The Harbor [Post here first]

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An undead citadel created before the cataclysm, Sahova is devoted to all kinds of magical research. The living may visit the island, if they are willing to obey its rules. [Lore]

The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Vetala on May 15th, 2011, 1:39 am


"Please get on one of the wagons. It will take you to TAR who can help you further." The golem said as a group of horseless wagons moved towards the docks. Without question the sailors of the ship quickly started to load each wagon up with crates they brought from the ships.

OOC: Please make a post in The Vestibule or we can work and make your own thread. A pm is on its way.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Solest Rouge on May 15th, 2011, 11:41 pm

Springtime, Day 72, 511 AV.

Having been on her own for no real length of time, Solest waited at the harbor to be taken to Sahova. She was nervous. She had never met a Nuit and wasn't a people person unless she had to be. That is to say she doesn't know if she is an undead people person either. Even though this is all true she was ready to become a great student. And she prayed for a strong master.

As the ship docked, Solest waited for her turn to answer the strange little creature that had approched the waiting passengers. It was her turn to "apply" as th golem had asked.

"I am known as Solest, and await apprenticeship in Sahova." And so the golem let her abourd and she took to the deck of the ship.

As she waited to see more of the approaching shore, Solest sharpened her eating knife and checked her bow. She had just put away the only two meaningful things she owned away, when the other passengers started to depart from the ship.

She became more and more nervous. But she was finaly there.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Reok on July 6th, 2011, 8:54 pm

53rd of Summer, 511 AV

Reok stayed quiet and stood at the front of the vessel that slowly floated towards the harbor. When they finally were unloading, he noticed the Communicator Golem that was greeting the living passengers of the boat and asking what their business was. He stood there until everyone had left, and in a cold voice devoid of emotion he stated, "My name is Reok and I have been travelling around for a while. I had heard that many other Nuit take residence here, so I was wondering if I could stay here for a while and study alongside them. You could call it an apprenticeship. Please tell me where I can get settled in or who I need to speak to in order to settle down." He then simply stood there until the old golem sent him off to his destination.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Clyde Sullins on August 9th, 2011, 2:38 am

32 Summer 510

Finally Clyde's ship had arrived at Sahova. When he was in Zeltiva, he saw there was a ship going there, and for some reason he was compelled to go...

He was not sure why, since he did not know much of the place, but he knew he had to find Sahova... He needed to go... he felt like he was missing something, and that by going here... something.... But the more he thought on it, the less he could remember, and his head began to ache from the strain...

Getting off the ship he entered the pier, looking around for anything.... And he noticed a midget in a metal tube... or something of that sort... Or was it a work of gadgetry? Odd... maybe it was both, some odd combination of gadgetry and man....

As it approached him, it asked him a question, which he tried to answer.

"Welcome to Sahova, identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."

Looking over at the... thing... he tried to think of why he was here... It had something to do with what he forgot... but what had he forgotten... It was... Something... and another wave of pain shot through his head as he tried to force himself to remember...

"My name is Clyde Sullins, I am here for..." This was about were Clyde lost his steam... He could not recall... With a glazed look on his face, he continued on, in a rather mechanical sense, as if he was reading from a script..."I am here for... Because I had to come.... I needed to find Sahova..."

Having said this, his eyes unfocused for a bit, and then returned, as he looked at the machine... What had he been saying?"I suppose I should go to the citadel?"

oocI am not sure why I am here. Something to do with regaining my magic I have forgotten... You will have to look at my storytellers secret thread.
Clydes Stuff

I am actually in RL a super intelligent hamster from Rhode Island, with a 7 year plan to take over the world.

Update 6/2/18- 1:10AM EST: His 7 year plan a success, and several weeks ahead of schedule, Clyde leaves to oversee the world he has taken over.

No new threads after end of Spring 518-Will still be checking for PM's occasionally, but focusing on a new character.

Graders note: :
Please be aware Clyde is a master Magecrafter. He therefore should not be gaining full xp(or possibly shouldn't gain any at all) for simple tasks related to this magic, such as low level MC items, particularly for repetitions of creations he has done before. Feel free to contact me if unsure of a instance of his magic use compared to his skill level.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Sadia on August 13th, 2011, 11:47 pm

From off this boat, a quiet and beautiful Konti woman emerged. She wore a long laced shirt, small pieces of fabric flirting to be seen, her corset tied securely around her small body, her breasts bulging slightly beneath her blond hair which fell to her clevage. With her, she carried a handmade bag, as beautiful and fiercely made as her clothes. On a hilt, she carried a sword, and she wore elegant high heeled boots, that showed off her beautiful feet. Wearing these, she was easily nearly six feet.
A few people stared, and in turn, she stared down the harbor.
How dreary, she coulent help but think. These golems...these undead with their purple bodies. She watched some of them just float there lifelessly.
Why had Daniel wanted to move here? Everything seemed...horridly unhappy...
Just for a while he had said...
She sighed as the golems sized her up, and she dreaded what they would say to her. She had limited mizas, and haden't liked the way men glanced at her on the long boat ride over. What a trip that had been.
A hooded person, who called himself the communicator, stood in the distance, watching her. She knew who he was, and that she was to respect him.
She knew this because she was a Konti, not because she had asked, but because she simply knew....
She began to walk towards him, hoping he would allow her to leave the harbor, and go into Sahova.
"Hello,....My name is Sadia. Where might I go from here? Can you help me?"
She pursed her lips, and waited for an answer.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Bob Barton on August 14th, 2011, 1:50 pm

35th day of Summer 508 AV

Bob was in Sahova, finally. He remembered about it just as he overheard about it in Ravok one day. Some people were arguing about which was worse. The dangers of Ravok which they would always know who is their enemy or Sahova where you always have to watch your back. It just clicked. Sahova is an interesting place and he had to get there. And maybe there, he might actually be able to find out what exactly is going on. From there he will be able to plan his next move.

Some of the sailors who had been to Sahova had nothing to say besides the obvious. It was dangerous especially to the living or pulsers as they called it, like Bob and unless he had a good reason he shouldn't even go there. But there was the taste of the thrill of excitement. Something Bob lives for and so he will take a gamble on it like he always does. The bigger payoff is if he would be able to find out about the man how tried to ruin him and Clyde and pay him back in kind. Death would be too good for that old coot though. Bob would try and learn what it was he tried to do and then do the same only he will make the man beg and spill all his dirty and corrupt Secrets.

A lot of weirdly clothed and armoured people were walking around the docks. Golems as many people would know except Bob. He just thought it was because Sahova was as dangerous as everyone claimed it would be. Too late now, he already stepped off the ship and would look bad if he turned back. "I'm Bob. Bob Barton and my only cargo is in here." in answer to the question while lifting up the bag for the Communicator to see. "My purpose? You all should know. After all it was that twisted servant of yours that asked me to come here."
Last edited by Bob Barton on September 4th, 2012, 6:54 am, edited 1 time in total.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Liel on September 2nd, 2011, 3:29 pm


3rd Day of Fall, 511. Evening. NOTEJoint post with Graffius.

"Welcome to Sahova, identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."

She waited for the Benshira to speak, but he simply stood there. When she turned, he gave a small smile—or was it a smirk? She’d never given him her full name.

“Liel Varanti,” she said. “I travel with the Eth—Benshira.”

Navad was hesitant to speak and instead for a moment, he stood back and surveyed the small group of individuals who had arrived to the secluded island upon various ships; it was a collaboration of dock workers and shipmates with a pepper of possible Mages who stood amidst large crates and cargo. A small number, but it was to be expected.

His steely gaze tittered over to the Golem, a large rocky figure with a static expression devoid of free existence and a product of the industrial uses of Magic. "Navad, son of Basalom." The creature seemed to pay little attention as it registered the name into its memory with little to no visual cue. Clearing his voice he'd continue. "Applying for permission to be escorted to the Citadal. The Konti, Liel Varanti is my companion and is requesting entry as well."

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Wrenmae on November 14th, 2011, 6:14 am

Fall 11, 511 AV

There was a point in time when all fell silent, some sort of unspoken cue among the crew and passengers as Sarhova floated into view. The citadel dominated the skyline, an imposing pillar of stone and solemnity that held hush over the port of Silence. The captain was a hardened man, scarred with experience and grim faced as the boat made dock. The ship simply bumped against the dock in place, no crew brave enough to leap onto the wood and secure the ship. Here, the smallest mistake could be fatal.

The crew coughed quietly to themselves, desperately muffling the early signs of sickness rife within their ranks. The passengers were no different, small ailments sickening their ordinarily stalwart demeanor. The tough of Sunberth were a difficult crowd to break, but illness away from home and so near the undead seemed to erode their confidence. Wrenmae alone was untouched by illness, sitting amid his supplies quietly, eyes closed.

The golem approached, heralded by grinding axles, the moans of equipment.

"Welcome to Sahova, identify yourselves and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."

Only a few stood to declare their supplies, fighting through running noses and phlegm filled coughs.

Only Wrenmae spoke clearly, indicating his gear for the stoic animation. "My name is Wrenmae Sek, and I have two weapons...along with several survival supplies from my journey. I...I intend to study magic at the Citadel for a season or more."

The golem nodded ascent and Wrenmae scrambled from the boat, quickly dismantling his bags and presenting his supplies, just as he had described them.

He stood beneath the creature now, nervous despite his purpose in coming. Watched by the occupants of the boat, he wondered if they knew he carried the plague, was touched by Vayt.

They couldn't.

If they knew, they'd have thrown him overboard by now.

"What...What must I do to apply for admission?"

Sig by Shausha

This PC has the Blight gnosis. As such, you as a player need to be aware of what that consists of. Wrenmae has an invisible aura that amplifies sickness and disease. Wounds may become infected, small sneezes may become coughing, and a slight fever may become more serious. A nuit's body will also break down faster in the presence of the Blight. These effects may not be immediate, but within the few days following your encounter, the symptoms will manifest. Some sooner than others. I cannot control your character, so creativity will be left up to you. Best wishes and stay healthy!

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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Ialari Pythone on July 26th, 2012, 12:17 pm

Late-Spring, 510 AV (Grandfathered/Flashback/Approved by Tarot)

Late Spring had fallen upon Sahova. While the passing of seasons was something barely noticed by the island's residents, it signified an eventful passing of time for the one who stepped from the dock onto dry land. Cloaked in heavily pocketed black robes, the figure met the odd looking golem who approached.

The Communicator golem, in a slow, routine sounding voice, uttered the words spoken countless times, "Welcome to Sahova. Identify yourself and state the purpose of your visit. If you are carrying cargo, provide a full description and unload a sample for evaluation. Any passengers wishing to be escorted to the Citadel must approach me and apply for permission."

The robed figure smiled beneath the cowl of her robes. Although it had been barely more than a season since she left the island, there was an odd feeling of familiarity that ALMOST brought a sigh of comfort to her lips. Reaching up, the robed figure pulled the cowl back and revealed herself tot he Communicator. "Ialari Pythone. I am a guest of Sahova returning from a mission. I need not provide you my cargo nor a description. You will allow me entry or answer to Master Qiao."

The Communicator took a momentary pause at Ialari's pronouncement. The golem began to process what was said and after several seconds, rolled backward and allowed her to pass.

As Ialari walked past the Communicator toward the Citadel itself, memories of her first arrival fluttered through her mind. The events that had occurred; the experiences that nearly caused her death, the battle with Drainira and her minions, the mental battle she braved as her conscience stood where the Million Miza Golem, Champion of Sagallius once stood. It was a unique homecoming as she made her way to the Citadel gates. She sighed deeply; she had accomplished more than the impossible yet there was so much left to do.
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The Harbor [Post here first]

Postby Rayage on September 2nd, 2012, 2:55 pm

Fall 40 512 AV

The boat churned as the nuit watched the waves roll up upon the shores of the island he hasnt seen in two seasons. Two seasons he had got permission to leave the island to further his research 'on the field', the Nuit had no idea how long his journey would take, but he Fate finally pointed him back to this undead island. It was the place he had made his first major jump in research, having the tools and his lab at his disposal really helped. The ready supply of everything he will need, provided by Qiao, really was a blessing for Ray.

The ship slowly docked and it took a while for it to be completely still. Though the nuit didnt walk the thin plank just yet. He stared at the shore and looked in the direction of the great magical research facility. How would he be welcomed after so long? The thought crossed his mind that he had come in bad times, but perhaps he too would be a blessing in Sahovas cause. Yes, the knights were coming. That prompted the nuit into motion and he slowly walked the plank. Sahova had to be warned.

The planks of the dock creaked under his feet and he was greeted by a rather familiar Sahovan golem, a communicator. He recognized it from the last time he came here, but he doubted that it was the same contraption. It said the same lines that it always says, and the nuit smiled, "I am Rayage. Alchemist, and I am returning to Sahova from extended field study." he informed the thing wondering what it was going to do with the information he gave it.
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