Basic Information
Race: Human
Birthday & Age :483 AV (28 years old)
Gender: Male
Physical Description
The best description that one could apply to Seidaku is – bland. At 5’7” and 145 lbs, he is more likely to blend into a crowd than stand out from it. He peers out at the world through watery brown eyes that have a tendency to sharpen abruptly when something catches his interest. Due to his interest in “higher matters”, his face is typically shadowed with at least a few days growth of light brown beard.
Character Concept
“From nothing have we come, and to nothing will we return.” – Kefak Svalresson. These are the words that Seidaku lives by, penned by a scholar of brief renown prior to the Valterrian. The entire work, “Dreams of Oblivion” composes the cornerstone of his world view. If, as spoken of in the Laws of Djed, matter and energy cannot be created or destroyed, where did the universe come from prior to the gods or any other driving force? Where did the pristine emptiness of the Void come from? He believes that, prior to existence, there was only the Void and, as such, all existence will eventually return to the Void. Someday, he will be able to prove it… and share that knowledge with the world. Because of his beliefs, he treats almost everything with the same bland disinterest, whether it is the beauty of a sunset or the pain of a knife in the ribs, because ultimately all things are futile. However, this does not stop him from being keenly interested in the acquisition of knowledge, especially about the Void and how it relates to the mortal world.
Character History
Alvadas was a harsh mistress for Seidaku, with his interests lying from a young age in scholarship rather than the more accepted artistic talents of his peers. Still, for one determined to learn, an opportunity will always provide itself. As the years progressed, he developed an almost supernatural ability to locate a library or a book seller in the ever changing streets of his home city.
In a small shop, at the end of a darkness shrouded side street paved in pale like when he entered and exiting onto a wide thoroughfare in the center of town when he exited, he found the book that changed his life, “Dreams of Oblivion”. Even for someone who grew up firm in the knowledge that anything you thought was real could be nothing more than an elaborate lie, the knowledge that everything he had ever known might be a wrong was a shocking concept. Nonetheless, he immediately bought the book and promptly devoured its contents, becoming more and more convinced of the truth of what he had read.
It was perhaps inevitable then, that as his interest in the Void from which all things had to have originated from grew, his interest in matters arcane would increase, as well. The following years were an agony of frustration as potential tutors interests either went in different directions or, if they were properly knowledgeable, they turned him away outright. Countless hours of searching over the course of years finally paid off though, as he finally found a mentor in the person of a wizard of middling talent named Vauthor. It was then that he began the painfully slow process of learning to inscribe simple Glyphs to channel his Djed and the basics of opening gateways to the Other Side. What he was witness to was, to overuse a cliché, “magical”. As soon as he was able to do so safely, he would spend hours in quiet contemplation of the Void, staring silently through a gateway into the perfect, endless blackness.
As his talent grew, so did his conviction that he was right, and the world at large was wrong. Eventually, everything would return to pristine nothingness, and all he had to do to prove it was find a way to conclusively and permanently destroy matter or energy…