Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Darik on July 13th, 2011, 6:43 pm

6th of Summer 511(day)

Sunberth’s best day in the history of ever was the 6th of Summer. It was one hundred and one degrees and it was blistering hot. The plants were slowly wilting from the recent drought that had been going on. No one watered them because no one likes flowers anyway. All they do is they provide oxygen, it’s like the most useless element ever. The sun was floating in the middle of the sky making it feel like a savannah. Because the day was so perfect, yes flowers’ wilting makes the day better, one kid decided he would perform a mugging.

So who was this handsome, strapping, kid? Darik, a run of the mill human. His brown eyes, brown hair, and medium height made him unnoticeable in all aspects, making him a perfect fit for a thief. Because the streets contained so little people he was forced to stalk a giant of a man. The giant man isn’t important because Darik is the villain hero of this tale. Even though the giant looked like he was battle trained he figured he could steal a few mizas without getting caught.

He was correct on thinking he could sneak up on him. It didn’t matter that his footsteps connected with the ground too hard making dust fly in the air and sometimes giving him a coughing fit. It didn’t even matter that Darik accidentally stepped on a pan and he continued stalking the man even though the pan caused lots of extra noise. No, the man didn’t even turn around as a pan rattled off a wall. Giants are stupid you know.

When Darik got close to the man, he tried to make his breath silent. He couldn’t though because he was starting to get tired. Giants are giant in all proportions, even their legs. When he got close enough to the man he could clearly make out all of his features. His leather armor had a multitude of pockets and Darik figured one of them must have money. He picked one close to his hip and moved his hand slowly trying to steal its interesting contents.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Tuic on July 13th, 2011, 7:15 pm

Tuic couldn't help but to sigh in annoyance at the kid that was fairly clearly following him. Even somebody as blind as a bat would probably have been able to find out that the kid was following him and with the amount of noise he was making he didn't even bother to look behind him, if the boy sucked that much in stealth he doubted he would be able to get any miza's out of his pocket without him noticing, not unless he suddenly was mobbed by a group of thugs and they didn't check his pocket for any mizas. Which was fairly unlikely, well at least the not checking for miza's part of the thought.

When the little would-be thief reached for one of his pockets however Tuic just shook his head and grabbed the boy's forearm in a vicelike grip, looking at him with a scowl on his face, his scar twisting thanks to the sudden pull from the muscles around his mouth.
“Well, it seems yer even more stupid then your sneaking is bad.” He said in an annoyed tone and began to drag the boy towards one of the calmer alley's. Nobody really finding it strange what he was doing, nor offering any help.
When they where in the safety of the dark alley he threw the young boy on the ground, gave him a hard kick in the side to roll him on his back as he pulled his crossbow from his back, roughly planting his feet right on his manhood, putting just enough weight on it to get the threat of struggeling through.
“Well boy, I can load this crossbow in the time I can count to 10 when I take my time for it, begin explaining why I shouldn't put the bolt through yer head in that time.” He took out one of his bolts and began loading his crossbow, waiting for his victims reply.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Darik on July 13th, 2011, 9:32 pm

The giant turned around and grabbed Darik’s arm. He couldn’t make snide marks about harassment because it wasn’t true. Every other place there was a law against touching minors, but not in Sunberth. They actually encouraged it in the god forsaken city. It’s like it was a law. Don’t tell the citizens of Sunberth that, otherwise they will run you out of town. They really don’t like anything being called laws.

“Let go of me!”The scar faced man started to pull him on the ground not listening to his complaints. You would think someone would help the poor kid being dragged on the ground into an alley. No one did though because it was Sunberth. The city had its perks, but safety wasn’t in its definition.

When they reached the alley, the man then shoved him to the ground. Then he did something terrible, he tried to hurt Darik in a spot that shouldn’t be touched. Seriously, it’s the no-no-square. Due to his quick thinking ((and his man parts selfishness)) he rolled. He kind of rolled the wrong way because the man’s foot landed on his stomach. It was the lesser of two evils, but still getting stomped on your stomach hurts. The man then threatened him. Yes HIM! Ohh was he in for some butt whopping.

“My answer is, hope you enjoy feeling stabbed!” He then withdrew his dagger and sliced it across the giant’s leg. For whatever reason, the giant moved his foot a centimeter. It was just enough room for him to get out under his foot. He used his hands to kind of slide out away from the foot’s stomp. He couldn’t run far, stalking the man had tired him and his stomach was hurting thanks to the man’s boot. He hoped the man was a bad shot, because he was openly exposed.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Tuic on July 13th, 2011, 10:16 pm

Tuic growled in annoyance as his foot didn't hit the intended area but just hit him in the stomach, well it didn't really matter he still had the advantage here. As he finished loading his bow and aimed at the young lad's head the guy suddenly pulled out a dagger out of nowhere and slashed at his leg.
“Ya petching vagik!” Tuic roared out, more out of the surprise that he actually was hit by that little piece of shyke then any actual pain. It was that little distraction the little eel needed to crawl out from underneath his foot and took a small run away from him. Getting his composure back, Tuic fell on one knee and aimed at the retreating boy and fired, almost willing the arrow to hit the little bastard in the leg so that the little bastard wouldn't be able to run anymore and he could finish it off with his axe.

Unfortunately for him though it seemed fortune wasn't smiling on him today, that or he needed more practice with a bow, and his shot wend wide, missing the boy by half a meter or so before hitting one of the walls of the alley and falling to the ground. Letting out a string of curses he quickly pulled out another bolt and began reloading for another shot.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Darik on July 14th, 2011, 3:42 pm

The arrow whooshed by Darik’s head as he turned the corner. He bent over feeling like he wanted to relive his stomachs contents. He wasn’t made for short distance sprints. Longer distances were more up his alley. It didn’t matter that he was tired because he was safe. There was no way the giant could reach him. The giant was too fat to leave the alley. The giant had only entered the alley through a miracle and everyone knows miracles don’t happen twice.

Wait he had shot something at him. Should he go back in the giant’s den to retrieve it? Of course, it was money after all. Even one cm is gladly welcomed in Darik’s pockets. So he had to sneak back into the giants view. He used the tried and true theory: You’re only invisible if you believe you are .He took little steps as he walked in the alley. He didn’t want to alert the giant even though he was invisible. Footsteps can still make sounds. The giant stared at him with utter confusion on his face. He looked towards the giant and held a finger to his mouth. “Shhh… you can’t see me.” He tiptoed to the crossbow bolt and picked it up. It felt odd like it was badly made but it could probably make him a few copper mizas.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Tuic on July 15th, 2011, 10:32 pm

Tuic cursed as his arrow missed his mark and the little kid went around the corner, quickly reloading the crossbow as fast as he could. Hoping that the fast little rat wasn't to far away by the time he had reloaded, to his utter atonishment the little kid walked back into the alley acting as if he was sneaking, he even looked him straight in the eye and put his finger to his lips for yshul's sake! Was that kid completely mental? Seeing the kid walk towards his fired bolt, not caring about him his confusion shot around into annoyance, even if the kid was mentaly handicapped he was still going to get beaten into a bloody pulphe could put his filthy paws on his stuff! Hanging his still unloaded crossbow on his back and pulled out his axe, gripipng it tightly as he silently stepped closer towards the young boy till he was in reach.

Giving no warning he lashed out with the blunt side of his axe, continuing to strike at the young boy, not giving a rats arse about any screams, he just wanted to teach the brat a lesson and get his bolt back, what would that little bastard do with that anyway? He didn't have a petching crossbow and they where so cheap it was almost idiotic to come back for them!
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Darik on July 16th, 2011, 6:31 pm

The giant ran towards Darik. Oh noes, he didn’t believe hard enough! The giant gripped the axe awkwardly, which meant he didn't use it often. He made a mistake charging Darik. Unlike the giant, he was a master with his tiny dagger. He didn’t get time to withdraw his dagger because the giant was quicker than he thought. He swung the axe with the blunt side. He didn’t want to kill Darik! Sympathy is something that doesn’t belong on the battlefield.

The first axe swing headed towards Darik’s head. He did something worthy of a master acrobat, he dodged it matrix style. He did five back flips dodging the axe swing. You don’t believe he can do five backflips? Fine, he did four. Why don’t you just accept my logic? I am completely serious now, he did one. Why are you giving me a stare of death? Fine, I may have over exaggerated a tad. Yes, just a tad. The only thing that is important is he dodged it. Okay, well, he tried to dodge it. Instead of flipping, he ducked under the man’s blow. When he ducked, the blow hit him in the head anyway. The man had snapped his wrist in the last second aiming to hit Darik’s belly instead of his head. Darik had crouched to avoid the head blow but instead he got hit there anyway.

He took a few steps back trying to regain his balance. He shook his head hoping it wasn’t some type of head injury. It wasn’t a head injury because his vision returned to normal quite quickly. “What was that for? The man ignored his outrage and swung again. This time he tried to get out of the way in style. He dived, hands forward avoiding the blow. He had forgotten one important factor, he was in an alley. His hands hit a wall and while they broke his impact a little, his head still connected with the wall. His body crumpled to the ground when he contacted. Metal connected with brick as the man hit right were his body had been. Hay, slamming your head into a wall does have some advantages

He got to his feet shakily. When he was on his feet, the man’s axe hit him straight in the back. He lost balance and started to tumble on the ground. He hit the ground at an angle causing him to roll. He did two rolls before he got back on his feet. He was were he had started the encounter, the exit of the alley. He turned around, his hand clenching the crossbow bolt. He was going to throw the bolt back to the man. He needed a distraction and the flying bolt would suffice nicely. It didn’t matter that it seemed insane. To Darik it made complete sense. The bolt was only worth keeping to a certain point. If he kept the bolt, the man would probably follow him. He didn’t need a giant following him, intent on maiming him. Sometimes money shouldn’t be taken.

The bolt felt completely uneven in his hands. He didn’t see how any one could ever use it as a weapon. Still, he raised his right arm into a ninety degree angle. He took a quick glance and, yes the point was facing the giant. He took a step with his left foot and threw all of his motion into the right side of his body. His arm had been forming an “L” but it ended forming a straight line. He had wanted the arrow to go straight towards Tuic but it didn’t. It was spinning in midair like a shuriken would. Not the way he would have liked it but it’s not like the giant would let him pick it up again.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Tuic on July 20th, 2011, 8:30 pm

Tuic was grinning as he was giving the wannabe thief the reason why you didn't try and steal when you sucked in the art of staying hidden and didn't even know the basics of basics of stealing. He was at least lucky he wasn't using the sharp end of his axe, but then again killing mentally retarded people is just sad and demeaning, it would probably be crueler to let the kid live and die at the hand of some drunk sadist. Or maybe he could catch him later and give him to the good doctor to play with. His already sick grin went full blown sadistic as that thought shot through his head. Yes that would be a good idea, it would teach that little shit why you didn't try to steal from him!

“That was for your own incompetence and my amusement!” Tuic barked out chuckling as the little thief desperatly tried to avoid his blows, only succeeding partially. Getting hit fairly often by his wild swings. When he knocked the thief hard in the back and send him tumbeling through the alley he let out a laugh as he walked closer towards the little bastard. He couldn't help it, the guy looked just comical as he was rolling.
When he saw what the idiot was doing with the bolt he just shook his head, was he really going to try and throw a crossbow bolt? When the bolt harmlessly hit him in the chest with the blunt side, his leather armor absorbing the blow he got his answer. Yes that boy was stupid enough to think it would work.
He advanced towards the street rat as quick as he could, trying to catch him again. He wasn't finished teaching the little bastard his lesson.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Darik on July 23rd, 2011, 7:14 pm

Darik knew the bolt he had thrown was going to kill the giant. Everyone knows that the little guy always win in the fight. Jeff and the giant Cyclops reinforces that theory. The story is long winded and boring so we will skip to the end. “Jeff, with one mighty throw, stuck a javelin in the giants’ eye, killing it instantly. It toppled to the ground freeing everyone from the giant’s terrible regime.” See? The smaller guy always wins. Darik had heard the story many times but always blocked out the beginning. Because he didn’t listen to the beginning, he hadn’t heard that Jeff was a master magician who had used magic to disorientate the Cyclops. Jeff had only won the unfair fight through the use of magic and Darik didn’t have magic. Poor, poor Darik.

His theory was shattered, when the arrow harmlessly bounced off the man’s armor. It landed on the ground, resting in the dry, dreary dirt. The man looked angry after Darik gave back the bolt. He had a look in his eye that meant he wanted to hurt Darik. Not a very kind thing to do, Darik loved life. Unless, when you die you become really rich. Then Darik would suicide at the nearest possible time.

Not to dwell on death for long, Darik made a goal. The goal was to escape with all of his body parts intact. When the man rushed him, he followed the steps he had made to carry out his goal. Step 1:Get out of the situation. He turned tail and ran away from the man. THAWCK, THAWCK, THAWACK. Darik’s feet clattered loudly against the dirt road. He felt great, he had barely spent any energy today. His breathing was fine and regular, nothing on his body throbbed in pain, and his stomach contents wanted to stay in his body. Without the blazing hot sun and the murderous giant, Darik could’ve enjoyed his jog. He did just that, you got to enjoy life’s pleasures, because there’s barely any! This meant instead of an adrenaline sprint, his pace became a steady jog. Even though he was going as a fairly even pace, his feet made a storm of dust. The cloud of dust hindered him because of its two side effects; it made him easier to follow, and it made everything behind him really blurry. So he had no idea if the man was following behind him. He really didn’t care, he figured he could outrun him.

Step 2: Make a distraction. Even though he was relaxed, his mind still kept its goal nestled in its mind. Step two was fulfilled when a metal thing caught his eye. It looked perfectly intact expect it had a dent in its side. He ran over to it and picked up the foreign object. It wasn’t heavy but like most cooking objects it didn’t look or feel right. It was either a pan or a plate. Darik didn’t know which one has a handle on it. It didn’t matter either way because either one is great to chunk. He turned around and flung the pan/plate into the dust cloud. Step 3: Keep running, don't look back. He could only use his brain so much in a day, before he stopped following its instructions. So, he waited to see what kind of rattling sounds it would make. It probably would only connect with the traveled ground but better safe than sorry.
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Stealing from a giant... not a good idea.

Postby Tuic on August 20th, 2011, 6:24 pm

Tuic growled as the little rascal turned tail and left him behind in the dust, literally this time to it seemed. The man had a split second descision to make, would it be worth it to continue running after the idiot and probably tire himself out and maybe make himself a target? Or just give up the chase, recover his bolt and seek out that little bastard later and kick him in the back of his head? Tuic scoffed and turned around, it wasn't worth spending his energy on. He just walked back towards the alley to get his crossbow bolt back. He was almost out of money and he didn't need to waste any resources.

Still he did keep an eye out for what was happening behind him, that boy had been as dumb as a brick, so he might be stupid enough to come back after him. Though to be honest, he wouldn't mind if he did. A small evil grin came onto his face. He wasn't going to use the back of his axe the next time he saw that little twat!

ooc: Well I don't think tuic would go after you for to long. So...
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