The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Jason Luntilla on July 7th, 2011, 1:58 am

Summer 14 511

Jason stepped out of the tavern where he had just eaten refreshed and ready, and short two mizas. Now was as good a time as any to start walking to the college, and to find out how much classes cost there. First things first though he needed to find a stable and a place to sleep that wasn’t attached to a tavern. He was nervous, he had never left the walls of Syliaris before and it showed actively nervous he was moving his fingers around. Maybe someone at the college would know a good place to sleep, and to stable his horse.

It was at this point that Jason noticed a strange looking man, eccentric in his appearance and wearing what he thought was a blue wig, and covered in blue armor. Normally shy this man’s strange appearance interested Jason. For a moment he stopped and stared, soon afterwards though he subconsciously started walking up to the man, and before he had even realized it, he was asking, “how did you get your hair that color? I know it sounds like a dumb question, but I haven’t seen hair that color ever before. I understand if you don’t want to talk about it, but your just so damned interesting.”

Jason will stand there watching the man waiting for a response.
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on July 7th, 2011, 8:52 am

Reaver was kneeling down next to one of the many bridges of Ravok, examining not the waves, but the waters underneath. He couldn't see much, but a few bubbles. Someone, somewhere nearby, probably died recently. Well, maybe I'll be lucky enough to find him before too much decays or is eaten. Reaver thought to himself. His thoughts were broken by a man's talk, someone talking to him? Not yelling? Right behind me... Reaver turned to see someone did indeed have his attention, as he spoke the most interesting part of his comments. “but your just so damned interesting.”

"Oh, that's so unique to hear... I've kept my hair this way quite a while." He cleared his through with a couple short coughs, and grabbed the side of his cloak in one hand. He threw out his cloak as he made a rather large bow, his eyes not leaving the guest before him. "My name is Reaver, I'm a doctor in my free time." He righted himself with a bit of effort. "And who might you be?" He looked over the person before him with interest in his eyes... Well groomed, nicely dressed, bold, and curious. Must be, noble?
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Jason Luntilla on July 8th, 2011, 5:36 am

“My name is Jason Luntilla, and in truth I am a student of” pausing for a moment, “well, everything. I worked in a library in Syliaris and in all honesty I study everything. Magic, cooking, book-keeping but books were my favorite subject, but in all honesty I just love to learn.” He will toss his leather cloak over his shoulder as it’s extremely hot. Looking at the man with the blue hair, in the blue cloak, and the blue armor. Thinking to himself “This has got to be one of the strangest looking men that I have ever seen, and for some reason I can’t look away.”

“How can one be a doctor in their free time, Isn’t that normally you are a doctor or you aren’t?” Jason was looking the man up and down as he said. “I’m half tempted to study you, like for example why is everything you wear blue? I can’t make heads or tails of you, and it’s driving me insane, and why did you do the swooshing cape thing and bow?” Jason’s mother wasn’t one to teach him formalities as they are of little use learning magic, and of less use in a library where everyone’s head is thoroughly buried in books. “Come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen anyone bow before, let alone to me.” He said out loud without intending too.
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on July 8th, 2011, 4:21 pm

This man... Reaver thought to himself, is quite a wealth of information. He's like a lucky merchant that loves sharing. “ all honesty I just love to learn.” Must be something we share.

“How can one be a doctor in their free time, Isn’t that normally you are a doctor or you aren’t?” "I dedicate much of my time into research." “Why is everything you wear blue?” "I had to pick a color, and I like blue." “Why did you do the swooshing cape thing and bow?” "I know Ravok isn't much one for formalities, but even Syliaris?" He shook his head, as if hearing of someone's death. “Come to think of it I don’t think I’ve ever actually seen anyone bow before, let alone to me.” Reaver delayed a little before answering, which he did with questions. "Well, how is it you can afford to spend all your time learning without being of noble birth? How is it the fear of magic has not gripped you like it has so many others? How is it a sheltered man from Syliaris just finds there way here?"
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Jason Luntilla on July 8th, 2011, 8:00 pm

Jason smiles at the statement, asking how and why he was how he was, even though he was sheltered. “Simple answer is I’m the son of a librarian, because of this I almost always have time to study, and I care more about facts and ideas then I do about fears and misconceptions. I picked up magic so that I could learn what it was really about, not the fear that many of the common people knew. And as for knowing the way that nobles act, while to be honest nobody really has time for formalities in a library our noses are typically buried in books enough that we don’t really care. The extent of the greetings is usually a head nod or a wave.” Scratching Rellin behind the ears he says “I came here with a group of mercenaries but things didn’t work out so I split from the group when I got here.”
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on July 9th, 2011, 3:00 am

Reaver thought about the answers carefully. "Well, that's... interesting. I should wish to find this library of yours. Syliaris, right... after I finish my research." A small twinkle could almost be seen in his eyes beyond his mask. A genuinely interested voice perked up beyond his monotone. "You picked up magic? Of what type, if I may be so bold?" Reaver glanced back to the waters. Sorry, friend, another day perhaps.
Last edited by Reaver on July 10th, 2011, 5:46 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Jason Luntilla on July 10th, 2011, 6:52 am

That got the man’s attention and that’s how he wanted it. Reaver intrigued him, and he wouldn’t mind a chance to study this man, he just needed to figure out how he would. Maybe he would manage to find a good way to study him, it couldn’t be that hard. “I’m a Reimancer. Earth and water specifically, always have been a bit of a steady guy.” He looked over at Reaver, “If I was a bit better at magic I could teach you, well, induct you. It’s a difficult process and I’m not skilled enough to teach Reimancy yet. Why does this interest you so much? And if you want to see it, I’ll show you that library, next time I’m in Syliaris.”
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on July 10th, 2011, 5:55 pm

Reaver glared at the man, it wasn't the answer he was hoping for. "Just this one art you cannot teach? Strange." Maybe he's just not telling me. "Yet, you spoke in a strange tongue and drew symbols. Might you know Glyphing by chance? Such an art would aid my research."
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Jason Luntilla on July 19th, 2011, 1:59 am

“No, I don’t know any Glyphing, though I did draw symbols and mutter to myself, it was because I was working on different ways to use Reimancy in combat.” Looking at Reaver, “I’m looking for someone to teach me glyphing, and animation, and as many different kinds of magic as I can manage, maybe one will be Glyphing, maybe not."
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The man with the blue hair. (Reaver)

Postby Reaver on July 19th, 2011, 2:15 am

"First, I must ask: What other magics have you learned? I promise not to tell, I'm taking a risk even mentioning the subject, after all." Reaver would assess the answer before asking his next question.

"If you want to learn magic so much, then it becomes a very important question as to why. Honestly, I doubt I can trust your answer, but I want to hear an answer all the same." Reaver kept his cold stare at the man. Perhaps it would shake him into a better answer, if not the true one. The best I can hope for is a colorful liar.
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