Lost to the sea (Voxxus)

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

Lost to the sea (Voxxus)

Postby Luna Keln on July 21st, 2011, 2:50 am

Day whatever summer 511

Luna walked along a beach opening she found. It looked out to the vast open sea. Luna always did love the sea. She knew her brother always had a problem with sea sickness and it always made her laugh. Luna smiled at her dog ske who was with her like always. She loved him a lot. "Why are we here master?" Ske asked her in her head. She was a wolf kelvic so she knew what he says a lot. "Well i miss the sea and it is a nice place to be till brother comes and finds me." She said as she set up a large tent that seemed to big for just her self.

Luna dusted her hands off of sand after she was done with wrestling with the tent to get it up. She was never good at it but she was able to do it at least better now then before. She glared at the tent as she dusted her body off of all the sand that has gotten on her. After dusting her self off she looked at the town and sighed. Denval is now different and a lot nicer then when she was hear a few years ago. Luna was born hear and ran off thinking her sister is dead. So she grabbed her brother and ran looking for revenge was her only wish now. Ske looked at her worried that revenge has taken over her life and personalty. He could only worry and not say anything to her. Luna knew ske was worried about her. It was only nature that people worry about their loved ones.

Thinking about worrying and loved ones luna thought about her brother and how he is. 'I hope he is safe on his own.' She thought to her self as she looked away from the town to the sea.
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Lost to the sea (Voxxus)

Postby Voxxus on July 24th, 2011, 1:14 am

He raised his mouth and took in the taste of the salt. Each ocean seemed to have its own flavor. At least to Voxxus, the taste gave him a special understanding of the city that encompasses the water he is sensing. Sunberth, for instance, gave him a strange sharp metallic taste. Every time he returns to the forsaken city, he feels like his mouth has the after taste of blood in it. This city was different. It gave him a sense of refreshment, something he didn’t want to stop inhaling until his lungs would cease to expand. The first image that came to his mind was trees, for some reason, perhaps to Voxxus, trees were a sign of innocence and un-tampered lands. It was a painful sensation because Voxxus and his peers were there for no such sensation.

The port seemed to quiet when the blackened ship loomed within earshot. Thousands of eyes were like needles upon them. The whole crew was unease, save the captain. Voxxus looked towards his master to see what his move would be from the obvious unwelcome, and a short chill licked his neck when he saw that he was smiling devilishly to the people who all seemed like victims to the powerful man. Voxxus’s master looked directly at him, “The ropes Voxxus.” And before Voxxus could register his reaction he found himself obeying his master’s order by losing his shirt and flying in the air towards the water.

The water was warm. Paradise compared to Sunberth, as the clear sharpness of it magnified the local beauty. He allowed his eyes to open, and enjoyed the absence of preliminary stinging. ‘Such clean water…” he thought as he shifted his eyes to oysters, which blinked slowly at him. He found his post and surfaced, to wrap the harness for their vessel. He then climbed the slick pole, using his legs more than his upper body, all which showed his experience in such a chore. He brought himself out of the water just enough to get his fingertips on the edge of the planks of the dock. Pull-up style he brought his upper body over the edge and displaced his weight to the higher plane. He now stood with water dripping from sculpted body and realized every eye in the area was on him.
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Lost to the sea (Voxxus)

Postby Luna Keln on July 24th, 2011, 10:26 pm

Luna saw a black ship and was confused. 'Why would a ship like that be here?' She thought to her self as her black hair got in front of her deep blue eyes.As she pushed her hair away she saw someone jump into the sea. She could tell he was shirtless and well muscled and a bit tan but still pail none the less. She could feel her cheeks redden as she watched him. She thought it was odd that she was blushing over a shirtless guy she does not know. Since she has never seen a pirate ship before she was starting to getting curious about what was going on. So she striped off most of her clothing and ordered ske to stay their while she went closer to see who they where and what they are planning to do.

Luna dived into the water and swam close to the ship. When she got close to the big black ship she was softly gasping for air since she was underwater most of the way to the ship. The salty clean felling water got into her mouth and she thought it tasted a bit sweet. She put one of her hands onto the ship to feel the wet wood. The wood was a rough and it hurt a little as she put her hand to it. 'What odd felling wood.' She thought to her self confused. Her hair stuck to her face and back. She was starting to feel itchy from the hair and it was hard enough to only stay a float with one hand and where she was itchy it was hard place to get to since it was right between her shoulder blades. Luna tried to itch the place but it just looks like she is flaying her arms around and it also looks like she is drowning.

So after trying to itch and fail badly she starts to get a little tired and she starts to sink. Now as she tries to stop drowning she is making a lot of noise. Luna is afraid and starts to panic even more. She never had downed before in her whole life so it was scary. She is afraid she will never see her brother or go and see her parents and sisters graves again from what seemed like many, many years ago. She is also afraid when she dies and sees her parents and has to explain why she died and was not protecting her younger brother anymore. After a while she began to stop fighting the weight of the water and the call of death so close at hand.
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Luna Keln
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Lost to the sea (Voxxus)

Postby Voxxus on August 1st, 2011, 2:28 am

Voxxus’s attention was drawn to the girl thrashing in the water. He brought his eyes up to his captain, who never took his own off of Voxxus. The dark captain nodded one sharp affirmation that Voxxus understood clearly. He dove back into the water and swam skillfully toward the girl. She was young and foreign to such a large body of water; Voxxus could by the look on her face. He drew a dagger as he approached and said calmly as he pointed it a few feet away from her. If she were to look into his eyes he would portray the sense of caution to her, and she would be wise to accept it. “I’m going to grab you, if you try anything stupid, I will drag you to the bottom of the ocean, and leave you there.” Voxxus would then reach out to grab one of her flailing arms and force it over the back of his neck. He would then begin to swim vigorously for the two of them, for a dropped rope and grab it with both hands. “You had better hold on, it’s a long fall from the top of the ship.” He would say as he would hoist the both of them up by climbing the rope. Once they would get to the top they would be greeted by a dark looking deckhand, “The cap’n wants the lass in the pen.” He would say to Voxxus who would tighten his lips at the unfortunate decision, “Taker her…” would be his reply as he would then pull her off of him. He would then turn his back on her displaying no emotion towards her now darkened fate and then retreat to the captain’s quarters to receive further orders… and perhaps she about the captain’s intentions with the girl.
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Lost to the sea (Voxxus)

Postby Luna Keln on August 1st, 2011, 6:16 am

The last thing luna saw was the guy who jumped off the boat and was now swimming to her. Now her eye sight was getting darker and she thinks that she is blacking out. By the time Luna woke up she was in a small sell and she was soaking wet. Luna was afraid and confused on how she came to be here. She looked around and the cell was a simple one and not that clean. She could see some slime and other things she was not sure what some of the other stuff was. She was getting creped out as she saw a guy walk through the door and to her cage door. He tossed her some dry clothing so she could be in something that is not her under where. "Thank you..." Luna said softly and feels like morphing so she could be more scarier as a wolf then human. But she canged into the ragged pants and shirt that ended up a bit to small for her. She was happy it was clothing none the less. She just noticed that the guy who had brought her the clothing had left as soon as she said thank you.

Luna was happy to finally have some dry clothing to have on.As she looked around more she noticed she is on a ship. It was odd that she just realized the rocking sensation and the sound the the water lapping onto the side of the ship. It was a comforting sound that is making her stay here nicer than it truly is. Most wolf's that she knows hate the water but she loves traveling by boat. Even her brother hates the boat and it always makes her laugh when he is trying to walk around on deck. Luna slowly drifted off dreaming about when she was younger and her parents where still alive.
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