[Chapel] The Ritual [Veldrys]

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[Chapel] The Ritual [Veldrys]

Postby Tabarnac on July 14th, 2011, 4:18 am

"Be strong and know that you are now the blood of My blood. Power is given to you freely, but with it comes responsibility for these others."

Viratas did not ask if Veldrys formally accepted this responsibility, as he has already agreed to help the Denvali and the power had been given already. Nature abhorred a vacuum, an imbalance, and things sought equilibrium. Thus Veldrys would serve to balance the scales in some small way. The god looked over his people, recovered from the ineffable Words, even smiled at Astrid like He knew her personally, and certainly He did. Haimon had take all their blood into himself, and shed his own blood for Viratas.

He raised His hands again and the music began anew, or perhaps it had already begun again but only now was audible over the buzz of Presence. The blood seemed to run out of His face as soon as the benediction was acknowledged by the Denvali faithful, and His form diminished somehow. There was some trickery of the eye or mind, or He had always been Haimon and their collective minds had told them that something, Someone, else was present.

The look of ecstasy on Haimon's face might have been obscene in any other context, but today it was sacred in every sense of the word: set apart, holy. But his eyes fell upon Veldrys and there was such a weight of love and connection that it boggled the mind, pricked tears from dry eyes. Haimon too experienced that interconnection with those around him and with the god.

Looking down into his hands, he blinked at the glass bowl that had not been there before.

"A gift from the god, I think," he said, voice hoarse with emotion. He held the traditional bloodletting bowl out to Veldrys, and it glimmered in the various lights. Astrid bowed to Haimon, paying obeisance to the Presence that was retreating, everything lightening about them. She then took the bronze bowl back to its place, and once Veldrys had taken his gift, Haimon covered his arm.

The robes he wore gave evidence of Denval's military history, the surcoat-like garment leaving his arms bare. When he removed his hand, others could see what he looked at in awe: a completed chain of Silakrov.
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[Chapel] The Ritual [Veldrys]

Postby Veldrys on July 16th, 2011, 11:11 am

„I accept that responsibility“, the Symenestra solemnly spoke, even though no question hadn’t been asked. He wanted to reassure the god that stood before him that he would do what he could to aid Denval in the times ahead, that he would do what he could to prove himself worthy of the gift he had been given.

As the god raised his hands, Veldrys lowered his head, accepting his blessing. Somewhere in the back of his mind he noticed that the music had begun again. Maybe it had been playing all along and he hadn’t been aware of it because he had been focused on Viratas‘ presence with all his senses, a presence that seemed diminished now, allowing his thoughts to become a little clearer again.

It seemed as if the god was about to leave, as if his work here was nearly done ...

The expression on the face of the man in front of him was different now. The look in his eyes was different, a look of pure ecstasy, the look of a human that had experienced something incredible, not the look of a god. It seemed as if Haimon was back. Had he felt it when the god had borrowed his body? Had he been aware, had his consciousness still been somewhere in there? Had he heard, had he seen what he had seen?

„A gift?“ the Symenestra murmurred, surprised and accepted the glass bowl. He let his fingers run across its surface, admiring it. „I am honored ...“ He bowed, to Haimon, but more so to the presence that was retreating, one final farewell before he focused his attention on the chaplain once more. His amethyst eyes widened at the sight of the chain on Haimon’s arm, and then he touched his own arm that had been marked in a similar way.

„We have both been blessed today“, he remarked.
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[Chapel] The Ritual [Veldrys]

Postby Tabarnac on July 18th, 2011, 11:51 pm

A strong hand clasped Veldrys' wrist, a strong arm pulled him to his feet. They could feel the pulse of each other's heart through the connection of their radial arteries along the inside of their wrists, and Haimon's smile, slowly fading from its exaltation, included Veldrys in a new, secret fraternity. They were surrounded by those who were devoted to Viratas, but they were the ones chosen to wear His sigil, to bear His power. They were chained to His demands.

"Brother," he said, and it was so. Haimon was the elder, the wiser, but they were brothers now.

Astrid rose, too, and she bowed over the bronze bowl to Veldrys. Outside she was Captain and all obeyed her word as law, but in this sultry, beating heart of worship, she acknowledged his gnosis with proper reverence, even as the pure white light began to dim in her hands. They held out the bronze bowl to him, his responsibility returned to him.

As Veldrys stepped away to retire the bowl, Astrid returned to her place, and Haimon picked up where he had left off.

"We are the thread of life," he intoned. "Lord Viratas continues to show us favor. May we always prove worthy of it."

There came a gong, and the melodious cacophony continued...

XP Award!

Lore: Denvali Religious Rituals
Award: 1 Mark of Silakrov; 1 Prophecy of Viratas

Additional Notes:
If you can think of any XP I missed, feel free to let me know so I can change it, but this was largely a character development thread and you get gnosis, so hopefully you are happy. Congratulations, and thank you for working so hard to develop your character on a real spiritual quest. Don’t forget that prophecy either!

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns.

Keep writing!
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[Chapel] The Ritual [Veldrys]

Postby Tabarnac on July 18th, 2011, 11:57 pm

PS This is your Storyteller Secret thread with your proof of gnosis in it. When you apply for your income at the end of the season, it will be added here. Game on!
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