[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Lucette on May 15th, 2011, 3:35 pm

He did not move to touch her. The others always had. Always! The men and women Roland had brought to her, even the inexperienced, had reached out with furtive, groping hands and possessive glances to paw at her soft, yet pliable skin. But not Justus, he was not them. Lucette’s instinctual nature responded as desire built and built within. She was aware of it now, the way he moved, the sensations of his cheek as it slid along her hand. The want of the man coursed through her, and though she looked human, she was anything but. The Kelvic watched his hand as if she would pounce upon it as he unfastened his collar. He had not moved to touch her, and Lucette was aware that choice upon her. Choice! Her nostrils flared, and her amber eyes softened, then sparked.

Her choice… Hers! Not Roland’s. Not someone’s who paid Roland for her. Her heart fluttered like a stone dropped into a still pool, its ripples circled out into her being, touching everything. Hers alone! The hand upon him shook a little, in an effort of restraint, then tightened as her nails dug into his shoulder to open and close again in a kneading action. The animal awareness built, small puffs of air exhaled forcefully in excitement. She wanted Justus, her feline self responded so strongly to him. Transformation threatened to come, the Cheetah wildness wanted free. And Justus had not put her collar back on... His eyes held her, and kept her in this human form, with an animal lust, unbridled by collars or restraint. Her hand lowered, and she tugged upon his collar roughly, and her other hand joined the first, as she tore at his shirt. But still his eyes! Gone was the sense of submission, and the Kelvic trusted. Knowing nothing of Justus’ mark that allowed choice with so much ease, she leaned forward into him and into her own heart.

Hurriedly, her long nailed hands moved, as if Justus would change his mind, as if choice would be taken from her once more. The animal sense rushed her, and overwhelmed the delicate psyche. Graceful hands shook, ripping his shirt to get to him, to lean in close and allow her torso to rub against his muscled chest. She led, and her legs wrapped around him, her full mouth was upon his. She could not stop moving, for if she stopped she would transform and be lost. Lucette needed Justus’ foundation and his presence more than she had ever needed anything or anyone before. She needed him, so she could see her own needs. She gave herself into them, abandoning what she had been before. The sudden pressure in her loins, in her heart made it hard to breathe. A purring surrounded the pair upon the floor, but it was not the soft sound of before, but a headier sound of need.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on May 16th, 2011, 5:40 am

ImageHer nails in his back elicited a surprising moan that seemed to claw its way up from his nether regions and out his throat, a remarkable sound that was reminiscent of a male cat's reaction to sexual arousal. But he made no move other than to continue to undress himself for her, hovering on that knife's edge to wait and see what she would need most: a forceful hand to command her or a lover to bend to her will for once. That was answered when she began to claw at his shirt, managing to shred and tear a good deal of it away even without her more fearsome natural weapons.

His hazel eyes, so nebulous in color, held the line between their consciousnesses, making sure he stayed with her wherever she would lead like a fish on a hook or, perhaps, a dog on a leash. But he could detect every nuance of her need, and would change at will to accommodate her.

Both their breathing grew heavy, hurried, and his skin flushed with an excited heat beneath her hands, against her body. Rather expertly he quit the rest of his clothes, as physically vulnerable before her as she was to him. Certainly his body was finer than Roland's, Nikali's chain wrapped around him like a leash without managing to make him look weak. His muscles were taut too, tensed and ready for action, whatever action might be required. Every fiber of him seemed to beg and to command, but the decision would have to come from her.

His lips parted, his chest and cheeks flushed.

"Show me your need," he growled, somewhere between a plea and a direction.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Lucette on May 17th, 2011, 2:34 pm

Show me your need… To Lucette’s ears, Justus’ words were command, and now with the Cheetah nature so recently released, she no longer fought against the awareness of want. She knew! Ideas and explanations were beyond her, and too difficult for the sheltered girl to comprehend, let alone utter aloud. But Lucette’s body knew. The animal within understood that need easily. The Kelvic told Justus, and showed Justus, with her body and without words. And Justus met her in that place where conversation was unnecessary.

His body perfect, Lucette made it less so, clawing and biting at his exposed skin, as the animal inside showed itself within the disarmingly, pretty girl. Without thought or guilt for her violence, she urged him on with her small attacks, as she would a male of her own species. The actions ignited something deeper and much less civilized in her core. She felt his skin warm and respond. Lucette let go then, and in that instant the Kelvic touched her true self. It encompassed her, and smothered her, bursting into a thousand glimmering sensations.

Though it seemed Lucette fought for dominance, she was not dominant and had no desire to be so. While it had been her place with Roland to be used, instinctually the Kelvic needed to fight to gain that submissive place. Otherwise the world was out of balance. And now that she was free of the collar, her Cheetah instinct made her wild and unwilling to accept anything less from this man. It was the longest Lucette had gone without the leather binding around her neck. No collar! Freedom taunted her, again and again, as the division between her two forms blurred in her mind.

She was raised to please others, now she fought to please herself. But in order to do that, she needed Justus, needed to be taken by him and subdued if she were to follow him. The Kelvic needed the safety of belonging after all her years of servitude. Lucette desired to be led, not by the bonds of ownership or from fear, but from the violence of natural order, and by someone who would naturally lead and make her want to bow.

Lithe and lean, Lucette twisted around him, trying to best him. Nikali’s chain was prominent upon the man. She touched it once, not understanding its significance in this moment. She was pure and innocent, though wild as the savannah lands were harsh. Her sounds matched his, the unbridled female before the dominant male.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on May 22nd, 2011, 8:39 pm

His own body, emboldened by the soul-deep knowledge of what she needed and the pleasure it gave him to give, reacted with a wildness far removed from the average human who had cut ties with animal nature deep in the dimming divide of the past. But through the goddess' gift, he reached back into the ancient history encoded in his blood and found that violence, that dominance, and his response might easily have been misinterpreted as an attack. His presence multiplied until it filled the room, pushing against her awareness.

He bit her jaw, just below the ear. Not hard enough to break skin, but a warning that would only further inflame her. Batting at her, baiting her, toying with her like she was prey rather than his own kind, he angled for the perfect window of opportunity to take her down and make her yield. Finally it arrived and he twisted in her sharp embrace to bear her down to the floor beneath his weight. His hand collared her, her face pushed into the rug below. His breath blew against the sweat-damped hair in her eyes, but there were no words, only a demanding growl that was bordering on beyond the capabilities of the human vocal apparatus.

Too, she could feel his need now, sharp and hot against her. He had been so calm, so utterly civilized when first she had met him, and now his wildness threatened to crush her underneath. It was all held over her for a long moment, as if the world waited with bated breath for her to succumb, to submit. Then the world blinked and it didn't matter anymore. She had chosen this whether she vocalized her confirmation, her acceptance, now.

He took her in one sharp, impossibly sweet instant, and the world exploded.
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[Temple] Endings and Beginnings [Tabarnac + Lucette]

Postby Tabarnac on July 10th, 2011, 9:58 pm

XP Award!

XP Award: Seduction +5; Persuasion +3; Intimidation +3
Lore: The Temple of Nikali (basic)

Additional Notes:
This was an excellent thread to play and to re-read! I’m sorry that there’s only a limited amount of XP, but she was passive for a lot of it. It was interesting to read her internal struggle, but unfortunately I can’t award anything for it except the medal of my fandom. I am your fan.

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns.

Keep writing!
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