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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.
by E'isi on July 18th, 2011, 7:34 pm
 13 of summer 511AV
Eisi disembarked the ship that she was on for more then several days. She turned around thanking the man who brought the bags of misalliance things of hers and Darren's along with her horse, "So first thing is first my love, we need to find a place to stay, then," she turned around to face Darren, only he was no where to be seen. "Uh..." she turned around frantically checking the water, maybe he fell in? Did he stay on the ship? No that is very doubtful...he hated that ship..."Darren?" she knew he was standing beside her when she got off the ship, but now he was no where to be seen... She looked into the crowd only not to see him. "Where in the blasted name did he go?" She shook her head, lifting off her white hood from her head. She was sure that he would be fine, probaly just running of so she wouldn't have to see him sick. Poor man, not a sea bone in him. She smiled to her self, as she started to lift the bags and put them on the saddle of her horse. "Well looks like he left us here," she spoke to the horse, "Lets see what we can get done." she took the lead and started to walk away from the docks.
This City was breathtaking to say the least. It was filled with people walking around talking with each other. She didn't know much about this place so she decided to ask where to go to learn more. "Excuse me..." She tried to get someones attention who was loading a wagon of goods, only he didn't answer, "excuse me good sir..." the man walked off. "maybe he didn't understand me?" she spoke to her horse.
Lost she walked over tongue side of the building, watching the people walk past her. "does anyone mind helping a lost girl?!" exasperated she sat down on the curb, holding her horse's lead. |

E'isi - Free Spirit
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- Joined roleplay: February 15th, 2011, 8:07 pm
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by Lena Estelain on July 27th, 2011, 8:05 am
”How can you possibly think this is ripe? Are you blind!?” Lena kept her voice at a hushed yell but her brother was fucking pushing it.
”It's an apple Lena, It looks fine to me?” He said in a tone so calm it only pissed her off more.
”I'm sorry if your used to dry biscuits and piss while your at sea! But unripened apples and stale bread are not going to be set at my table!” Her cheeks up to her ears were bright red with extreme annoyance.
”It's my table and you live under my roof sister and my travels pay for you all of it. Or have you forgotten?”
”Petch you, your travels, your house, your boat and that piss you call cooking. I feed you, if it wasn't for me your clothes would be in tatters and your belly empty.” She jabbed him in the stomach with her finger. Therin looked like he was about to say something back but just laughed. Lena was stubborn but after a while she smiled back. He always had a way with her.
”Why are you laughing like an idiot?”
”Because you are exactly like mother.” He laughed again as Lena turned an even brighter red. He always had a way with her, and a way to fucking push her buttons too.
”Get out of here before I show you how much we are a like.” With that Therin placed the unripe apple into her wicker basket and left with a smile. She didn't bother to see where he was going and focused on shopping for their dinner tonight. Trying to keep calm and not damage any of the produce.
It wasn't before long that she started to hear something in the back ground. There was always noise in the markets so she didn't pay much attention. Turnips needed examining and some ”real” apples needed to be bought. She placed the pathetic specimen back down and dug for more.
"does anyone mind helping a lost girl?!" Although, that got her attention. How could anyone get lost in Denval? It wasn't the biggest and people stayed here for life... Her heart quickened as she realized what it was. Fresh visitors! She even sounded lovely too! Excited to talk to a new comer that wasn't a sailor. Lena spun around forgetting the vegetables and walked up to the woman sitting on the curb.
The closer she got the deeper Lena stared. She was sitting in the sun. Wearing all white and looked absolutely perfect. Long golden hair and the palest skin she had ever seen. The woman seemed to catch the sun light and glow. In fact when she got closer she could see specs of blue lining her body. Where those scales!? Lena tried to keep her face polite, and friendly, but this person was so interesting it proved difficult.
”Hello there! My name is Lena Estelain and I would love to help you around. Denval isn't a very large place” She held out a hand with a smile. ” But only if you tell me everything about yourself and the the outside world!” She said with a laugh. Secretly hoping her calloused hands wouldn't be to rough for the other girl. She looked like she was made of glass! |

Lena Estelain - Made Of Dirt And Stones"
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- Joined roleplay: June 12th, 2011, 9:56 am
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by E'isi on July 29th, 2011, 2:44 pm
Eisi closed her eyes and sighed, "Seems there is no one..."
"hi!" Eisi eyes flew open, the voice was young and very energetic, she sheltered her eyes to see a girl, maybe in her late teens or early twenties, and wow red hair! Eisi smiled and stood, she found the girl to be quite tall same height or even taller but that is when the similarities between the two of them ended. This girl look like she was built for hard labor, not fat but muscular, and let's just say she could easily snap the 81 lbs Konti in the room. And that red hair was impressive, Eisi had to stop herself from reaching out to touch it. This girl....what did she say her name was? Lyra..Linda..Lena....yes Lena. Eisi took the Lena's hand and shook it.
Eisi face turned a light hue if pink, she just could help but to stare at lena's red hair, "Thank you, my name is Eisi, of Mura." Eisi tore her eyes from the girls red hair to her face..."oh my!" Eisi covered her mouth with one webbed hand "what is that?" she touched Lena's face, the reddish dots were beautiful! "they are so pretty!" she dropped her hand thinking that it might be rude to grab someone face you just met. "Sorry, I just never seen them before," Eisi's light eyes cast down.her long lashes throwing dark shadows on her pink face. "Well um...Sorry, oh dear," she looked back up, and gave a goofy smile, "If help me, I'll tell you all about my people and that I've seen, though it hasn't been much, I'm kinda still new to this traveling thing," she shrugged her shoulders and looked around the square, " So first question, where does one lay their head around here?" |

E'isi - Free Spirit
- Posts: 76
- Words: 69390
- Joined roleplay: February 15th, 2011, 8:07 pm
- Location: Mura
- Race: Konti
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