[Temple of Nikali] The Spider in the Temple (Lucette)

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

[Temple of Nikali] The Spider in the Temple (Lucette)

Postby Veldrys on July 18th, 2011, 5:54 am

„I don’t know if I would find happiness there“, he admitted. „I don’t really know how to find happiness.“ He hadn’t been happy in Kalinor. He had been to Lhavit, and for a while he had been content there, but it had ended all too soon, and there were only the memories left now. He didn’t know what he was supposed to do in order to become happy. There were no rules for it, no guide that he could follow, nobody that could teach him. It was just an abstract, confusing term. He didn’t even know how to define „happy“. Would he be happy if he got closer to his god? If he found a companion? If he managed to save at least one woman from the cruel fate that awaited all those that bore a Symenestra’s child, unwillingly or not?

„You seem happy, Lucette“, he observed. „What made you this way? Why are you not as I am? Do you think I could become like you?“

„No, I don’t think that all my people are lonely“, he murmurred. „Most of them aren’t. They seem to be quite content with their lives. And yes, they are strong. They are survivors that are willing to do whatever it takes. I don’t know why I ended up different from them ...“

He wanted to say more, but then he felt her touch. It was gentle, and he moved even closer to her despite his previous reservations, despite all the problems he generally had with physical contact. Pale white skin brushed against darker skin for a moment. He was so close now that she could feel the warmth radiating from his body, that she could almost feel his breath, his heartbeat.

As she offered him the meat, he shook his head. It looked delicious, like everything she had brought him, but it would only cause him stomach pain.

„A man must eat“, he agreed. „But this man has a problem digesting solid food. The only solid food I can eat are fruit. My kind are different, Lucette. We are not like humans or Kelvic“ He hesitated for a moment, and then he took the meat and guided it to her own mouth, held it in front of her lips, as if it were the most tempting thing in the world. „Eat it for me, Lucette, and I will take something else so that we can share this meal.“
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[Temple of Nikali] The Spider in the Temple (Lucette)

Postby Lucette on July 20th, 2011, 1:58 pm

Lucette’s agile hand lifted between them, to slide along Veldrys cheek, to touch, to comfort. How was it possible that the well-traveled man knew so little about the world? “You don’t find happiness through search… It is here, and around you already.” Lowering her palm, she pressed it against his heart and said again, with soft, persuasive emphasis, “It is here…” Her fingers moved as if to show him, as if to point out the obvious to his blinded eyes. Beneath her hand, Lucette felt the rhythm of it beat against her skin, to join them in primitive melody.

“It is only that I allow myself to feel… everything. I do not question, or try to deny what comes to me – the good or the bad.” Easily, the Kelvic brought her face near to his, to tilt her head slightly, “You are very smart I think... But maybe your thoughts are too big? There is no room for anything else? You must be a great man….to be so absorbed” And Lucette purred, to show him how easy it was... “I am happy you are here…I am happy and pleased to walk on this path… with you.”

But he would not accept the meat. And Lucette would have cried out in shame and embarrassment, but for the grace with which Veldrys accepted her mistake. The man’s words were so kind, so gentle, Lucette felt he understood what she had been trying to do, and had not judged her for her misstep. The Kelvic’s eyes stayed dry and wide, as the meat approached her own mouth. Veldrys had changed her offering to become his own. In her mind, the meaning of it spoke volumes, and he would not know how touched she was by the selfless gesture. Meat and flesh! It was the highest, most coveted thing to the Cheetah girl.

Slowly, so slowly she parted her lips, and the soft tongue glistened as his eyes threatened to trap her in their strange, amethyst swirls. Carefully, to not harm him, Lucette bit down gently upon the cube of meat. Closing her lips, she brushed his fingertips with a soft, pillowy touch. And with her own exotic manner of seriousness, she leaned back to slide the offering away. Lucette felt a thrill at the connection the brief touch brought to her, and it seemed the offering melted warmly in her mouth. Veldrys’ body was warm, so closely next to hers and Lucette no longer cared about food, or drink. She wanted to help him find happiness. A hand trailed along the opening of her simple dress. “I would…” she started to say breathfully, lead you to a room elsewhere in the Temple. But the girl was torn, she wanted to offer Veldrys something nourishing in return. In the end her instincts won out, and what she offered was a different kind of nourishment. For what was food compared to compassionate touch? “I would, take you elsewhere… to show you happiness.” It was an offering, but it was also a question. Ever dutiful, Luceete was still the slave who sought acceptance in all that she did, even in this. How she hoped he would go with her!
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[Temple of Nikali] The Spider in the Temple (Lucette)

Postby Veldrys on July 23rd, 2011, 8:49 am

„Here?“ the Symenestra asked as if he had never considered that possibility before and touched the place where his heart was as well. „Maybe I was blind then ...“ Maybe he had spent so much time travelling the world, studying different races and researching the past, trying to solve his people’s problems, that he had completely forgotten about the present, the here and now, that which was close by. Maybe it was really that easy. Maybe all that he needed to do was to open his eyes and take a closer look at the world around him.

„Maybe it is better not to ask too many questions, but accept what happens“, he agreed, but then he shook his head. „I’m not a great man, Lucette. If I were a great man, I would know what happiness is and not spent my whole life looking for it. In a way you are greater than I am. You’ve already found it. You are content.“ As he said this, his fingers brushed against her cheek, lightly, gently, so that he wouldn’t hurt her with his claws before they trailed down her arm.

„I am happy to be here as well“, he whispered to her. As she accepted the meat from him, he watched. He didn’t know the exact meaning that the gesture had to her, but he was aware that it was something special. There was something sensual about the way that she ate the small piecee of meat. Again he felt himself drawn to her. His gaze was entirely focused on her hand, on her lips. For a moment his hand brushed againsr the platter that contained the food, but then he withdrew it again. Like Lucette he no longer cared about food or drink, but watched as her hand trailed along the opening of her dress.

„Take me elsewhere then“, he said to her. He wanted to forget the burden that he carried, that everybody of his race carried, the women that died, the venom, all his problems. He just wanted to forget everything for a moment, to stop thinking and allow himself to feel everything, just like she did. „Show me what happiness means.“
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[Temple of Nikali] The Spider in the Temple (Lucette)

Postby Lucette on July 26th, 2011, 9:04 pm

Lucette’s cheek nuzzled against the fingers that stroked her skin and left a tingling warmth in their wake. She lifted two of her own fingers to press upon his lips. Centered between top and bottom, the pressure was at the same time light and yet much more. “Shhh… It is truth I speak.” Whether the man wished to admit it or not, the Kelvic could feel the intelligence shaded by his peaceful calm. And Lucette knew he was a great man. “I will not hear you talk so ill of yourself,” she murmured as her lips moved closer to his. It was an acknowledgement of what she felt for the man. Veldrys had given her the meat and her senses were alight with longing. If there was a line that separated them, the two had magically crossed beyond it. Even as they spoke, Lucette felt a deeper meaning beyond the sharing of words.

The Kelvic lifted herself, easily and smoothly to stand, and her hand reluctantly left him to touch at the dress that only partially covered the front of her body. Looking down at the man, she murmured, “Contentment can be found… and shared. You will see.” Taking Veldrys’ hand she pulled him gently, willing him to stand. Then moving at an impossibly slow pace, her body languid, Lucette led him away, past couches with lovers, and tables laden with food and drink. The girl ignored them all in her wish to please this man, to lead him somewhere he could be content.

Stopping before a wooden door, Lucette’s feral eyes connected with Veldrys spectacular gaze and not caring that others might see, she kissed him lightly, slowly backing up into the room. Her hands caressed his face, his exquisite nails, to lead him with her hands and little nips of her lips. “When your mind is quiet… you will find it. And you will see - where happiness lies.” The door was solid and thick, and Lucette drew him past it with a look that promised infinitely more than she had already offered. With a gentle push, the door shut behind them, blocking out the distracting world of Mizahar.
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[Temple of Nikali] The Spider in the Temple (Lucette)

Postby Lucette on July 26th, 2011, 9:04 pm

Lucette’s cheek nuzzled against the fingers that stroked her skin and left a tingling warmth in their wake. She lifted two of her own fingers to press upon his lips. Centered between top and bottom, the pressure was at the same time light and yet much more. “Shhh… It is truth I speak.” Whether the man wished to admit it or not, the Kelvic could feel the intelligence shaded by his peaceful calm. And Lucette knew he was a great man. “I will not hear you talk so ill of yourself,” she murmured as her lips moved closer to his. It was an acknowledgement of what she felt for the man. Veldrys had given her the meat and her senses were alight with longing. If there was a line that separated them, the two had magically crossed beyond it. Even as they spoke, Lucette felt a deeper meaning beyond the sharing of words.

The Kelvic lifted herself, easily and smoothly to stand, and her hand reluctantly left him to touch at the dress that only partially covered the front of her body. Looking down at the man, she murmured, “Contentment can be found… and shared. You will see.” Taking Veldrys’ hand she pulled him gently, willing him to stand. Then moving at an impossibly slow pace, her body languid, Lucette led him away, past couches with lovers, and tables laden with food and drink. The girl ignored them all in her wish to please this man, to lead him somewhere he could be content.

Stopping before a wooden door, Lucette’s feral eyes connected with Veldrys spectacular gaze and not caring that others might see, she kissed him lightly, slowly backing up into the room. Her hands caressed his face, his exquisite nails, to lead him with her hands and little nips of her lips. “When your mind is quiet… you will find it. And you will see - where happiness lies.” The door was solid and thick, and Lucette drew him past it with a look that promised infinitely more than she had already offered. With a gentle push, the door shut behind them, blocking out the distracting world of Mizahar.
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[Temple of Nikali] The Spider in the Temple (Lucette)

Postby Tabarnac on August 6th, 2011, 12:15 am

XP Award!

XP Award: Interrogation +3; Seduction +3; Intimidation +1; Philosophy +3; Rhetoric +2

XP Award: Seduction +5; Interrogation +3; Philosophy +3; Rhetoric +2

Additional Notes:
Lovely thread, mes vieux! If they had full sex, consider her getting pregnant. It will give me something fun to play with in the coming months. :D

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns.

Keep writing!
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