Wandering the City (Open)

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Built high in the massive branches of Taldera's bloodwood forest, The Spires is a city crafted by the peaceful and scholarly Jamoura. Considered a haven for scholars and sages Mizahar-wide, The Spires is a mecca of philosophy and science that draws people from far and wide with its promise of deeper thinking and higher reasoning.

Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Greth on June 27th, 2011, 5:15 am

“Oh,” Greth said, climbing up the ladder as he spoke. “Very interesting. Have you come to study the plants, or the Jamoura?” He asked. He thought the young human seemed intelligent enough, so he didn't ask him to not reveal the location of the city to outsiders in his writings.

He looked around as he stood on the platform. Being one of the outer petals, it was high enough to survey the whole city. Below him, there seemed to be a lot of houses just like his, and another place—which, by the condition of people entering it seemed to be some kind of medical facility—which seemed like a small village by itself. It was the only one with direct access to the temple in the centre that he could find. These small facts told him a lot about the Jamoura in this city; that they should value that petal a lot to provide it access to one of their most highly regarded areas.

Looking around him at the petals which were at the same height as he and Jason, he could spy what appeared to be an inn. As he saw the inn, something just occurred to him.

“You just arrived yesterday?” He asked, grinning. “So did I. It's strange how we didn't meet each other along the way... or maybe I was so intent on finding my way that I didn't memorize your face when I passed you?” He chuckled a soft, rumbling chuckle, glad of having found a common point between him and his newly-found friend – they had both arrived at the same day.
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Jason Alexander on July 5th, 2011, 5:28 am

OOCSorry, I have had busy couple of weeks. I will be back more often now :)
"I am here to study the plants, but I am also here to be able to both use my craft and study my craft without fear of being killed for using it." Jason spoke.

Watching Greth and following his glaze out and down the petal, watching the Jamouran and what few outsiders were walking around the petals below. He thought back to the time that he freely walked around Syliras with his family, quickly shaking the thoughts from his mind, as he turned back to the big Jamouran as he began speaking again.

"Interesting, but there are a fair number of entrances into the city. But, yes it is a good thing that we have been here the same number of days. So, my friend. What interests you? What fields of study? if any?"
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Greth on July 6th, 2011, 7:20 am

Greth considered for a moment, then, pursing his lower lip in thought, responded, “Study? I, unlike the rest of my kind, do not study, at least not in the sense of reading books and scrolls that are left over from thousands of years ago.” He paused, and then carefully continued, “I do, however, study the art of hunting; using a bow, hiding, things of that nature. The Jamoura have talents in this field along with their intelligence, but many do not work on this side of their nature.”

He watched a pair of jamoura children playing below them, one chasing the other as they ran, without a doubt to a story-telling session with their elders. It amazed him how much knowledge was passed from generation to generation, with the eagerness of a race born and bred to keep safe the overflowing wisdom of Mizahar. After a while, he turned his gaze at Jason and asked, “did people mock you?” He paused, and then added in an afterthought, “or did they hunt you?”
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Jason Alexander on July 7th, 2011, 3:40 am

Jason found the answer to his question enlightening, he had known the Jamouran loved knowledge, but he never thought they liked to learn about more mundane arts. Watching the city around him, the houses and buildings made of the plants that surrounded them. The craftsmanship and construction was a marvel. Looking back to Greth as he asked the question…

I was neither; I did not allow my skills to become known. If they had become known, I would have been treated with fear, no one would have trusted me. For summoners were once respected and thought up by the people of the world. But now, they are feared and mistrusted. I do not even wish to use it for power; I wish to use it to further my research to benefit my race and hopefully other races of our world, including yours.” Jason answered, looking into his eyes. “I do not wish to harm other creatures, I wish to help preserve life and keep it strong, not destroy it.”

Looking back towards the upper petal, starting to walk up the path towards the nearest building, pausing for a moment to make sure Greth was following.

“Anything else you wish to know of me, my friend?”
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Greth on July 7th, 2011, 5:27 am

Greth shook his head, indicating that there were no more questions forthcoming. He walked up beside Jason, thinking over what he had said. He wasn't quite sure about these summoners or what his people said about them in their story-telling. However, whatever they thought, he knew Jason was a good man. He knew it would be lonely to have no friends, to be feared even when your intentions were good. He knew someone with such goals as Jason's didn't deserve this kind of treatment. In his heart, he promised himself that he'd aid this friend of his to leave the past behind.

“I don't know much about summoners and what they did to be feared. They must have done something at some point that brought on fear to the people. However, I'm glad you were not found out. That would make things complicated. Complicated, and perhaps, dangerous.”

The building nearest them was brought into view as they stepped farther along the petal. Greth smiled fondly, then looked up at it to see what it was.0
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Jason Alexander on July 10th, 2011, 9:39 pm

“To answer your question or curiosity, we summoners are feared for the simple fact that we are mysterious, most people have no knowledge of the craft. All they know is our mistakes, if we lose control of our servants, they could and most likely will turn on us, killing us and then they are free to do as they wish. But people don’t see the good things that could and have came from summoning. I hopefully will bring some respect back to my craft among the people of Mizahar.” Stated Jason as he looked forward as they walked.

Jason followed the Jamouran to the building they were walking to, not knowing what building they were heading to. Looking over to Greth.

“I could show you some time, show you a summoning and allow you to see how it happens, if you want.” Said Jason to his new friend.
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Greth on July 11th, 2011, 5:36 am

“Show me?” Greth asked, excitement making his speaking rate increase. It was still careful, naturally, but excited.

He looked up, and saw an inn. He read the sign at the door... and his eyes widened. Greth's Rest? He looked aside at his friend to see if he had also noted this, but realized, as his eyes passed over the sign one more time, that it was actually Grath, not Greth. It appeared the owner of this inn had a name very close to his.

Greth stopped as the door came into full view, and turned towards Jason.

“Of course i'd like you to show me,” he said, grinning from ear to ear like a child who had just received the promise for a treat. The thoughts of danger, and these summoned creatures—whatever they were—turning on him were swept aside in the onrush of excitement. “I can show you a few things I can do in return,” he offered helpfully, “so we would be even.”

He smiled at Jason, then nodded imperceptibly.
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Jason Alexander on July 17th, 2011, 7:40 pm

Stopping at the door, looking to find them outside the inn again, Jason listened to Greth speak.

“It will take some time for me to be ready, I will contact you as soon as I am and we will begin. As for you showing me things, what could you show me?”

Opening the door and stepping in he headed to the bar and waited on Greth to sit next to him.
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Cheshire on October 6th, 2011, 2:29 am

Once again, disregard until posting is reposted.
Last edited by Cheshire on October 6th, 2011, 5:07 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Wandering the City (Open)

Postby Greth on October 6th, 2011, 7:49 am

oocI'm sorry about my absence. I was somehow not alerted about the new emails, or forgot to read them, or deleted them; whatever happened, sorry!

Greth followed Jason into the inn, offering a smile at those he passed, even though he didn't know them. He found that, if he offered friendly greetings, people would warm up to him anyway. And that's what he wanted.

He sat down at the table, putting his hands on the table that was created for a Jamoura's height.

“Yes. Well. You know, in where I used to live, people just liked to study history, and try to find out about their past life. However, to be honest, I don't really care about these things. What does it matter what I've done in the past?” He chuckled quietly, then paused for his words to sink in.

“So,” he continued, “I did other things; I hunted, I ran, I leapt... anything but studying. So, I learned a few things that... might not be things you can find everywhere. It is probably not as impressive as what you do, for if it was, I would be shunned as you are. But still, it is the best I can offer to even the score.”

He raised a hand after a pause to stop any forthcoming comments, then asked, “before we start talking, need anything to drink?”

He half-stood, waiting for his new friend to give him an order of what he would like.
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