Summer 14 511
Jason stepped out of the tavern where he had just eaten refreshed and ready, and short two mizas. Now was as good a time as any to start walking to the college, and to find out how much classes cost there. First things first though he needed to find a stable and a place to sleep that wasn’t attached to a tavern. He was nervous, he had never left the walls of Syliaris before and it showed actively nervous he was moving his fingers around. Maybe someone at the college would know a good place to sleep, and to stable his horse.
It was at this point that Jason noticed a strange looking man, eccentric in his appearance and wearing what he thought was a blue wig, and covered in blue armor. Normally shy this man’s strange appearance interested Jason. For a moment he stopped and stared, soon afterwards though he subconsciously started walking up to the man, and before he had even realized it, he was asking, “how did you get your hair that color? I know it sounds like a dumb question, but I haven’t seen hair that color ever before. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but your just so damned interesting.”
Jason will stand there watching the man waiting for a response.