12th of Summer, 511 AV The day at the Merchants Ring was less than fruitful. Cris didn’t go there for shopping, and even if he did, there weren’t anything interesting enough to catch his eye. So he hadn’t spent a single miza during the whole day in the town, except for that time when he bought something to eat in the afternoon. But what was more disappointing, he hadn’t seen a single person worth his attention. It was true that the marketplace might not have been the best place for the hunt, easily beaten by any tavern, but nevertheless a chance to identify and take advantage of a victim based on interesting purchases could not be written off entirely. But today was not a day of favorable chances, apparently. It had gotten dark quite some time ago already and the potential prey on the streets was gradually replaced by potential predators. Crismento decided that he should have called it a day bells ago and turned around to go back home. He soon stopped, realizing that embarrassingly enough he still didn’t know his way around Ravok well enough to navigate to the Tarsin’s Boarding House. Trip by Ravosala was probably his best bet, as it was the quickest and safest way, and guaranteed that Cris would end up at the location he wanted. The con man looked around trying to notice the nearest dock and he not only saw one nearby, but also an unoccupied boat about to pass by. He whistled and waved his hand at the pilot while hurrying towards the Ravosala. Crismento was about to place his foot on the dock when he felt some kind of force pushing his left shoulder. ”Out of the way, idiot,” words spoken in a low male voice reached his ears, but the mind didn’t catch the meaning of them as it was too busy trying to figure out how not to lose his footing and fall because of the rough shove. After a bit of stumbling, Crismento finally failed and tumbled down on his back. On his way to the ground he instinctively tried to grab on to something to prevent the fall and his arm mindlessly reached for the odd figure he had seen on his way to the Ravosala. His fingers felt a strange soft fur as they quickly ran through the surface of that body and in surprise did not even clutch it. As a result, Crismento’s hand just brushed against the hair and he himself reached the ground without any delay. |