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Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Eeyeste on July 18th, 2011, 1:59 am

Name: Eeyeste (EE-eye-steh)

Race: Nuit

Age & Birthdate: Relatively unknown, pre-Valterrain by half a century or so.

Gender: Androgynous. Eeyeste does not affiliate with one gender or the other and uses bodies from either gender.

Physical Description: As a Nuit, Eeyeste physical appearance changes greatly from year to year, sometimes oscillating between the genders and even changing races. One, or one in particular, constant remains the same: Eeyeste is dead. While Eeyeste may be loose in his selecting of host in regards to race and gender, the Nuit always selects corpses freshly dead and of once-young souls: children, adolescents, and young adults.

As of Summer of year 511, Eeyeste was inhabiting the body of what was once a young human teenager. Standing a modest height a few inches taller than five feet, his body is that of a boy that had died just on the beginning stages of transitioning from boy to man. His frame was lank and thin with a set of boney, widening shoulders and a set of hips so narrow they looked as if they could snap. The transfer of his ichor from his last host to this one had been taxing and much of the fat and muscle had fallen off of him. The end result was a corpse significantly more frail than the growing boy had been. Not much of a threat to any.

Thin wisps of curly, auburn hair kissed his brow in clean clusters of ringlets. His skin was so fair as to be called ghastly and had an ashy, deadly quality to it. If there had ever been a luster to the locks and skin, the glow was gone with the spark of life. His eyes were a darker shade of brown than his hair and framed by sets of long black lashes. And hanging beneath each orb, was a puffy, dark circle that looked painfully sickly. His teeth were crooked and set in darkened gums. A black tongue was hidden behind them but Eeyeste rarely had to show that grotesque characteristic. When one didn't speak and didn't breathe, it was easy to keep a mouth closed.

If Eeyeste were to undress in front of anyone, that person would be privy to a set of deep fissures on his abdomen that were stitched shut. Eeyeste had a distaste for bodily organs, they tended to rot faster, and so he removed them from his hosts before transferring. The result was a hollowed out appearance.

Personality: The best way to describe Eeyeste's personality is to just do it in a few words: disinterested, observant, and old. Eeyeste was rarely passionate about anything and could observe great atrocities and wonders alike with relative dispassion. It was not that he didn't care, it was just his unlife had been long enough that everything had begun to spin in cycles of tedium. True originality was sparce and far between. Eeyeste did like to observe what was around him, however, and he hated not knowing things. But rarely did he offer his own insight, finding that piece of information better shared with himself rather than with anyone else. And old. Very old. Eeyeste was not exactly sure when he had been born--or as what--and he did not know exactly when he had become a Nuit. But it had been awhile ago.

Ethics: Eeyeste would best be described as morally aloof. He does things without thinking much about a moral compass.

Likes: Learning, cleanliness, literature, poetry, literary composition, embalming, preservation, and archeology.

Dislikes: Dirt, rot, conversation, food and the eating habits of others, combat, confrontation, and dogs.

History: The further a beginning was in the past, the more fog and obscurity it seemed to collect like dust in a closet. Be it amnesia or plain age, Eeyeste had little recollection of the first hundred years of his life. A few wisps of memories clung to his brain about his former life. He knew that he had been born at least four decades before what was known as the Valterrain. He did not know what he had been born, if he had been a human or not or if he had been male or female. All of that had been lost to him and possibly why Eeyeste had no qualms about being male or female. He had a transient suspicion that when he was born he had been a human. His oldest, strongest memory was the smell of the sea with the feel of sand beneath his feet. Where that was, though, or if it was even still around was beyond him.

It had been the first day of the last spring before the Valterrain that Eeyeste had become a Nuit. That was clear but the details surrounding it were not. The one who had changed him, his maker of sorts, had been an older Nuit possessed of a Konti's body at the time. Not that those trivial details mattered, if she was still around Eeyeste did not know it. He had forgotten everything about her other that the faintest memories of their first conversations. She said she had fallen in love with his beauty, the beauty of his mind. Or had Eeyeste been a female at the time? He really could not recall. Either way, the older Nuit had created Eeyeste as Nuit on that day.

The Valterrain was another blank spot of memory and Eeyeste now suspected that what had ever happened to him then was likely the reason his memory was so poor before and after that time period. It was not until year 116 that Eeyeste had any concrete, solid memories. He had been a wanderer, traveling the continent and observing all that there was. An avid fan of literature, Eeyeste preserved what he saw in verses of poetry and lines of prose, vowing to never again forget like all he had forgotten. He would live on indefinitely and remember it all. A dispassionate ever-consciousness.

Training and Skill Points:

  • Embalming, Basic: 25
    • Starting Package: 15
    • Racial Bonus, Nuit: 10
  • Calligraphy, Basic: 20
    • Starting Package: 20
  • Writing, Basic: 10
    • Starting Package: 10
  • Stealth, Basic: 5
    • Starting Package: 5


  • Signs of Dying
  • Signs that a brain is damaged


  • Clothing:
    • Cloak - A hooded riding cloak that clasped around the neck with a wooden button made of coarse wool. Dusty olive. Starting Package
    • Harem Pants - Almost thread bare pair of black harem pants made of cotton. Faded black. Starting Package
    • Shirt - A worn cotton shirt with buttons; light grey. Starting Package
  • Embalming:
    • Clay Jars, Painted, Four - A set of clay jars that are painted and detailed each with a unique, custom-designed ruin. Used for storing organs. Starting Package - Deducted 20 gms
    • Embalming Fluid, One Bottle - A Nuit essential. Starting Package
  • Footwear:
    • Boots - Worn, cracked black leather and fitted to the foot size of a young lad, knee-high. Black. Starting Package
  • Jewelry:
    • Silver Pendant - A small, stylized chrysanthemum bloom wrought of silver. Quite old and worn, the fine detailing on the silver had faded with the passing years. In the center was a setting for a stone or jewel but the center piece had gone missing. Upon the back were impressions that had likely once been words traced minutely across the back. Time had nearly erased them. The original chain had been lost with the stone and it was not strung upon a piece of hemp. Heirloom - Starting Package
  • Luggage:
    • Canvas Sack - Unbleached linen; over-the-shoulder strap. A single wooden bar and loop of fabric created the closing. Starting Package
    • Carved Chest - Carved out of oak and stained dark, the chest opened with two hinges at the top. The art was crude but carried images on all sides. Acquired over one hundred years ago. Starting Package - Deducted 10 gm
  • Miscellaneous:
    • Comb - Old but not as old as Eeyeste; made of smooth beach wood. Bleached white. Starting Package
    • Eating Knife - Old and simple; rather dull. Corroded slightly. Starting Package
    • Flint & Steel - Standard and rarely used. Starting Package
    • Waterskin - Goatskin and rarely filled. Starting Package

Ledger: 70 Gold Mizas

  • Starting Chest, carved. -10 gm
  • Starting Jars, painted. -20 gm

Thread List: Empty
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A memory in the making
Posts: 5
Words: 4605
Joined roleplay: July 17th, 2011, 9:22 pm
Race: Nuit
Character sheet


Postby Tattoo on July 20th, 2011, 1:25 am

Hello Eeyeste and Welcome to Mizahar,

I'm Tattoo, the Character Sheet Liaison, which means I'm the official 'helper' here in the CS forum. I noticed some things about your CS that need improvement. I know it can be a struggle wading through all the lore and getting your character in playable shape - starting with the CS. That's where I come in.

I noticed one small detail out of place. You did not designate your starting language(s). Starting players can have up to 3 languages, one Fluent, one Basic, and one Poor. I recommend all players knowing Common since it is the most prominent language.

Everything else looks great. Please make the appropriate changes to your CS and PM me, I'll remove this post. Thank you for the CS and I look forward to reading your posts. Welcome to Mizahar :)
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Character Sheet Liaison
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