((Hope this is right. I stole the time stamp thing from Abashai.)) Timestamp: 78th of Spring, 511 AV Location: The Bronze Woods Status: Closed, Tag Dimitri She had let them go on ahead. Despite being able to see the tops of the great walls of Syliras over the trees, she wanted to stay out and enjoy the beautiful day a while longer. And it was a beautiful day. Summer would soon be upon them and Syna was shining upon the land in all her glory. Zulrav had stirred a small breeze to make the leaves dance and her brown locks to stir. She wondered just off the roads, meandering between the great trees. So close to Syliras, she had felt no need to carry her armour. She wore her long sleeved, white shirt, though the sleeves were rolled up to just below the elbow. Her legs encased in her the brown pants and leather boots she normally wore. At her side as usual though, hung the Isurian Longsword she always carried with her. Jocelyn let a smile creep on to her face. She loved these beautiful days. It was her favourite thing about travelling. From the frozen lands of Avanthal to here, there was always something beautiful to be found in the land. Her slate grey eyes glittered as she gazed up through the leaves towards the sky. Were this a summer’s day the heat would be maybe a little unbearable but today was just right. The rays of Syna light pierced through the green leaves, making them glow and casting shafts of light through the magnificent branches of the trees. It was all very serene. She giggled quietly to herself as a gust of wind kicked up the locks of hair that strayed around her face. She had been in such a rush to get to Syliras. Now she could almost reach out and touch the very walls but she was dallying. No wonder her parents gave her such strange looks when she wandered off. She planned to become a Knight when she reached the walls, but for now, she could wait. There was still so much to see. |