by Milya on April 13th, 2011, 10:55 pm
Milya smiled and rubbed her eyes. She should probably go to sleep now, but she liked talking. She laughed as he said the cat says he was weak against women. She replied with a smile, "I'm not a women, I am only 14 years old." She walked over to her desk and gave him a side-long glance. "Yes, I let the memories fade into fond-recall. I do not go looking for him for I do not know where to find him, or to even reach information about him. We also met when I was younger, I seriously doubt he would know who I was." she said it with a sigh. She was just making excuses and she knew it. If she really wanted to meet the boy again she would, the only thing that would stop her is going alone is dangerous. The reason she didn't want to find him was because she was scared and didn't want anymore important people in her life to go away. When he left, he was still alive. She could always hope she'd see him again. Her family on the other hand...
She shook her head, she wouldn't think of it. She hugged herself and stared at the page she had just written to her brother, when Larcen asked of it she sighed. This was one of those things she didn't want to confess but did anyways. She said, "Something I write to my brother every day or a few times a week." Before when she was a little more social with a couple of chosen people she had only written in it sometimes, but lately she had been writing in it a lot. She looked at him and gave a big yawn and stretched. "Can we go to bed now? I am tired.." she said it quietly and nervously but she knew he would understand. She quickly scampered to her bed and lied down.