I desperately wanted to get a last look at Britain before we departed, so I headed to the uppermost catwalk. But on my way, I passed the dingiest building of them all. It was the boiler room. But instead of a massive, pulsating heart, I found an ash covered shack with a dull red tank in it. I found the whole scene anti-climactic. The room had numerous pipes stemming off it, and two men worked tirelessly to supply said pipes with heat for the ship. I did not like the look of the two men, they looked like the niggers, and their eyes shifted around as if in search of intruders. I decided against stepping into the shack for a closer look, favoring the continuance of my sky bound quest . Countdown had begun, our overly cheerful captain had announced that we would launch in twenty five minutes. Oh how we would soar through the skies much like a sick pigeon. I decided that I had time to go to the observing platform up near the captain’s cabin. I navigated my way up the steep metal stairs and along the ramshackle catwalks, climbing ever upwards. After about ten minutes of mindlessly moving up innumerable flights of stairs, I finally burst through the iron jungle and onto an open metal platform. Even though this was made for groups of people, it was no sturdier than the rest. As I walked near the open edge, I could feel the platform rocking like a diving board. Deciding that death was against my immediate wishes, I traversed carefully back to the center, up the tottering stair to the captain’s cabin. Nobody was there though. There were many levers and buttons scattered throughout the covered area, none of which I knew the use for; but dust seemed to blanket much of the panel, only a select few mechanisms were clean. Disregarding them, I stuck my head out the open window. Looking down, I saw what must have been half of Britain laid out before me. I felt like a king, a grotesque king of equally misshapen subjects, but a king nevertheless. Now I knew why people had created such a self-destructive outrage. I imagined myself piloting the craft, dominion over all I saw. But I had no time for fantasizing, for the captain came on the intercom for the last time. |