25th day of Fall 506 AV
Its been more than a week since he was forced to hide in the mountains. Despite the horrible condition he was in, Bob was doing well living there. He choose his camp carefully. Not too near the edge of the woods where any passerby may stumble upon it but not too far either so if he ran into too much trouble he is still able to escape to find the help of any knight patrols. Not being able to go back to the city, Bob had to live off the forest. It was a hard yet fulfilling experience. Just a few days ago Bob got himself a rabbit in the forest and is now still enjoying the meal.
Rabbits may be small but don't let them fool you, they are hard to hunt. Bob had to corner this one to a stream walled off with rocks as high as his chest so the rabbit could not run. There he attracted the water from the stream to the res centered on the palms of his hands until there was a waterball in each. One, he tossed at the rabbit to disorient it with the pressure and the gloopy feeling on its fur. Then he dashed up to the rabbit while it was still twitching in its ears and legs from the shock. With his now freed hand he grabbed the rabbit, lifting it up so it could not escape. The second waterball was next as the rabbit's head was sent into it. To make sure the rabbit died quicker and to save it the pain, Bob controlled the water to enter the rabbit's mouth and nose to block off the air and allow it to suffocate. "Sorry..."
Preparing the rabbit to last for a few days was also a little bit hard for Bob but thanks to his resourcefulness and some things his Uncle Marny taught him, the rabbit would last long enough. Uncle Marny taught Bob about bodies when he tried to teach him medicine so Bob kind of knew what to take out. The brain, lungs, heart, liver, and the other innards were taken out and thrown away. Then he slowly cut up the rabbits into distinct parts of meat small enough for him to keep away by following the muscles and limbs so that he would not damage the meat. Some of them had to be thrown away in the end because a sword is far to big to do the delicate job and his damaged hand was not used to having two fingers missing. Before putting them away he again focused some res into his hand and moved the hand over each piece of meat to attract the water from it. Whatever water was left would have to be gotten rid of by the sun until Bob went to sleep.