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Postby Erato on July 17th, 2011, 12:11 am

**Please Note: This is my first character here, so if there are any issues or mistakes, feel free to say so, and I will gladly fix things up**

Name: Erato
Race: Konti
Birthday & Age: 24; Spring 486 AV
Gender: Female

Physical Description:

Erato has a small, curvaceous form, standing at about 5’7’’. Her skin is a pale ivory with pastel, blue-white scaled patterns on various parts of her body. They take a circular, spiral-like pattern on her palms with thin, viny strands that reach up her arms and to the shoulders. The scale patterns on her back become thicker and viny, but concentrated only on the spine. The tailbone is where this line of scales abruptly splits and thins, weaving down the outer area of the thighs and calves and ending in the bridge of the foot with a similar viny pattern that is on the hands. Somewhat independent of this stream of scales are the scaled gills at the bottom of her neck.

What is most important to note about the scales, however, is their pattern on her face. It does not appear to be interconnected with the scales on the other parts of her body and is pure silver in color. There is only a single viny splosh above the left eye, an arching pattern of curves and spirals that begin at the cheekbone, run above the eyebrow, and end before the middle of the forehead.

Erato’s eyes are a vibrant aqua marine, her left eye having a minor discoloration to make a slight silver tinge. Her snowy blond hair is fine, long and silky, long enough to reach the shoulder blades but usually tightly tied up in braids and buns. She keeps her nails well trimmed and is very well groomed, always taking care to wash the slight webbed skin about her fingers and toes. For the sake of some discretion, Erato generally parts her bangs to conceal a good portion of the left side of her face.

Erato’s favorite color to wear is white and occasionally light blue, and she has never been fond of wearing shoes. Thus, she originally adopted airy silks for walking about on land. Travel restraints, however, generally force her around water, so she takes on short cotton dresses in pastel colors (these are never white) that tie about the neck and prefers to have some manner of flourish on them, be it ruffles or embroidery. Beneath the dress, however, rather than traditional undergarments, Erato wears what could only be referred to as swimwear, a sleeveless and legless unisuit made of thick cotton that is bright blue in color and also ties about the shoulders with thin leather cords.

Personality: Erato is a quiet and gentle soul, but is not particularly naive. She prefers a peaceful atmosphere, and takes no joy in exploiting others, but often has a rather satiric sense of humor. Her power of sight that is a gift of her race causes a great deal of confusion within herself and a resulting need for solitary reflection, but she still feels a need of other’s company.

Ethics: Erato looks down upon greed and violence, and thus is put off by thievery or battles of any sorts. She does not, however, have the will or concern to stop those who would pursue such things.

Likes: Erato has a love of nature, particularly the sea, warm climates, and philosophical discussion.

Dislikes: Erato does have a certain fear of strangers not of her own race, having heard of a great deal of slavery, exploitation, and violence beyond Konti Isle.

Character History (Pre-Creation):

Erato lived with her mother and sister during her childhood, but never quite seemed to make strong ties with either. She took to the study of healing early in her life and instead spent considerable time with one of the Opal Temple’s former students, of which she eventually became an apprentice. Later in her life, she chose to further her studies alone near the White Harbor, exchanging her healing service with local craftswomen and some tourists for information and mizas. Her gift has made it difficult to grow close to others, but she finds great peace in tending to the weak and weary. Her personality has grown to be a very autonomic one, but she does feel afraid when out of the presence of living beings. Despite her fears of the outside world, she continued to feel a nameless need to leave her home and venture out to learn more and perhaps fill the loneliness she felt within herself.

Thus, with great faith in her innate gift and blossoming desire, Erato left Konti Isle for the first time when she was barely 24 years old. The easiest ship she could charter was headed for was Syliras, and that was her first introduction to society away from Mura.

Post Creation:

To Leave (recent flashback Spring 511AV)

Peril of the Rainbow (Flashback, Spring 509AV)

Training & Skill Points:
Singing - 5
Swimming - 10
Medicine - 30 (including +10 racial bonus)
Fishing - 10
Lyre - 5

Earned Skill/Points: -

Lore(1): Plants of Konti Isle

Erato also has a Konti “gift” from Avalis, which gives her particular insight into the potential danger of an area. It’s a gut feeling more than anything else, not coming in visions or even direct thoughts.


Herbal Stock- Erato always keeps a leather purse containing salves, tinctures, dried herbs, and tea bags organized into pockets and pouches. These are extracts and mixes of various plants, namely: chamomile, thyme, cayenne, willow bark, coltsfoot, passionflower, marshmallow root, aloe, wort, ginger, calendula, spearmint, basil, comfrey, horsetail, shepherd’s purse, marigold, sage, sorrel, and honeysuckle oil. This was acquired merely from years of being a healer among the Konti.

Healing supplies- Erato also carries needed supplies in healing, including tweezers, small pincers, silk suture, a needle, gauze, white vinegar, cleaning cloth, and a soothing honey-herb mixture for cleaning. There are also tools for gathering herbs, cleaning them, and using them. This entails a cheesecloth, metal cup, mortar and pestle, and small knife for cutting. This is carried in her backpack that includes her other travelling items.

Ink, Quill and Field Journal- A book kept and written by Erato containing detailed descriptions of used herbal remedies, healing techniques, and known herbs.

1 Set of Clothing – Erato wears a pastel-blue dress that is sleeveless, tying about the neck with a bow at its back. The skirt runs a few inches below the knees, artfully pleated to make graceful folds. The v-collar and hem of the dress is embroidered with white flowers with tiny pearls sewn into the center of each one. Though she avoids wearing shoes as much as possible, she also has light leather slippers that cover her heel and toes. She also carries a full-length, dark blue cloak with a hood that she wears when seeking discretion among crowds.

Lyre of Pearls- Crafted after the Konti style, Erato carries a lyre crafted from the wood of Konti Isle's white conifers, polished shells, and a variety of pink and white shells. The wood base makes up the majority of the frame with the pearls complimenting it in long curves, and the scattering of shells add minor decoration. The strings are made from fine silk and the sound quality is among the finest of Konti designs, giving the instrument a soft, yet resounding sound.

1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, soap)
Dried fruit, cheese, and biscuit rations for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel
1 Waterskin
1 small corded fish net

Languages: Kontinese (fluent) and Common (basic)


600 Gold Mizas.
-80gm for listed healing supplies and herbs (520gm)
-5gm for fishing net (515gm)
-50gm for lyre (465gm)
-1gm for ink (464gm)
-5sm for quill (463gm, 5sm)
-5gm for field journal (458gm, 5sm)

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Ah, dolce far niente!
Posts: 25
Words: 33201
Joined roleplay: July 16th, 2011, 6:36 pm
Race: Konti
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