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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.
by Faylon Kwanda on July 5th, 2011, 8:41 pm
32nd of Spring, 504AV
[Wiping his brow Faylon looked skyward from out in the fields of the farm. Even now as the sun faded behind the horizon and the weather cooled a bead of sweat could be felt rolling down across his brow where he stood with dirt discolouring the tunic he wore and several small blemishes noticeable across his features. He held the reigns of a plough that had been bridled and attached to a well trained horse in his hands. Taking a momentary rest he breathed easy out in the fields before turning back to continue his work so that he could finish up for the day out here on the farm and end on a positive note with the fields properly cultivated and their fields prepared for planting.]
[Now that Faylon had been a worker at the farm for several years, and was a few seasons older himself, he was given a bit more responsibility when it came to working in the fields. Initially he had started by weeding and seeding all of the fields which was quite the tedious task but had since moved up in the rung of things, other youths replacing him at the bottom of the chain, and seen his duties changed as well. Faylon was not skilled at driving a horse in this manner or any other, animal husbandry not being his strongest suit, however his initial instruction to the task had been straight forward and he was assured a good working animal so even with a lack of experience as long as he remembered the basics he was almost assured to do satisfactorily.]
[Ploughing was essentially a straightforward task. Using the reigns that were attached to the horse and the equipment bridled to it Faylon drove the animal up and down the fields in a straight line while it drug the plough behind it. The Plough was essential to farming as it readied the fields for sowing, seeding and planting and without the right attention and cultivation of the soil than crops would have a harder time growing, or they would grow unevenly, so it was important that the task was done right with as few mistakes as possible. Alone Faylon would have taken weeks to complete all of the fields around the farm but he was not the only worker assigned to ploughing and so the work would be cut down to a week or even days all so that Denval could plant a large crop of food for its populace this year.]
[Walking his horse and plough in a line down the field half a dozen more times it was almost completely nightfall by the time Faylon returned to the barn with the animal. He smelled like the field and shared a few laughs with the farmer, who gave him a clap across the back, on his return and then like previous days he bid him a goodnight and went to the road leading away from the farmland. On the road were several other men who laboured in the fields, Faylons friend Brock amongst them, and as the men walked down the road their conversations would turn from relaxing back at their homes to getting a drink at one of the local taverns. Nothing to excessive though since none of them had a day of rest tomorrow.]
[Nodding, Faylon decided that he could go for a drink as well so when Brock turned to ask him...”What about you? Coming for a mug of ale?”...he barely had to think about responding with a...”Of course. Maybe we can play a game of dice and test our luck with some of the local waters as well.”...which was Faylons way of saying they’d have to see what kind of women were in the tavern as well. He didn’t expect there to be a lot of activity but the thought was there. Brock would only grip his shoulder briefly and offer a bit of a grin though as the friends and several others continued on down the road and into town where they could take some time for themselves.]
[Walking down into Denval when the men neared the local tavern Faylon could see the glow of candlelight beyond the windows and hear the sounds of music and carousing causing the men he walked with to grow more spirited. Everyone enjoyed when the tavern was getting a bit of business as it made things a bit livelier inside. Approaching the entrance Faylon could smell the aroma of drink as it was sloshed around in tankards, goblets and mugs before the man ahead of him pushed the door open wide and the workers proceeded inside.]
[Inside the tavern Faylons eyes adjusted to the dim light and he moved to a table with Brock and some of the others whom he knew. There were several soldiers, or men in training, who also occupied the tavern it looked like which was the cause of the noise that was heard as they had come closer. Several of the men were playing a dice game which Faylon pointed out before saying...”Look there, dice. I’d like to try my hand at that after a drink.”...he wasn’t a good gambler but Faylon did enjoy various games of chance and it showed via the glint that had begun to form in the corner of his eye as he watched the men from afar.] |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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- Joined roleplay: June 28th, 2011, 4:34 pm
- Location: Sunberth
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by Faylon Kwanda on July 5th, 2011, 9:33 pm
[Inside the tavern Faylon was watching the soldiers play dice while a barmaid came around to ask them about drinks momentarily breaking him of his concentration and causing him to look up at her with a thin smile forming across the corners of his mouth while he said...”Ale. Anything strong and dark.”...and admired her figure. The Barmaid was of average height but she was full bodied and ample figured with plenty to show off for herself that usually gained the attention of men who were looking for company in the evening, it wasn’t unknown for her to lay down with a man for a few miza when the tavern closed down for the night, and Faylon was considering it.]
[When she left Brock gave him a nudge with his elbow though and said...”Careful. That one only brings trouble with her.”...speaking from his own experiences as Brock himself was known to have been the acquaintance of several women, he was a year older than Faylon and had been coming to the tavern that much longer than him. Nodding at the advice Faylon decided that Brock was right and he looked back towards the men gambling before one of the other farmhands produced a wooden cup and his own set of dice saying...”Well alright boys who wants to test their luck for a days worth of pay? Come on I know there are some brave souls here.”...which caused some commotion at the table as several men through in what they had before Faylon also said...”Count me in. Don’t complain when you all lose your money though.”...and then it had begun.]
[Returning with their drinks on a tray Faylon took his tankard of dark, rich, ale from the Barmaid and offered her a polite thanks before bringing it to his lips and taking a swallow. Alcohol mixed with the rich taste of soil that lined his mouth from a hard days work out on the fields and Faylon licked his lips once before tipping the tankard back further and drinking deeply. He enjoyed the burn of drink as it refreshed him while flowing down his throat and it didn’t take him long to finish off his first tankard before ordering another. Wiping his mouth with the back of his hand he cleaned off a few drops of the drink that had escaped his mouth and gave a satisfied sigh before turning towards the game of dice that was about to begin amongst those at the table.]
[The Game was simple. You placed four dice in the wooden cup and shook them before upending them onto the table and calculating your score. Doubles resulted in another shake of the cup to add to your score and triples was considered a good omen, whoever rolled triples three times during the game was automatically the winner of the round, while a set of four meant the roller had to sit out for the round. There were four rounds and the winner was the first man to reach a score of a hundred and fifty or roll three triples. Whoever won the most rounds was the winner in the end. Depending on the amount of people playing it could last a long time.]
[Not realizing what time it was Faylon and two other men were still playing several hours later but Faylon was distracted, his eyes kept veering towards the Barmaid who shared his looks and he didn’t notice the sounds behind him as one of the soldiers told another that a farmhand was making eyes at his woman, but somehow he kept winning at dice. It wasn’t until he turned over the cup on his roll that he heard one of his companions groan as he was in the lead once again and it was the last round as well, his victory was almost assured.]
[Laughing, Faylon looked back towards the Barmaid again who leaned over the bar provocatively to give him a good long look at everything she had to offer and made his anticipation for the end of the night grow before he felt a solid hand clamp down around his shoulder and looking back he saw a man standing over him. “That’s my woman you’ve been looking at the entire night farm boy!”...the man said as he stared down at Faylon who until now hadn’t even noticed that the man existed except as a vague face and voice in the background. “Well I don’t see her on your arm friend. That means she isn’t yours.”...Faylon would retort which made the man seem a bit surprised before he turned to walk away or so it appeared.]
[Behind himself Faylon only just barely heard the words...”Get him Vrock!”...followed by one of his comrades shouting for him to look out when a hand collided with the side of his face and sent him stumbling out of his chair. It didn’t help that he had a few drinks by now too. Faylon had fallen out of his chair on hands and knees, the other man walking away, when he thought to himself I only wanted to have a drink tonight too and then looked up to see Brock staring down on him with a wide smile on his face, shrugging his shoulders. “Well don’t just stay there. You have a fight to win.”...Brock would tell Faylon who groaned inwardly a bit before pulling himself back to his feet.] |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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- Joined roleplay: June 28th, 2011, 4:34 pm
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by Faylon Kwanda on July 5th, 2011, 10:19 pm
[Standing back onto his feet Faylon took a moment to give his head a shake and turn around so that he could face the man who had just knocked him over with a sucker punch. Vrock was what he had heard one of the other soldiers calling him, he looked a few years older than Faylon and had a rough exterior but that was nothing that Faylon hadn’t seen before, something about him seemed familiar to Faylon though but he couldn’t put his finger on it, it was clear he was a well muscled man.]
[Walking up behind Vrock, Faylon would outstretch an arm and tap him on the shoulder before returning the favour with a wicked jab that sent the man stumbling back to his own table after it had connected. Faylon had kept up to date with his Boxing, training every second day and more often when he could, which was obvious by the quick motion of his hands as he snapped out a single hard punch which connected solidly, and he was known to get into a minor contest or two with others around town. Sometimes he won and other times he lost.]
[As Vrock was picking himself up off the table he’d stumbled back against some of his comrades looked as though they might join in but the man waved his hand and only said...”No. If the boy wants to fight I’ll oblige him.”...and then he was coming towards Faylon again. Looking at how the both of them moved it was clear that their styles of fighting were different, Faylon was a boxer and Vrock looked like he was probably a brawler who had taken a few tumbles before this one, but neither man seemed to show any signs of backing off.]
[Vrock came in hard, he didn’t wait or circle around to engage, running at Faylon in an attempt to overpower him but Faylon used his footwork to his advantage. Sidestepping he’d pump out two stiff jabs as Vrock barrelled past him, one of which connected solidly and the other only grazing his opponent before the man came back around menacingly. It didn’t look like the blows had affected him all that much but it was still early on too. Bouncing, light on his feet, Faylon knew better than to engage the man in his own kind of fight which is why he kept his distance as Vrock came in pummelling his fists this way and that trying to connect with wild haymakers.]
[Standing upright Faylon would raise his forearms to block whatever blows he could avoid by bobbing back and forth, letting some of the blows skim past his head and others miss entirely while he backed away slowly, before countering Vrock. Popping out a combination of jabs. One, two. Faylon would hit Vrock in the face both times and cause the man’s head to jar backwards just barely, halting his onslaught in the process, before he came in tight with his opponent. Pumping out a stiff hook into the midsection of Vrock he’d see the man buckle briefly before shoving out his hands and pushing him away so that he had room to recover without worrying about being hit again.]
[Backpedalling after being pushed away Faylon was able to recover just before his back collided with the bar but Vrock had already begun to rush forward again and lowering his shoulder he rammed himself into the midsection of Faylon causing him to grunt in pain and grit his teeth. Being shoulder checked into the bar wasn’t pleasant but Faylon planted his feet and tried to punch downwards, even though the angle was awkward, into the back and shoulders of Vrock. Because of the angle it made his blows much more ineffective and Vrock continued ramming himself into Faylon.]
[With no other options, and seeing as how Vrock was planted against him, Faylon would eventually raise his knee into the ribs of the man which caused him to back off just enough that Faylon could drop his arms and bring Vrock up into a clinch. Now that they were back into something that Faylon knew he held a bit more of an advantage and he shoved Vrock away before shooting his right arm up into an uppercut that just grazed the man, giving him that momentary glassy eyed feeling.]
[Deciding to press his advantage was a mistake though as Faylon came forward just as Vrock reached back behind himself to grab an empty tankard from a table and swing it around hard. Busting it across Faylon’s head the tankard exploded, breaking, as it struck him and left a gash across the left side of his face that bled down freely. A little disorientated from the blow Faylon was on the defensive again though and as he shook off the effects of the tankard busting across himself Vrock was coming back in what was turning into a back and forth match. Using his footwork Faylon knew better than to let the man get to close though and started to circle, leaning back and bobbing side to side as Vrock came in throwing punches wildly again, so that he could buy himself more time to recover.]
[Aware of his surroundings Faylon just caught sight of the barmaid from the corner of his eye, the one all this had started over, and let his attention linger on her for just a moment to long before he realized that Vrock was almost on him again. This might be bad.] |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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by Faylon Kwanda on July 5th, 2011, 10:42 pm
[Bobbing his head to the side Faylon tried to get out of the way of the neck blow coming at him but only met moderate success as he was struck, though with less force than it could have been with. And brought his arms up to protect himself again. Boxing taught him a lot of things like how to cover up and defend himself against the attacks of different opponents, he knew that if he couldn’t escape then the best thing to do was to guard himself with his arms while he did his best to fall back, and when the time was right he could take advantage of different openings.]
[It didn’t take long this time and as Vrock stepped in to deliver a heavy straight Faylon was leaning to the side, letting the blow glance off his shoulder, while moving to circle around and slip away from his opponent. Driving his right arm higher as he went he’d snap an uppercut up into the jaw of Vrock while he was still overextending himself and listen to the man’s teeth rattle and see how his body stiffened again before he started to recover. Capitalizing on the momentary weakness though Faylon would withdraw his right arm as he moved by Vrock and pop out the left in a heavy kidney shot that left the man grunting in pain, rocked by the two successive shots.]
[Faylon fought smart as well, he never let himself commit to fully to an attack. After delivering the two hard shots he backed off and let Vrock turn around so that they could face one another and only then did he start moving in again. Using simple combinations as his base Faylon would work his jab. One, two. One, two, three. Popping the jab in either a successive combination of two right hands or two right hands followed by a left to keep Vrock off balance as he closed the distance on the man and it was starting to work. Vrock was becoming more desperate with his blows, he never fully recovered from the uppercut and kidney shot, and his movements were a bit easier to read which meant Faylon could avoid them that much better.]
[This was one battle that Faylon wasn’t coming out of unscathed though. His face was still bleeding from where the tankard had hit him and his arms throbbed from the constant blocking that he did with them. Next time it would be better to come here on a day of rest he told himself seeing as how he would be hurting tomorrow at the farm whether this turned out to be a win, lose or draw. He’d chastise himself later though, right now he had to stay focused on the fight and nothing else.]
[Again Faylon popped out the jab. Peppering Vrock in the face with his quick hands. One, two. The blows always came in succession like that especially when Faylon found his groove like he did now and backing off he’d come in whenever he saw an opening to deliver more shots with minimal risk to himself. Eventually Vrock had enough though and growling loudly he ran at Faylon, his face starting to swell from all of the blows he’d taken and his mouth bloody between the teeth as well, and this is when Faylon took real advantage of the man and pressed to end the fight.]
[Vrock came in fists flying and Faylon stepped closer instead of backwards, letting his wild hands pass over him as he moved under an overhand left, before pumping out a concession of hooks to the body that went in hard. One, two, three is how the blows came, much slower than a jab and more powerful too. When he struck Vrock the first time Faylon heard the man groan and the second time he winded him with opposite hand. The third blow merely punctuated the obvious and Faylon might have cracked the man’s ribs as he lurched backwards. Uppercutting again when he saw his opening Faylon would collide with the button right underneath Vrock’s chin and then it was all over.]
[Watching as Vrock’s eyes rolled back into his head Faylon only waited as he saw the man fall backwards, unconscious, and out of the fight leaving him the undisputed winner. His friends were there to congratulate him almost instantly and a cold mug of ale was pressed against the wound of his head to help numb the pain. “Don’t let that go to waste up there!”...Faylon would have said before taking the mug and downing it, he wanted to make himself good and drunk now so that he could forget about the pain in his arms and head. Faylon hadn’t forgotten about his prize either though and without much to talk about he and the barmaid that had caught his attention merely made eyes at one another; speaking a subliminal language of lust.] |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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by Faylon Kwanda on July 5th, 2011, 11:04 pm
[Shouting for another mug of ale Faylon would collapse in a chair at the table where he was gambling, throwing dice, with his friends and wait as his comrades gathered around continuing to congratulate him. Vrock was being hoisted into a chair himself around now and his friends were waking him up with a splashed of drink to the face that seemed to send a shock through his system and leave him a bit more aware. Faylon would look towards the man as he was woken up, it was just a fight and nothing more, now that they had settled their dispute with their fists he considered the matter closed and wouldn’t approach it any further.]
[Taking the tankard of ale as it was brought to him by the Barmaid Faylon would surprise everyone by wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her onto his lap. They shared a passionate kiss then with all the tongue waggling innuendo of what was going to come on later that night. Faylon didn’t even think of how tired he would be tomorrow. Exhausted in fact and he’d likely even miss his training with Brock. Where was Brock anyways!?]
[Well the answer to that last question came in the form of a hunk of cold raw meat slapped against the side of Faylon’s head before he heard a familiar voice say...”You did little man. Not quite as good as I would have but close.”...and the two friends shared a smile when Faylon pulled his mouth away from the barmaids and said...”Don’t count on it you Ox. It was almost like training with another you!”...which caused Brock to laugh and wave off the comment as though to say, certainly not!]
[It around this time that Faylon would hear the sound of someone yelling...”Come on boys. He hurt Vrock! Let’s get him!”...before the soldierly looking men that had accompanied Vrock rushed the table where Faylon and the others were sitting. Brock, ever ready for a fight now himself, would have been heard shouting back...”No time like the present! Who wants it first!?!?”...before he and several of the other farmhands rushed over to defend their comrade in what would devolve into quite the bar brawl in a short matter of time. Brock would look back at Faylon just before he went at it with another man saying...”Best slip out with your lady while you can. We’ve got you covered!”...and then the fight was on with no more time to talk.]
[Faylon didn’t need a lot of encouragement as he slid the Barmaid from his lap and started to head for the door only to have her pull on his arm and say...”Not that way. There’s a back door.”...to which he’d shrug his shoulders and reply...”You’re the boss.”...before the both of them started moving away before the brawl got too bad. I thought we came here to relax and just have a drink, Faylon was telling himself as he left with the Barmaid even though he wouldn’t be complaining for long when he was in her arms for the remainder of the night.]
[Outside the bar Faylon and the Barmaid would slip out into an alley between buildings before someone was heard shouting for the authorities as the tavern was being wrecked by the fighting that went on inside of it. Faylon would only hope that Brock and the others made it out alright before moving behind the Barmaid who tugged him along by the hand as they moved back behind the tavern and onto an adjacent street of the town. Faylon had no idea where they were headed but it soon became clear when they arrived at a small house where the Barmaid rented a room and moved off the streets.]
[She was a sweet girl. Older than Faylon but that didn’t matter. She cleaned the wound on his head for him with a clothe and warm water. It didn’t look like it needed stitches she told him which was a relief to him when he heard it. After she’d cleaned his wound for a short time she’d bandage it again and soon the bleeding had stopped as the blood cauterized in the wound to staunch the flow and then she was in his arms again. Kissing one another they’d share the talk of those spending a night together as they experienced each others bodies over and over again, she was a good lover though aptly more experienced than he was and he slipped into quite a sleep after they finished. This had been what a night of drinking after work at the farm had culminated in, some drunken fight they’d likely all suffer a bit for, but if the price was to be paid in civic duty around the town as it likely would Faylon had no worries. Ironic though, he never did find out the Barmaids name.] |

Faylon Kwanda - Player
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- Joined roleplay: June 28th, 2011, 4:34 pm
- Location: Sunberth
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by Tabarnac on July 10th, 2011, 9:39 pm
XP Award!
Faylon XP Award: Agriculture +2; Gambling +2; Boxing +5; Seduction +2
Additional Notes: Fun times! You did a good job of playing his boxing skills as a relative Novice, but I just want to stress that you continue to do so until he’s at Competent in a skill. You didn’t do anything wrong, but we all seem to have a tendency to oversell our character’s skills, which is understandable. Just, you know, keep doing what you’re doing. 
Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns.
Keep writing! |

Tabarnac - god of carnage
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