Ishida Journal - A Father's Memories

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Feel free to start IC Journaling in this forum. Each character is allowed threads here where they can store notes they learn IC, facts, or even talk about their feelings and inner thoughts. Journals don't need to be in written form, they be anything you as a player thinks suits the personality of the Characte.r

Ishida Journal - A Father's Memories

Postby Akari on July 6th, 2011, 6:52 pm



A small leather-bound book that is known of by the author's immediate family. Written by a Shinya of Lhavit, the journal is known for being several years old, and very little writing is actually within it.

The young girl sat on her bed, holding the journal carefully in her hands as though it were a priceless object.
Her father had once held this book, he had once taken the time to fill the pages with his neat, careful script.
She ran a hand over the cover, feeling the soft leather, pulling on the ties to open it.
Her history now lay in front of her, and she bent over the pages, devouring it. The paper crackled softly as she turned each page.
She stopped at the last entry. She read it, and re-read it multiple times.
She choked on a sob and wiped away tears.

The book was hardly filled, most of the crisp pages left blank. The story was still unfinished.
She would complete it.

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Following in Father's Footsteps
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Ishida Journal - A Father's Memories

Postby Akari on July 7th, 2011, 12:52 pm

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Following in Father's Footsteps
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