(Flashback) But it's Already Freezing Out! (Solo)

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This northernmost city is the home of Morwen, The Goddess of Winter, and her followers who dwell year round in a land of frozen wonder. [Lore]

(Flashback) But it's Already Freezing Out! (Solo)

Postby Aello on July 22nd, 2011, 12:48 am

Summer 4, 509 AV

Aello was walking silently through the snow, on the look out for something to eat. A peacock-feather tipped arrow had already been laced onto her bow. The three middle fingers of her right hand had wrapped around it, pressing it lightly into the bowstring, and assuring that it didn't go anywhere. The edges of the bowstring seemed to dig into her pale flesh, causing her fingers to sting, turn red, and then grow numb with the cold. Her left hand was gripping the center of the bow's wooden frame rather tightly, although her fingers had largely lost their feeling, and taken on a blue edge. Her throat felt dry, as each of her inhalations and exhalations seemed to freeze in midair. A pale white mist that floated around the edges of her pink lips; trying to match the color of her skin. Although buried beneath a thick head of relatively long brown hair, the girl's ears had turned red long ago, as had her nose. It stung a bit, but the girl ignored it, being so intent on the completion of her task.

"Hopefully some sort of animal will pop out of the snow soon," Aello whispered. Her bow was dangling by her side, the arrow pointed at the ground. She wouldn't lift it until the last moment, when she was preparing to shoot whatever it was that she found. This would keep her from accidently shooting something, or someone that she did not intend to. Or shooting falsely, at nothing more than a blanket of white snow, glistening in the morning sunlight. "It is simply getting later and later, and there is nothing to be found. It makes one wonder if there is even anything in this place to be hunted," Aello mused, as she crept forward, through the endless expanse of snow.

As she walked, a steady breeze swept over the snow, brushing a thin sheet of sparkling white over her boots, as it pushed her hair off her shoulders; sending it swirling wildly around her face, before letting it back down rather softly. The ends of her long brown hair swayed in the remnants of the breeze, this place is way too petching cold, even in the summer time, Aello thought, deciding that it was not worth spending all that much more time here if she constantly had to sport heavy cloaks and jackets and furs in order to stay even remotely warm. Especially when it was breezy! That was the worst, you couldn't keep yourself warm for shit. Even the locals seemed to have problems, or at least, they were less likely to go out when it was windy. Maybe Aello should have taken a page out of their book and done what they have done... stayed the hell home!

Especially with it being so cold out; when Aello could no longer tell what walked with her. But then again, how easily would one notice the dead when they were doing their level best to conceal themselves? When they did not materialize or project in order to maintain their soulmist levels; to keep their power from depleting so that it may be used for other things? Who would so much as remember them anyway, the dead, that they walked among the living from time to time? Who but Aello? Who for the time being, was oblivious to it all, and this, the ghost knew.

Perhaps it took pity on Aello's inability to notice- to pick up on all the usual signs; a cool breeze, the notion that you were being watched with the weather and her heightened level of concentration on her hunting task. Or perhaps, it did not and simply wanted to show her after hiding for so long; like the animals she hoped to find the longer her eyes darted back and forth over the terrain; the longer she forced herself to keep on looking. For just before she felt his touch, she caught a glimpse of fading black hair out of the corner of her eye; of olive-colored skin before his hand brushed hers, and she heard the wind carry the single word, "hello." Her eyes grew wide as her heart picked up the pace, "what are you doing?" she whispered, uncertain as to whether or not she had seen anything, or was simply starting to imagine things now that she had been out in the cold for a little bit too long.

Aello's hand had turned to ice by the time her vision of him had left; was he holding her hand? Or was it simply the wind? Being at work too long? "Are you here?" Aello called, almost certain that the ghost had been imagined; the jet black hair; fading, but still almost as dark as night. And then she felt it, she felt him. Aello's breath caught in her throat as she tossed her head back, and closed her eyes. She could sense him trying to take control of her body, trying to understand how it differed from that which he had in life. After a few seconds, she returned her head to its normal position. "But it was already so cold," she whispered, her words turning into a clear, white mist as soon as they left her lips.
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(Flashback) But it's Already Freezing Out! (Solo)

Postby Aello on July 22nd, 2011, 1:52 am

As the ghost worked to understand Aello's body, her form trembled. Not only was she stuck in a winter wonderland, but she had been possessed by a ghost, which simply made everything at least ten times worse. Her body felt as though it had been stripped clean of any possessions, any sort of garment, including the gossamer, thin, and generally useless ones, and then, had been laden with bags of ice, which were bound to her flesh with tendrils of several frozen plants, before being tossed out in the snow. Her body was beginning to feel heavy, and more and more numb, with each passing minute. Her breath felt as though it had caught in her throat, and was only coming in rather shallowly. "Why are you doing this?" Aello whispered, "when this body is already frozen? When it wants nothing more than to find something to eat, and quickly, so that she may return to the warmth of the Holds?"

"Well what are you doing here then?" the ghost asked, taking control of her lips. What do you mean? Aello asked, deciding to communicate with the use of her mind. This is the wilderness isn't it? The proper place to find something to eat, don't you think? The man shook his head, rather slowly, as though he found everything Aello was saying rather amusing. Like he was talking to a small child who had just said something outrageously funny, or rather, ridiculous. He forced them through the snow, at a much more rapid pace than Aello had been going. He was kicking up trails of it, leaving messy piles and footprints behind him. "Yes, this is the wilderness, but certainly not where you'd go to find something to eat," he replied. Well if you know so much, why don't you tell me where I should be looking? Or better yet, take us to wherever it is you are thinking of.

A small smile formed on their lips, "that may be arranged. The place is not too far from here. Well, one of the better caves anyway," the ghost explained. We're going to a cave? Aello asked, annoyed that she couldn't furrow her brow, or slap the man upside the head for suggesting such a silly-sounding thing. Or walk away... being able to walk away from what she considered to be complete and total madness would be nice from time to time. "Yes. Where else do you think we'd find these things?" he asked. The forest perhaps... animals love forests. "No, they seem to like caves where they can go and hide from the elements. Trust me love, sometimes, if not all the time, they hate it just as much out here as you do," the ghost explained, their smile widening. "Trust me, they get cold out here too, even with those nice warm fur coats of theirs." A small laugh erupted from Aello's lips. Is that so? she asked. "Aye," the ghost replied, "just trust your friend Ragnar Frostfawn, for he shall not show you the improper path."

Well you'd better not, otherwise your hostess just may have to find a way to hurt you, Aello replied, wishing she could give the man a sarcastic giggle, or some sort of sign that she wasn't being entirely serious. "Fair enough," the ghost replied, as he kept their body moving forward, through the snow that glistened in the pale morning light; beneath the rising sun. As he walked, he lifted the bow a little higher than Aello had been, but the girl ignored this; at least he seemed to know where he was going, and what he was doing. "We'll be there soon lass. Just a few more minutes, and we should reach the first of them," he explained. If you say so, Aello replied, having to take his word, for she knew not for herself.
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(Flashback) But it's Already Freezing Out! (Solo)

Postby Aello on July 22nd, 2011, 9:36 pm

The two walked on for awhile before they reached the first set of caves. "We should find something soon enough," Ragnar assured Aello as her body trembled. That would be nice, considering it is getting far too petching cold for anyone's liking, Aello complained, their teeth now chattering as if to emphasize her little speech. The Vantha laughed, "now don't you worry, Ragnar will take care of you," he responded. Like we've gone over before Ragnar, you had better. The Vantha laughed again as he forced her head to turn from one side to the other, as her eyes darted back and forth over the terrain; looking for an old set of footprints, or any other sign of life. Do you see anything? Aello asked. "I see whatever you see, and obviously, you don't see anything, and thus, neither do I," Ragnar responded. If Aello could, she would have rolled her eyes. Well, forgive a girl for thinking that you actually might know what you're looking for, and what you're doing!

"I do know what I am doing," the ghost said, a little taken back and angry sounding, as the words spilled from his mouth, sending a trail of white mist after them. Then prove it, came Aello's answer, harsh, and as cold as their surroundings; so very to the point. "As you wish," was all Ragnar said as he kept them creeping forward, towards the cave. Aello's eyes lingering on those closest to them. Something seemed to scurry across the snow; sending a series of flurries fluttering in its wake. There! Aello exclaimed, wishing she could raise her hand to point, or jerk her head or something. But he was in control now; and even if he wasn't, there was a bow in her hands, and if she let go to point at anything, everything would be shot to shit. "First, of all, that is just the wind playing tricks on your mind, young one," Ragnar responded, at little more than a whisper, knowing instantly what Aello had been thinking due to his link to her mind. "And secondly, you are the loudest huntress I have ever come across in my life. It is no surprise that you have managed to catch nothing yet, and would have continued to find nothing simply because you were scaring everything away." There was a slight pause, "dear Morwen girl, what would you have done without my help?" he asked, his voice sounding all the more urgent as he kept on whispering into the wind.

Sorry to burst your ghostly bubble, but you're the only one that can hear anything Ragnar, Aello whispered to him. You are the one controlling your hostess' lips, making all the noise that is frightening all the game away. Her eyes seemed to flash playfully, before they displayed a far more frustrated side, as the ghost fell silent. He kept them moving ever closer to those caves, leaving a trail of hurried steps behind them in the snow. He spoke after a few moments, "if that were true love, than why is that there?" he asked, turning her head to face a small fox which was sniffing at the snow in front of one of the caves, and a little to the right. Ok, all the bloody animals but one, happy now? Aello asked. The ghost simply forced her to nod her head, before Aello continued to whisper in his ear, we should keep looking. That fox isn't exactly something one would eat.

"What do you mean? Those things are quite lovely," the ghost replied. Aello watched the creature's black nose twitch just above the surface of the snow. She couldn't see them from where she stood, but silver whiskers fluttered in the wind, and golden-colored eyes scanned the area for any sign of a threat, it must have missed her, or deemed her something to be trusted long ago. Its long, bushy white tail swished back and forth, as though it were wagging it lazily, content on its actions. Well they are rather cute, and graceful looking, but it doesn't seem likely that they'd taste good, Aello responded. "Well if you don't want to eat it... wouldn't you fancy yourself a nice, new fur coat? I can tell you're shivering lass, and that would certainly help with that," the ghost retorted. Well no, such things could always be bought... we're not killing it Ragnar, just get that out of your head, and lets move past it. That fox shall not be hunted, ingested, or used for its fur. It is simply far too cute and innocent looking for that.

Ragnar snorted and rolled their eyes, "girls," he muttered, before raising the bow a little higher, and pulling back on the bow string. "They need to stop being so damn wimpy all the time," he went on, his voice cold, and hard. Stop it! Aello screamed, too tired, scared, and cold to seize control. Stop it this instant! But Ragnar ignored her, as he slid his left foot forward, and allowed the right to stay a little farther behind that, no more than a foot. He raised the bow even higher, and closed his left eye, to help him aim. He pulled the bowstring as far back as Aello's right ear, so that it burned into her deathly pale, shivering fingertips. So that it drew a slender, bright red line. He moved the bow, slowly, up and down, back and forth, trying to perfect his aim. Cut it out! This is not funny! Aello screamed, trying to wind her arm around his and pull back on it to seize control; so that he could no longer shoot the bow, at the very least.

"You'll appreciate this later lassie, when you have a nice fur coat, and something to fill your belly," the ghost growled as he let go of the bowstring, and the arrow erupted from it, sending the rope into a series of rapid vibrations that produced a low humming sound. The arrow shot relatively straight, although it dipped at the end of its flight, right before it pierced the creature's hind right leg. Nooooooo! Aello screamed, a single tear running down her cheek, before it froze, just as it reached her chin. No.. she gasped, as the ghost was instantly expelled from her body, and the girl lowered her bow, before running forward. As she approached the mouth of the cave, and the fox, she realized just how far the arrow had gone, how much blood had been shed. The snow had turned a pale pink shade...

Aello bent over the creature as the ghost materialized beside her, bringing an added sense of cold, that sent a chill up the girl's spine. She settled her bow in her lap, "it was only a baby," she whispered, as the creature whimpered in pain. "How could you?" she asked, but the ghost made no response. "How could you?" she repeated, her voice a little louder, but shakier now that her tears had started falling. The creature whined, and instantly, Aello felt the need to end its pain, but if she took the arrow out now, would she make it worse? The girl sighed, she knew nothing of medicine, and could not help the fox, but that did not mean that she couldn't take it to someone that could. Slowly, she laced her bow over her left arm, and plucked the whining fox off the ground. It made no move to bite her, perhaps being too weak, or perhaps deeming her not worth fending off. "Lets find you a doctor," she whispered, as she looked up at the ghost angrily, turned abruptly on her heels, and walked away.

The ghost followed her, floating over the snow as though it were not there. "Let me lead the way. I know that the Whitevines, or even the Frostfawns should be able to help," he said. Aello turned to stare at him, the fox trembling in her arms, its tail spilling over the side and towards the snow. Her eyes were blazing as she addressed him, "haven't you helped enough?" she growled. Instantly, the ghost faded away, into the wind. He had nothing to say to that.

OOCSorry bout the confusing nature of the possession part... hard to explain who is doing what when people are sharing a body, you know?
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(Flashback) But it's Already Freezing Out! (Solo)

Postby Cheshire on July 25th, 2011, 3:04 am


Character: Aello
Experience: Observation +2, Spiritism +2, Rhetoric +2
Lore: Ghosty Hunting Advice, Inability to Hunt Cute Things

Additional Note: Great thread! Have fun being an expert Spiritist! PM me with concerns.
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