealing the spear, he signed on as protection, albeit poor protection.

The first year was rough. Rivaal almost lost his life countless times. The traders seemed to go wherever they were called, which was where they could best make money. Rivaal didn't see Avanthal again until the following year.

The second year brought a lot of changes. Avanthal was no longer his home, and despite being a welcome Vantha, he kept as much distance as he could so as to avoid being recognized. It was also this year that they picked up a Flux user as a guard. It was mere chance that Rivaal recognized it as magic, and he pestered the guard to teach him how to use it. It was hard at first, but he managed to slowly gain a basic control over it, and once that happened, gaining a better control didn't take as long as it could have due to the constant fending off of monsters in the wilds.

Unfortunately around year five, his new home broke. Protecting him, his teacher took a savage claw to the side that tore into his ribs and left him to bleed out into the earth. The next trade stop had them with poor sales in Sultros, but there had been rumors he'd heard over the years of the Shinya. At Rivaal's request, the traders went west spurred by new potential trade opportunities.

Once in Lhavit, Rivaal said his farewells and set about trying to find his third life.


Lazy but loyal, Rivaal will try to get out of having to put out the physical effort you want from him. It's not that he's incapable, so much that he just isn't motivated. He can be found, on break, often trying to come up with crazy stories from his travels for the local children.


Would much rather take a nap than save the world, but will do the right thing in a pinch.


Over dramatizing things


Warm Climates
The solitude/lonliness of living among other races
Standing out (It causes more work)
Stories with no flair
Forced commitments


Good Listener
Accepting of others (willing to treat anyone as a friend)
Knows Flux magic


Sometimes can't deliver on exaggerated stories
Fear of being alone
Gets yelled at often for slacking on the job
Tends to let petty thieves get away
Doesn't work well with driven/ambitious people


Magic - Flux: 27/100
Spear fighting: 10/100
Story Telling: 14/100
Intelligence: 5/100
Cooking: 6/100
Running: 1/100
Observation: 1/100


Lore of Rhauss God of Bards
Lore of Lhavit Legends/Stories
Lhavit (Basic)
Lhatvian Food (Basic)
Sharing is Caring
Fear of Commitment
Make it Stop Crying


1 Set of Clothing (cloak/coat & footwear included)
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
Stolen Family Spear - Family Heirloom


1 basic 20x20 single room cottage (400 sq feet) with a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table.


100 Gold Kina

Last edited by Rivaal on July 10th, 2011, 2:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 63
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Joined roleplay: July 6th, 2011, 5:12 am
Location: East Coast, USA
Race: Human, Vantha
Character sheet

Rivaal (Holdless)

Postby Gossamer on August 10th, 2011, 5:11 pm


Moderator Note:
Hi there. In reviewing your CS in order to try and get you employed in Lhavit, I found I could not tell what was starting package and what was earned skills. Also, you are seeking a home in Lhavit yet you already have a home listed. Until you separate out these things, there is very little we can do to help you.
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