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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Darik on July 6th, 2011, 9:28 pm


All About Me!

Basic Information

Race: Human
Birthday & Age: 70th Spring, 495 AV ((16))
Gender: Male

Physical Description

Why do you care about Darik? It’s not like he's special or extraordinary in anything. Even if you saw him in a crowd you wouldn’t recognize him. He is cursed with brown eyes and hair, which so happens to be the norm for most humans. His hair is long, but not long enough to stop him from seeing clearly. He’s clean shaven, but not because he shaves it, he can’t afford a razor to do that. He just can’t grow a beard. That doesn’t irk him at all, a beard has no purpose in his reasoning. At least hair can make you appear more attractive, so people can be seduced easier. He's skinny, his body is all bone, no muscle. He's 5’10, not too tall, but not short either. You’re already forgetting who he is aren’t you? If you are, I think Darik and you need to have a nice friendly chat. Also in his chats you're encouraged to bring all your valuables.
Very thin scar on the top of his right shoulder- Jaguar Attack
A scar on his right calf from a dragoon's sword.
A crimson colored dagger on his right forearm.((Daggerhand))

Character Concept

    I don’t seem like the survivalist type, because I’m not.
    Now I am not stupid, quite to the contrary. I just tend to get into sticky situations that most sane people wouldn’t even consider.
    And why? Because of the money. Without risk, there is no gain.
    I don’t care were the money came from, be it stolen, worked for, or found, its still money.
    Now I am a very open-minded fellow expect for one a certain dislike. That’s when an idiot talks about the gods. Gods don’t exist.
    Now I do believe in magicians, very powerful magicians, but something of that power? Not a chance.
    Not saying I like magicians, quite to the contrary. I hate their guts. However I know the can cause dreadful effects to their enemies so I rarely thieve them. ((Unless they have a abundance of money of course.))
    Wait a second…am I survivalist?

Character History
Darik had a normal family growing up. He had one little brother and sister, and a middle aged mom and dad. They weren’t the best off financially, but they had a house that was filled with love. They lived in Syliras under the protection of the knights, so crime was non existent, and their life was a peaceful one. Because Darik came from a poor family, he dropped out of school at the age of twelve, to get a job. His job consisted of running the errands for the family business. His dad rented out a small dinky blacksmith, but it was enough to provide for the family. At the age of fourteen Darik finally realized a startling conclusion: he was a drain on the family’s resources. Both his sister and brother had a skill that benefited the family: The brother was a blacksmaith, while the sister could weave intricate patterns with a needle. He on the other hand could do nothing.

Being a generous soul, he told his family he was leaving. The mom and dad pleaded him not to, but they finally gave in. They had a box full of savings and they gave it all to him. They told him to use it to buy protection to travel to another city. He left with a heartfelt good-bye from his family. You’re probably thinking Darik is a great guy right now aren’t you? Nope, not even in the closet. He wanted to leave because he knew his family loved him so much. As such they would have to give him all their savings. It was the perfect strategy to get free money.

He then went to the town’s stable and bought a horse. He decided to forgo the convoy, because he figured a strapping lad like him could get to a city without any trouble at all. Also he wanted to save the money, why waste it when you don’t need to?

((still working on))
Has a bounty in Sunberth from the dragoons.


(37/100) Running((10 from SP))((15 from RB))+2+1+2+1+2+3+1 Can you catch me? Probably.
(7/100) Brawling+3+1+3I got the crap beaten out of me because of this.
(1/100) Jumping+1 Look mommy, I can jump two inches!
(10/100)Unarmed Combat+1+2,+2+2+3Chuck Noris fears my roundhouse kicks!
(4/100)Weapon: Dagger+1+2+1When I poke you, blood squirts out. YAY!
(2/100)Weapon: Whip+2This has more skill than my dagger, maybe I should be a slave master...
(4/100) Climbing +2+2 For falling from a tree.
(1/100)Swimming+1More like drowning.
(1/100)Throwing(knife)+1Aimed for a guys foot, hit his eye.

Talking skillz
(4/100)Socialization+1,+2+1 I talk, you listen.
(10/100)Rhetoric+1,+2,+1,+2,+1, +3 Me good speaker.
(3/100)Negotiation+3Watching someone else do it counts! :P
(5/100)Subterfuge+1+2+1+1 I say something to one person than say something else to another...When they are right side by side.
(6/100)Persuasion+3,+1,+1,+1 I know you want to kiss my lips.
(3/100)Intimidation+2+1 Meow?
(3/100)Singing+3 lalalalLAAAAAAA
(2/100)Tactics+2Don't push the red button!
(2/100)Leadership+2 Obey me!
(1/100)Storytelling+1 This man walked into a bar...and died.

(5/100)Land Navigation((5 from SP)) I hate travel.
(1/100)City Navigation((Sunberth))+1Why is this at 1?
(1/100)Camouflage((Sunberth streets))+1Hiding in plain sight counts!
(14/100)Observation+2+2+2+1+1+1+3+2 The sky is blue.
(2/100)Interogation+1+1What does this club do? *splat* Ooops!
(1/100)Medicine+1I don't care if this limb is completely healthy, it still needs to be decapitated.
(1/100)Tracking+1I really hope this isn't deer dung.
(1/100)Mathematics +1More like torture
(1/100)Organization+1Just throw it on the floor

(32/100)Escape Artist ((30 from SP))+1+1 Yes, I can turn invisible.
(5/100)Larceny+1+1+1+2 I was born to do this.
(9/100)Stealth+1,+2,+1,+1,+2,+1+1 Best theif in the world.
(10/100)Acting+2+1+2+2+1+2I swear, I have never banged up a girl!
(5/100)Acrobatics+2+2+1Lets do a barrel roll! Owww, my head.
(1/100)Evasion+1I'm a slow Flash.
Job Related
(9/100)Riding[Horse]((5 from SP))+2+2 This stupid horse never listens to me!
(6/100)Animal Husbandry+1+5 Hitting a horse with a whip is obviously nice!
(2/100)Horsemanship+1+1 I can't even touch a horse without it freaking out.

-One negative mark from Zulrav.

Really Important Lore

    +An Enemy of the Dragoons: never let another one get away.
    *The Gated Community(basic)
    Stumble Alley(basic)

Reg. Lore

    A spoon contrary to popular belief is NOT a good weapon.
    Getting stabbed hurts!
    Women are Crazy!
    Man, tattoos must be in high demand!
    My way is right, yours is wrong.
    Slaves are good for profits
    Helping a pretty woman for your own ends.
    Dealing with a language Difference.
    Keep an eye on the profits!
    Punt the Pycon!
    Unarmed: Unhand me you damn dirty ape!
    Insult and Run!
    Thievery: A way of life
    Stupid Horse: You should be glue!
    Stay out of Red's
    *Tuic is a dangerous man(basic)
    *When to fight or run away: live to steal another day
    *The Hand of a harlot: Lennith(basic)
    *Blaming things on other people: is dangerous to myself sometimes.
    *Lyth (basic)
    *Women and their purses are profitable.
    *Muahahahah... what was the plan again?
    *Acting Technique: No... I'm not a horrible person.(poor)
    *Losing profits: Darn it!
    *Misguided Revenge
    *Conceit (severe)
    *Improvised Songs
    *Dancing for your Survival
    *Human Canvas
    *Falling is like Jumping only you get hurt at the end
    *Saddles exist for a reason
    +Why do jaguars chase me when I steal their money?
    +Settling things with a dragoon the hard way
    +Mok (basic)
    +Attempting to Plan a Job
    +What Doesn’t Kill Me, Makes Me Stronger

Lore equals :
Man, tattoos must be in high demand! =Observation Lore- Visual Characteristics of Blessed Gnosis Marks(Poor)
Women are Crazy!=Observation Lore- Visual Characteristics of Cursed Gnosis Marks(Poor)
My way is right, yours is wrong.=Religious Lore- Skepticism about Gods
Run away from a jaguar-Why do jaguars chase me when I steal their money?



E+P-on Him
◘Sackcloth Shorts and Shirt((SP))
◘Cotton Cloak
◘Leather Shoes
◘Dagger, Hollow Pommel((Holding current Gold Pieces.))
◘Dark Reaving((4-does Tiny bag))
◘Fifteen GM, held in Dagger Hollow Pommel
◘ Key that opens his locks
◘ Leather armor
◘ 2 Wrist Razors
◘ 2 Throwing Daggers

+100 GM((Starting))
+500 GM ((Cashed In Housing))
-20 GM ((Dagger Hollow Pommel))
-300 GM ((Dark Reaving-4 dose))
-265 GM ((Lost in gambling/stolen. Look in History.))
-8 Gm ((For Info about the Stablehand job.))
+2 Gm ((from Tula))
-5Gm ((Silk Dress for Valorae))
-1 Gm ((For rascal when Darik is kidnapping Solia))
+195 Gm((income for working))
-45gm, 5 sm (Upkeep)
+149gm, 5sm (Total Earning for Summer, AV 511)
-84 Gm and 5 sm ((Thread)) Bought stuff
+30Gm((thread)) Killed girl.
-5 Gm((messanger, peices of paper, ink, and quill))
+23 Mizas((killed a noble in Tarot's thread))
-5 Gm((SYDW)) for supplies.
-45((season living))


Good Wardrope((simple lock))-
    Wool jacket
    2 velvet shirts
    2 velvet breeches
    Furred hat
    2 wool cloaks
    Velvet Tunic
    Velvet Doublet
    Riding boots
Chest((simple lock))-
    335 Gm((Other fifteen is in his dagger))
    1 Busted Chainmail: unusable as armor Sale price- 30 gm((Got from dragoon))
    1 Gladius - 40gm full value((Got from dragoon))
    3 Metal core throwing daggers
Last edited by Darik on January 16th, 2012, 5:18 pm, edited 139 times in total.
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Darik [Huge W.I.P]

Postby Darik on July 8th, 2011, 3:21 pm

Thread List

Summer 511 :
Thread name Date Skill Award Lore Award Extra
Your Eyes Deceive You. 3rd+2 Rid, 1 +EA,1+ AH230 gm gained. ((WOOOT))
Stealing from a Giant…not a good idea. 6rd+2 Run,+1 Stea, + 2 obv,+1 Lar, + 2 UA, +2 Acr, +3 Brawl2
To Die Another Day10th (Noon)+2 Soc, +3 Per, +2 Run2 -5 gm on Silk dress for Valorae
Haters Gonna Hate.10th (2:00)+ 1 stea, +2 Ua, +1 Pers1
A Thief in The Night15th (at Night)
[Blood Pits]Fortune here I come! 25th (Midday)+1 Soc, +1 Rhe, +1 Lar3 2 Gm gained from Tula.
[Docks]Why is money never free? 25th (At night)+1 Ste0
[The Slums:Outskirts]A Night’s Grace 25th (Even later at night)Stealth +1; Observation +1; Singing +3; Acting +1; Acrobatics +1; Escape Artist +1; Busking +35
[Establishment]Is Info really worth this much? 26th 0 0Lost 7 Gm, so he could get hired at Killroys.
[Kenell]I can't believe I am doing this. 26th 00Job gained, Groom.((3Gm/Day.))
Learning The Hard Way27th Climbing 2, Dagger 1, Evasion 1, Horsemanship 1, Riding (Horse) 2, Observation 1, Tracking 12((4)) Killroy Job.
Dogs do help you bond. 31th Doing job for Killroy.((1))
Just Hanging Here33th Levi, mod thread.
[Stumble Alley] Stalking34th Act +1, Rhe +2, Sub+1, Ste+1, +2 Run, +1 Jum2
[Kennel] You actually have to work in your job?35th +5 AH, +1 Hor, +2 Whip,+2 Act, +2 Acr,+1 Rhe1Doing job for Killroy.((2))
Keeping Oneself to Oneself.37thSte 2,Obs 2, Inter 1 ,Act 2 ,Per 1, Soc 1, U.C. 1, W: D 1, Run 1 4
[The Sea Side Market] Kidnaping is no fun!58thDoing job for Killroy.((3))
The night the towers cried 81st((night))Priskil quest, Chapter 2.((Set aside ten days.))

Fall 511 :
Thread name Date Skill Award Lore Award Extra
Men Can go Shopping too!1st+3 Neo, +1 CNS, +1 Run2
[Establishment]Bounties=Money2nd00 OWe Tua around 15% of profits. Can start GF heist.
My Own Little Place in the Woods3rd
If you think you hate the animals now...12th((job 2))
To the Tavern!13th+1 Braw,+ 1 Int, + 1 rhe, +2 ste, + 1 obs, +1 medi, +1 camo3Getting accomplish for GF.
Rat Race of Sunberth19thWaitingWaiting
Signs in the Mist: Ancient Cries Pt. I20thWaitingWaitingMist mystery!
Encounter With a Thief27thRunning 3, Climbing 2, Unarmed combat 2, Larceny 2 ,Acting 2 ,Persuasion 11((Job 1))
Murder is an art33rd+2 Sub, +1 Intero, +2 Obse, +2 act, +2 Rhe,+2 W:D,+1 W:TK,+ 1 Lar 2Getting accomplish for GF.
Oktuberia, Oktuberia:why am I seeing two of you?42nd
Breathe and Start a Riot46thUnarmed Combat 3, Observation 3, Running 1, Brawling 3, Tactics 2, Swimming 1, Subterfuge 1,4Riot time with Archy! Dragoons hate Darik.
Signing Your Death Warrant48thSubterfuge 1, Mathematics 1, Observation 2,Leadership 2, Rhetoric 3,Storytelling 1,Intimidation 1,Organization 12Revealing plan to kill Goldfinger.
Last Chanche51 Final plan before Goldfinger's attempt.
Sucidial Mission52Hehehe, cross your fingers!
I Wish This Wouldn't Happen.60Job thread ((3))

Winter 511 :
Thread name Date Skill Award Lore Award Extra
Simpering Scarecrow-Tatoo? 1stTatoo?
You’re a Thief? Could’ve fooled me. 5th
Why Need a Knight when you can just have a Darik?7th Job thread 1?
Ghostly Proceedings(Flynn)17th
[NE recruitment]A Need for Thieves 26th-28 Could get Darik to join night eyes....
The Price of Protection???? Daggerhand side.
I've Been Waiting for this Moment31stGod revenge! D;
When Backs are Turned50thA night Eyes quest, hopefully in it by then.
The Killroy Killer80thKillroy's dead.
Last edited by Darik on January 16th, 2012, 5:19 pm, edited 116 times in total.
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Darik [Huge W.I.P]((Please don't look yet.))

Postby Darik on July 9th, 2011, 2:00 am

Equipment and Possession, Expanded!

On Him

One Negative Gnosis from Zulrav
Description: Sickly grey and yellow tendrils are twirled into a never ending vortex on Darik’s right hand. He thinks nothing of it, it looks just like a tattoo. Sure, it looks vicious and ugly but its just a tattoo…right?
Effect: Stromwardens can sense him and he can do the same likewise. Stormwardens dislike him greatly.
How and When:Zulrav's wrath. ((Help Desk approval, July-9-2011. 23-24, Spring of 511 AV))

Dark Reaving((4-dose))
Description: This vicious poison is held in a blue bag. Inside the blue bag is a dark powder that smells strongly of mildew. The bag contains the smell so only if Darik opens it will they know something isn’t right. The powder is like soot but just a tad lighter. Darik carries this poison around his neck, it seems to valuable to lose.
Effect: Upon ingestion it causes heavy physical weakness followed shortly after by a moderate loss of strength over the course of eight hours.
How and When: This bag of joy was acquired from the bandits Dairk escaped from. Sadly it was his only loot. ((sp))

1 pair of Sackcloth Shorts and Shirt
Description: A sack cloth bag that has holes in it for Darik's limbs.
Effect: It clothes Darik, nuff said.
How and When: Bought of course! For like three cm... (Sp)

Cotton Cloak
Description: A cloak that's made of the finest cotton, well as fine as Darik can afford.
Effect: Not really useful in a hot place, but it makes him look epic!
How and When: He picked it up while it was lying in the street. (sp)

Leather Shoes
Description: Its leather in the shape of a shoe.. that is used as a shoe.
Effect: Stops the thorns from peicering Darik's callused feet!
How and When: Stolen from a cobbler. ((SP))

Dagger, Hollow Pommel
Description: This dagger can be hidden easily. Its pommel opens up which can hold about fifteen gm. the pommel is regular black while the blade is regular silver. It may seem cheap and useless, but Darik values it.
Effect: Holding money and stabbing people.
How and When: Stolen from the body of a dead man.((sp))

Leather Armor
Description: Leather worked into a wearable piece of armor. While it might not be made specifically for sneaking, it still gets the job done.
Effect: Protects Darik slightly. If hit in the breastplate or shoulder protectors it will absorb more impact then if it had been hit in the other parts.
How and When:Taken from a dragoon’s body that Darik killed. Thread.

Wrist Razors
How and When:Knight’s Armory, bought. . Thread.

Throwing daggers
How and When:Knight’s Armory, bought. . Thread.

In his Room

Good Wardrope((Simple lock))
Effect: It holds his clothes. Currently at Killroy’s.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Wool Jacket
Effect: Makes him look nice, he could maybe use this to sneak somewhere/hide his identity.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Velvet Shirts
Description: Two of them.
Effect: Makes him look nice, he could maybe use this to sneak somewhere/hide his identity.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Velvet breeches
Description: Two of them.
Effect: Makes him look nice, he could maybe use this to sneak somewhere/hide his identity.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Furred hat
Effect: Makes him look nice, he could maybe use this to sneak somewhere/hide his identity.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Wool cloaks
Description: Two of them.
Effect: Makes him look nice, he could maybe use this to sneak somewhere/hide his identity.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Velvet Tunic
Effect: Makes him look nice, he could maybe use this to sneak somewhere/hide his identity.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Velvet Doublet
Effect: Makes him look nice, he could maybe use this to sneak somewhere/hide his identity.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Riding Boots
Description: Long leather boots that goes to the end of his calf. At the bottom of the heel are metal spurs.
Effect: Has spurs on it to help control the horse to a better extent.
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Chest((Simple lock))
Effect: Holds everything he doesn’t put in his wardrobe. Currently in Killroy’s
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Effect: Do I really need to explain this one?
How and When:From shopping with a harlot. Thread.

Description: A vial of blank ink, and a fine point feather.
Effect: Can use this to write.
How and When:Supplies bought for a heist.Thread.

Busted Chainmail
Effect: No use so far, maybe Darik will figure something out.
How and When:Taken from a dragoon’s body that Darik killed. Thread.

Effect: It’s a short sword. What do you think its used for?
How and When:Taken from a dragoon’s body that Darik killed. Thread.

Metal Core Throwing Daggers
How and When:Knight’s Armory, bought. . Thread.

Last edited by Darik on January 15th, 2012, 8:14 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Postby Darik on December 2nd, 2011, 3:14 am

Zulrav’s Wraith

23rd, Spring of 511 AV-

A tall man walked through the streets of Sunberth with no apparent care in the world. He was middle aged, with his blonde hair in the shape of a ponytail. He didn’t seem aware that he was walking through the most dangerous city in all of Sylira. That’s why Darik was stalking him; a man like that must be easy prey. Darik followed him straight into an alley, ready to jump him. He succeeded later, but only with luck and the help of another.

When he entered he was greeted with the sight of the man staring directly of him. “Hello chap, why are you following me?” His voice was kind, akin to a welcoming dad. Darik didn’t like his tone, it seemed disrespectful. It sounded condescending to his ears, he was nobodies son!

“Give me your money.” Darik’s hand curled around his dagger. It was of decent workmanship, the blade wasn’t rusted and the hilt was still fully intact. And it had one secret Darik would never share: a hidden compartment lay in its shaft. In that shaft was Darik’s whole livelihood, the only thing he had ever cared about. No, it wasn’t some old heirloom, it was money. Shiny, luscious, gold money.

The man just gave a chuckle. He found it funny that a scrawny boy like Dari would even think to attack him. There was a reason no thief had tried to rob him yet. He had a certain…aura of power that radiated from his skin. Even the average Joe with no knowledge of Auristics would have realized that.“You rob me? A kid like yourself shouldn’t be on the streets. No, instead you should be at home helping your mother make dinner and your dad taking care of the farm. He wasn’t a city folk, the only farm on Sunberth was the plantation. And a man like this wouldn’t wish any soul onto that forsaken place. Anyway I don’t expect you can even rob a blind man, you’re holding your knife the wrong way.”

A blush the colour of rosy red came into his cheeks. From the corner of the eye he could see it was indeed pointing directly at his stomach. In the excitement of the thought of a good nutritious meal he hadn’t paid any attention to that small fact. He righted it quickly, he had accidentally made a beginners’ mistake. It wouldn’t happen again. ”You’re not around these parts are you? You should know by know by walking into my territory your money is forfeit.” It was a complete lie, Darik didn’t own any territory. It was owned by the two syndicates ((Darik was much too ignorant to know of the third one.)) which Darik wasn’t a apart of.

”Yes, I came here recently to take care of some business for my boss. Sadly, I didn’t know there were malnourished cities like this one. Please, take these gold mizas and get yourself a meal. My profession pays me quite well so I can spare a few.” He opened a rough pouch and started wiggling through it. Within a few seconds, he had thrown five mizas in Darik’s direction. There metallic body made a soft thud on the relatively dry dirt. Darik wasted no time at all pocketing them all. He planned to transfer them to his dagger, but he had some other business to take care of.

”So you’re rich? If you give me all your mizas I might let you keep your life.” The man’s words had went into one ear and out through another. Darik didn’t even think what his “job” could be. It couldn’t be an assassin, he was much too nice, but he was obviously powerful. Maybe he was some sort of investor checking how his boss’s money had been put to use in Sunberth.

“Why do you want to kill me? I have done nothing to wrong you in no way. All I have done is walked and let the holy air come in and out of my mouth. Is that wrong?” He was obviously learned, he had the used the elements of persuasion. He started with a logical appeal, put in an emotional appeal, than ended with a rhetorical statement. Persuasion only has one drawback though, it only works with peers of the same intellect. And Darik was way smarter than him.

”You’re carrying money, its kind of a given.” It is usually a given when someone hands you money freely, you don’t try to ask or steal more. That’s like the first rule of begging. Most didn’t get to use that rule in Sunberth, because beggar killing was almost a sport.

“What do they teach kids in school now adays? Life is such a valuable thing, and shouldn’t be wasted on petty things.” He looked at his wrist were something mechanical was sitting. It didn’t actually work, it was a simple ruse. He was listening to the wind, to see what time it was. He did need to be somewhere soon but it seemed like he still had time.

“I didn’t go to school for long. It was boring. Too much books and not enough action.” This man had a power not many possessed. He could even change the topic with a stubborn boy like Darik. But unlike regular people, when Darik got off on a tangent he never forgot his main goal. ”Now give me your money.”

As Darik talked he felt the wind again. He looked up at the sky to confirm, and saw the sun in a position he knew in the sky. He must have felt the wind wrong the first time, which was very odd. He hadn’t done that ever since he had rose in rank in a very important person’s eyes. “Kid, I am very sorry, but I have to get going. Now please let me go. I got to meet with someone.”

“Well I suggest you meet the man empty handed because your not getting past me.” First off, his comment was vaguely sexist. He said man, when it would have been more politically correct to say man or woman. Secondly, he wasn’t even close to a three hundred pound man. Sure he was tall, but he looked like awkward to the extent of a poorly drawn stick figure.

The man’s sigh seemed to carry across the wind’s soft breeze. ”You do realize I dislike causing any harm to people. It is not within my nature However, I must warn you, if I am provoked bad things can happen to you. Now do me, and yourself, a favour and get out of my way.” He was speaking bluntly know, not caring to drop any hints. He was frankly saying “If you don’t move, you won’t be able to move ever again.”

“Hah old man, I gave you chance. You forfeited it, leaving your life mine to take.” He charged the man with his tiny dagger. Even in theory it was a stupid idea, the worst damage it could cause would be a triangular puncture wound. The man let Darik get close…then his wrist was grabbed by his hand. Once he controlled one hand it wasn’t hard to shove Darik aside.

His voice murmured to himself as if Darik wasn’t there. “Boss always did say I was a bit too soft.” He walked to the exit deep in thought. What he was thinking are much too philosophical and boring to discuss at this particular moment.

“You think you can man handle me, and get away that easily? Your wrong!” Darik raised himself to his feet. After a restoring breath, he rushed him. This time the man just sidestepped and tripped Darik. He landed head first, his face slamming into the dirt. Luckily his mouth was closed, otherwise dirt would have clogged his windpipe.

“ I admire you, you never give up. If you were properly trained, you could become an asset to our cause. However, I don’t have the time right now to help covert you. Now, I really hope you do learn otherwise bad things will happen.” He then turned around trying to continue his leisurely walk. He hoped deep in his the kid would stop attacking him. Hurting kids made him feel like a monster.

“Convert? You’re cause? You’re insane!” He yelled as he got close to the man again. The man turned around and shoved his knee up sharply. Darik didn’t have time to bend down in agony, because something clear made him slam into a wall. He couldn’t move, the air was stopping all of his movements trapping him against the wall. He had a feeling he would be dead if the man wasn’t so generous. “I serve a cause bigger than you can comprehend. It is also wonderful.”

“How can you do this?” Darik was in awe, he didn’t know how could someone have complete mastery over the air. He had heard about reimancers but they all paled in comparison to him.

“I am Blaine Wraith, a devotee to Zulrav. This almighty god was kind enough to give me some of his power for my services. Now kid, I hope you’ve learned your lesson. Don’t mess with Stormwardens, most are a lot meaner and bloodthirsty than me. And some are even stronger.” He then released the hold on Darik. Darik slumped to the ground, and the man stopped him before he could attack. He used hypnosis to lure Darik to sleep. When he was asleep on the ground, he instructed the winds to alert him when someone went past the entrance to the alley. He didn’t want the kid killed, that’s why he would run back if anyone passed that barrier. When Darik woke back up and passed the invisible barrier, he would tell the breezes to stop being concentrated there.

Darik was asleep till he was awakened by a figure clothed entirely in black. Darik wasn’t sure it was black because it was pitch black outside. But whatever it was, it seemed to blend in with the night sky. Darik couldn’t see him, but he knew he was there.

“You’re awake my friend.” The man just said friend. That was an unusual word, Darik had never heard someone say that to him before. Once he spoke, Darik pinpointed the frequency and saw the man’s faint outline. He wasn’t a ghost, he just had high quality clothes that kept him hidden.

“Who are you?” Hearing a foreign word made Darik suspicious. If Darik never had friends before, why would he need them now?

I am your friend, and that’s all that matters. I see you had a tangle with Blaine. I may have a job for you that relates to him.” The man spoke Blaine’s name with a snarl. He obviously knew him from somewhere. And it didn’t sound like a pleasant talk over a cup of mead.

“What kind of job?” Darik raised himself trying to get a clearer look of the man. He couldn’t, something must be wrong with his eyes. Even if he couldn’t see him, the idea perked his interest.

”It’s really easy. And it has a lot of money involved.” The man had reading people like Darik down to an art. He knew Darik was just a hoodlum and easily manipulated with money. He also knew he wasn’t cautious to even ask why he was doing the job.

“Then I will help you as long as you pay me the right fee for my services. .” Darik was thinking of some outrageous fee and said it. The man agreed to it and Darik was positively astonished. Darik didn’t even wonder where he would get all the money.

“Now that we got that covered, let me tell you the plan. You need to find Blaine and insert some of this powder,” He gave Darik a azure pouch.“into anything he is likely to drink. It is a very rare and expensive poison, so don’t waste it. Make sure to shake it, because Blaine is smart enough to see undistilled poison.”

“It’s that easy?” He was expecting something much harder for all the money he was going to get paid. Poisoning someone isn’t hard, Darik had seen people do it too each other. He figured he could replicate what others see.

”Yep, after you see him drink it, come back here. Then you can get your pay. Now off you go rascal, I am trusting you here!” He made sure to say one word loud and clear so Darik wouldn’t forget it. He needed to be perfectly sure Blaine was poisoned before he acted.

Wait how do I know where he is?” Darik asked, but the man had already disappeared. Darik walked past a particularly chilly exit and didn’t at all wonder how he had escaped. The man had actually went into one of the Night Eye’s many tunnels. He didn’t worry about getting caught, he was a master hider. And who knows, he could also be associated with them. Most likely not though, the Night Eyes were picky who they choose into their ranks.

Making snide comments about people, he walked to his “home”. It was a place, that if you paid the overseerer a small fee you were protected from the crime out on the streets. It wasn’t the most trustworthy place, but it was better than just sleeping with no protection whatsoever. When he got there, they inspected him making sure he was what he said he was. Once he was in, he found his spot and laid down.

When he awoke he checked all of his possessions to see if any of them were missing. It was just common sense, he had slept with other like minded thieves. The only thing he didn’t his dagger. There were some dastardly good thieves in Sunberth, and one of those pickpockets have stole it from it while he was sleeping. He didn’t let it put him down though; there was a chance to score a great fortune.

Once he was out of the makeshift inn, he jogged the whole town looking for the man. He found him taking a dip in a river. He seemed to not pay any attention to his possessions, so he went over to them. He opened a sack that contained water and poured half of the contents of the poison in it. He closed it and then snuck behind the nearest tree. He forgot to do something, but he couldn’t remember what. It was too late now because the man stepped out of the river. After getting dressed, he opened up his waterskin and poured it directly into his mouth. Darik was about to rush off to the alley, till he saw the man spit out the contents. He poured out the water on the grass and for once looked bewildered. It was obvious that he didn’t get unsuccessfully poisoned every day. Darik then realized what step he had missed, he forgot to shake the water.

Once the man had gotten over the shock, he carried his cheery self across the whole town. He didn’t let any water he bought out of his sight. He bought them from vendors and kept them attached to his body. He finally ended up stopping. When he went in, Darik followed him and was greeted with the smells of vomit and lots of alcohol. Blaine walked to the front of the bar and asked “Your weakest alcoholic beverage please. I need something to drink while I think over something.”

The barkeeper looked over him with a strange look before talking. ”Aye, coming up.” He didn’t ask why, he knew people only talked if they wanted to. Also he looked like the only person in Sunberth who would ever leave a tip.

“Also where’s the bathroom?” Darik wanted to give a witty response badly, but he held it in. It would blow his cover.
“It’s usually in the street, but seeing as you’re a special customer you can use the employees one.” The Barkeep sensed the man’s power and figured he was involved in one of the syndicates. It was best not to get on the bad side of those fellows.

“Thank you good sir.” He said running into the back. The barkeeper than put out a glass of pure yellow liquid on the counter. It didn’t have a top on the top, troublesome for his poison attempt because you had to shake up the powder to make it work. His hands weren’t big enough to close the holes. Darik walked to it and poured the rest of the contents of the powder into the glass.

“What are you doing?” The barkeepers gaze would have scared the people in the eight circle of hell. He did not agree in the tampering of his beverages. Especially when the man was very important, and the blame could be located back to him.

Darik had thought the barkeeper would not notice. He was wrong. He thought of trying to make up some crap about the man being hated by a certain syndicate, but he wasn’t sure which one endorsed this bar. Much better to appeal to the business man par of him. “Pouring in a liquid a drink that makes the user addicted to alcohol. I was hired by one ofh is friends to do so on a joke on his wife.”

he didn’t trust the boy, yet what he said appealed to him. If this drug worked he could use it and start racking in the money. Not that people didn’t visit his bar often, but the more money the better. “ Very well, I see this is profitable to both of us.”

Darik’s breath exhaled as the man didn’t freak out. “There’s only one problem though, he spits it out unless its shacked really well. Can you shake it up for me?”

“Sure.” This was a milestone in Darik’s history, he had just manipulated his first man. His burly hands clasped on both sides of the drink and rhythmatically shacked the liquid. His hands were huge, so he sealed it perfectly. He then put it down, and wiped his hands on a towel. “I hope you aren’t lying, because I will make you pay if you are.” I have a feeling it was figuratively in his connotation.

“I promise I am not lying” Darik faked a smile to assure the man he was not a liar. He really had no idea what the effect of the poison would be. He ran to a table and tried to look normal. That included whistling and inspecting the bottom of the table. The man walked up one minute later and inspected the glass.

“Has anyone tampered with this?” Blaine eyed the glass warily.

The shopkeeper hesitated a split second before he answered. “Nope.” He then used a tactic that worked on kind people like Blaine. “Do you not trust my establishments’ qualities?”

“No someone has tried to kill me today. The barkeep shout a quick look in Dariks direction. Darik shook his head saying it wasn;t him. Of course he was lying. Sorry I don’t mean to insult. I am just a little cautious today.” He then grabbed the glass and put a little in his mouth. After the liquid went cheek to cheek a few times he swallowed. He then downed the whole glass.

”Mann I fell goodd.” His words slowly started to become slurred. “Gettme ten thousand ofthese.” The Barkeeper gave a thumb up to were Darik was hiding. “I am happy to comply.” Darik couldn’t believe that he had predicted the effect. Feeling giddy with new found excitement Darik left the bar, running straight the alley. When he got there he had to wait a few minutes because the man wasn’t there. When he appeared it was like he just arose from the ground. He was wearing black robes, in daylight. That’s strange, but then again Darik really didn’t care. He was getting money afterall.

”Did you do it?” The man didn’t need to ask, the look on Darik’s face answered his question.

”Yep, now where’s my money? Remember, we had a deal.” Darik had been cheaten out of money before, and this wouldn’t be one of those times.

“Follow me I have to make sure you did it right.” Darik followed and didn’t worry. He knew he had done the job correctly. They then jogged through town looking for the man. They found him stumbling around by a river. His clothes were wet; he probably went into the river but forgot to take them off. He looked completely drunk and unaware of his surroundings.

”Good job, this is much better than I would have hoped for.” He advanced towards him with a look of menace in his eyes. He grabbed Blaine’s ponytail and pulled out a finely crafted sword. It was sleek and black, and must have costed a whole king’s ransom. The sword of Death slowly moved to Blane’s back.

“Whada?” He was completely obviously that death was near. A strong gale picked up and a stream of curses came out of his mouth. “He’s quicker than I imagined.” His body relaxed and he closed his eyes. A dirt wall started to form behind his back.

Then he appeared. Darik didn’t know whether or not it was real or not, because it was half transparent and half solid. It looked like the clouds themselves formed him. He had tremendous power, because Darik held onto a tree trying to not get blown away. Now he realized the point of the wall, it was to keep the assailant from blowing away. When the wind person saw it too, they stopped the wind. If the wind kept blowing it would force the assailants sword in Blaine’s back.

His voice had the commanding power of thunder. “Kent don’t make a stupid mistake. You know what I can do. You have seen it; don’t make me play my hand. Relent now, and all other offensives will be forgotten. Don’t do it, please; he’s special to me.” The last word sounded foreign, like the wind thing hadn’t used it before.

“Never, you deserve this. You killed my whole family on that ship!”The sword went straight into Blaine’s back. It pierced Blaine’s heart killing him within seconds. Not even the healing goddess herself, Rakellia, could save him from that wound.

“NOOOO!!!” Wind of tremendous smashed into Kent and then into the wall. He looked pissed, and Kent looked like a good place to vent his anger. He held out semi transparent hands, and Kent into the air. He looked like he was struggling but he couldn’t move at all. When he was fourty feet in the air, the god let him go. His screams were abruptly stopped when he hit the ground with a sickening thud.

“Now, what should I do with you?” He asked turning towards Darik.

”Nothing?” He kept his voice steady trying to show he wasn’t afraid. He failed. Sure this guy had killed someone with wind, but only when he killed his servant. Maybe he was merciful, and fair.

“You’re the one that put the poison in Blaine’s drink. You technically caused his death. Kent couldn’t, because I didn’t detect him in strong amounts till an hour ago. I knew he hid in the ground, so he could hide from my wraith. But I am fair, so I will let you defend yourself.” He waited patiently for Darik to answer.

“I didn’t kill him!” Darik shout was true, he didn’t technically kill him. Would the god agree with him?

“Is that all you have to say? Because off those words you deserve the same death as Kent just got.” The thing had almost made up its mind and Darik had only a few seconds to change it.

“Umm… how about let’s think what Blaine would want?” If the thing was so close to Blaine, it would honour his wishes.

“Yes…Blaine wouldn’t want me to kill one so young. He always believed in second chances thats why he rose in my ranks. But do you deserve a second chance?” It worked, Darik would live!

“Ya.” Why did it even ask Darik? Who in the world would say no to life?

“Very well. I do need to keep track of you though. I can’t let you off without a warning. Let me tell you though, if you ever even harm a Stormchaser again the outcome wont be this pretty.” He floated over and touched Darik’s hand.

When his wispy finger touched his hand, the skin changed colour like it was being slowly bleached. This man must have been a pretty bad tattoo artist, because the tattoo hurt like ten thousand bees stinging all at once. He started to violently shake his hand to stop the pain and the spreading of the tattoo, but when the man’s finger wasn’t touching it still grew at an alarming rate. The sickly yellow and grey tendrils stopped growing when it was close to the edge of his hand.

“WHAT WAS THAT FOR!” Darik’s couldn’t stop his shouts. My words can’t do justice to the agony he just endured.

“That’s a reminder to never mess with me again. Remember, I am a god, I am always watching.” Darik just stared at his hand. The pain was slowly residing which was great because it hurt when it was growing. Maybe pissing of a wind person wasn’t a good idea. He didn’t believe he was a god, just a really epic magician. Darik then started to eye the money.

“So can I have Blaine’s money?” It was a valid question, he was dead afterall.

“No, it will go to Blaine’s family. As will his body.” Blaine’s body floated in the air and then zoomed south. So did Kent’s body but it was dropped over the ocean never to be found again.

“What no money?” The thought almost caused Darik to have a heart attack.

“You're lucky I left you live.” He then started to disappear. When he was gone completely Darik was enraged. He had done a job correctly, and then he didn’t get paid. That teaches him for doing honest work.
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