42nd Summer, 511 A.V. The skeins and threads of energy spanning the region led Sama'el back home, his ancestor in tow. The prairies were not so greatly changed from Kasb'el's time, perhaps, or it might be they were. Such changes were generally gradual, and nothing had truly changed in the short span of the young Watchman's years. But the days had come and gone with songs sung to Syna in two voices, and while he could not match the liquid music of an ethaefal's voice, he hoped that with age his voice might be a match for Kasb'el's. His gossamer threads led them to where they could see the flickers of cook fires in the pre-dawn light, stopping to sing their songs at daybreak and ride into Endrykas following the smudges of cooking smoke. The final stretch was accomplished at a gallop, Dohaina allowed her head as she knew the way home, and keeping her pace mellow enough the Windrunner could keep up. They skirted most of Endrykas proper, finding the edges of the Sapphire Clan's section to where Sama'el's humble camp. His own tent was strapped to Dohaina currently, but Denen's tent was there, and Jyn's where the servant slept with his little daughter. Currently Ugly Pony was nowhere to be seen, meaning the industrious Jyn was off on some errand. But Horse, the Windrunner stallion, frisked about, eyes and ears arrowed in their direction, so happy to have his human home again. As their gallop slowed into a walk, he laughed and leaned over in his yvas to wrap his arm around Horse's muscular neck. There was a brief look of confusion amid the equine glee before he slumped out of the yvas, vaguely grasping at the necks of both beasts to keep himself upright, but then he disappeared from Caelum's view beneath his horses. Fortunately, both were well-trained, and though Horse looked confused, he stepped carefully around Sama'el's body with all the daintiness of his breed, suddenly alert to the possible need to defend his body from anyone who approached. Dohaina, alarmed, knelt beside him, rather quickly for a horse, and arched her neck protectively over his prone body, one liquid eye catching the Ethaefal with a look that might have meant: "Do something." Home at last. |