[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Dusk on July 10th, 2011, 9:05 pm

Syliran Knights Recruitment Office


Though the majority of the Knights and Squires are those who have served in some capacity since childhood, many people come to Syliras in search of a greater purpose or a better life and find that within the ranks of the Knighthood. But first, they must apply.

The process isn't nearly as difficult as some might expect. One need only enter the Dyres District and express a desire to join, and they'll be brought deep within the oldest part of the city and into the Recruitment Office. There they will meet with Ser Erik, who will find out what their skills and motives are, and if they seem like viable candidates they will then be brought to Grandmaster Loren Dyres for final examination.

ImageSergeant Knight Erik Rainstrom
6th Wing, Gray Company, 5th Regiment, Silver Quadron

Erik is one of the few elderly knights that have survived their oaths. He hasn't survived them whole. Missing his right arm and most of his left ear, the rest of his body is covered in scars just as gruesome.

Despite his hardships, he's a rather cheerful sort. He lived, after all, where most of his comrades were not so lucky. Now he works a desk job, and makes the most of it. Though he'd be the first to admit he misses the adventure and glory of being a real soldier, without his swordarm he knows there isn't much else he can do. But he serves still, helping others become Syliran Knights and counseling those who've joined and may be having difficulty with the lifestyle. Always willing to listen and offer advice, he is the first step in becoming a knight and an important one in staying a knight.

Skill List

Tactics: 85 pts
Weapon (Gladius): 70 pts unusable
Weapon (Horsebow): 55 pts unusable
Weapon (Shield): 55 pts
Riding (Horse): 60 pts
Leadership: 48 pts

This location is moderated by All Syliras Moderators
PLEASE NOTE: Finals are over, but summer is eating my soul. As such, as of the end of June I will not be accepting any new quests/modded threads until I finish some of the ones I've already started/agreed to. My apologies for this, but I don't want to be unfair to those who have been waiting for replies!

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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Eldon Sunkiss on July 24th, 2011, 3:29 pm

Day 64 of Summer, AV 511

Was this a wise decision? Eldon wasn't sure. His choice was impulsive, for certain, and he didn't quite understand just what joining the Syliran Knights (or entering Squirehood for the time being) entirely entailed, but here he was.

To be honest, Eldon wasn't even certain as to why he was doing this. He knew that simply living in Syliras, working at Soothing Waters, it just wasn't enough for Eldon to be proud of himself. In Endrykas, he was used to being at least able to respect himself for what he did. There, he was valuable. Here, he was an apprentice of massage and cleaning people, that wasn't nearly so grand. Besides, recently he met Jaelyn, who was neither ashamed nor secretive about her love for the knighthood, and though Eldon still struggled with Common, he understood enough to be amazed and impressed, and ultimately, to wanting that. It was a silly, foolish reason to be here now, but he was going to do it.

And there Eldon was, staring at an elderly, one armed, heavily scarred, surprisingly cheerful man that was once a knight to be reckoned with (he probably still was, not that Eldon planned on testing that). Ser Erik. Eldon smiled almost bashfully as he stood there, at a loss for words for the longest time, and was only able to speak in an obviously intimidated (and broken) Common tongue. "I want to be knight." Perhaps the Knights would provide an opportunity for him to learn to speak, read, and write in Common as well. He'd like that.

If Eldon had known there was a wizard-like division, he would have certainly tried to join long ago too. Reimancy was an important part of him.
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Jokor on July 25th, 2011, 11:38 am

3th of summer 511 AV
Jokor followed his future knight through the twisting alley's of the city-fortress, carefully keeping his eye on the road, having not been in this part of the city before.
After a few moments of walking they finally arived at their destination it seemed. As Alera pushed open a door and roughly gestured towards him that he had to get inside.
Quickly complying he went inside and took a good look around, his eye quickly falling onto the old onearmed knight sitting behind a desk.
“Hey ser.” he mumbled under his breath, remembering Jaelyn's constant nagging about politeness.
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Archon on July 26th, 2011, 6:46 pm

Eldon Sunkiss

"Then you're in the right place," Ser Erik smiled warmly at Eldon, his smile one that was well used to soothing fears and nervousness, and it remained as he began to ask his questions, "I am Ser Erik, what is your name?" he spoke with the calmness and precision of someone who had dealt with many people who did not speak common, "Please, sit," he gestured to the nearby bench.

For almost a chime Ser Erik looked Eldon over, apparently carefully observing his body for obvious signs of health. Giving a satisfied nod as he finished his look over the old Knight asked, "Why be a Knight? Are you a warrior? What do you know? Sword, shield, riding, bow, or magic? Have you fought before? Have you talked to a Knight?"


"Hello young man," Ser Erik's face crinkled up into a pleasant smile at Jokor's half-hearted greeting, "Please, have a seat," he gestured towards the bench, but paused as Alero entered the room as well, "Ah, Alero, what brings you here today?"

"Just here to supervise," Alero growled out, his cold gaze on Jokor giving a clear impression on just what he was supervising.

"Ah, I see," Ser Erik said slowly, and then turned his gaze back to Jokor, "So you're Alero's latest recruit?" the Knight's smile returned, "Tell me, what skills do you have? Why are you here, other than Alero's encouragement? Why work to be a Knight?"
Last edited by Archon on July 28th, 2011, 7:50 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Jokor on July 26th, 2011, 8:05 pm

Jokor quickly walked over to the bench and sat down as soon as the knight offered him one. Ignoring the cold gaze of his soon to be knight on the back of his head and just kept quiet while the old man was focused on scarface, he didn't doubt the guy would hit him on the back of his head with that freakish strength of his if he annoyed him to much.
When the knight turned his gaze back to him and began to question him he just nodded.
“Yeah you could say he recruited me.” He answered shortly. “And as for skills... I dunno, I know which end of a dagger to hold and I can hold my own in a barfight.” He paused for a few moments, deciding not to mention anything of how good he was at sneaking around or breaking in. He didn't want to be thrown into the tank. A few moments of hesitation he decided to mention his magic skills to, alero already know that he had some knowledge of the magic arts. “I'm a good runner and I know a bit of auristics. As for why I want to be a knight? Alero there recruited me into the idea and the fact that you get free food and lodging ain't a bad trade in my eyes.”
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Eldon Sunkiss on July 26th, 2011, 11:05 pm

Eldon, despite being plagued by the uncertainties of of what he was doing, found the heavily scarred and maimed knight before him to be a comfort. "Eldon Sunkiss. You I am good to meet, thank you. Ser Ereek." Eldon grinned, feeling more confident than he should have about his Common Tongue. At least he thought he was improving, whether he was truly or not is still uncertain.

"I am Drykas." There was a vivid glow of pride in the man's eyes as he said this. Eldon said this, as if it explained him being a warrior. The Drykas were known for being hunting men, warriors of the plains, riders among the best, surely someone that looked as old and experienced as Erik would understand this? Still, Eldon was incapable of explaining why he was wanting to become a knight. It wasnt so much that he didn't know, or his reasons were good, but it was simply because he didn't know the slightest how to describe it. He wanted to become a knight because he wanted to do somethign important. This purpose left him when he left Endrykas, now he was looking for a new purpose in knighthood.

As Ser Erik continued to grill him on quesitons, Eldon would react with actions rather than words, wince his Common Rhetoric was so poor. To the weapons, he would loosen a throwing axe from his waist and set it on the desk for the one-armed knight/recruitment officer. "I can throw. A spear, I fight." And with that, he roughly explained what it was he was accustomed to using, through fighting a man in steel clothing was much different than battling the savage beasts of the plains. Next, Eldon would extend his hand, pulling forth res through his palms. A small demonstration as a faint green gel substance formed, which then molded into a stone, simple, nothing fancy, a stone sphere. He set this down beside the axe, another gift to prove his worth. Reimancy.

Finally, his last question fell to him. Had he spoken to a knight? Well, besides a few lost words to passing steel-clad warriors, Jaelyn was all he'd spoken too. She said she was a kngiht, right? Squire, knight, it was all the same to the foreigner. "I speaked to Jaelyn Baroth."
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Erzotol Silverden on July 27th, 2011, 7:40 pm

40th of Summer, 511 AV

Why had he traveled so far? The question hummed in his head, and almost immediately he responded. Because he felt that Zulrav lead him to this city, to this very building to learn, and maybe one day, serve and protect this place. Knights where more than just earning fame, glory, or status, it was a chance to train, and fight alongside the best, more importantly, it was a chance to protect, to assume responsibility, and that was something he had little experience with. Honor ran thick to his core, but even back at Endrykas, with his family when his father died, he chose to let someone else assume the role of Ankal, even though he was the eldest. It was just too demanding, too much of a tie down he would say, but in reality, he was afraid, afraid to let anyone down. For so long it didn't bother him, but at the start of summer he remembered those thoughts, the regret bubbling to the surface, and he did the only thing he could do, he ran. Run all the way he did, into Sylira's comforting arms, and now here he was, seeking out a purpose, where before he had been purposeless, wanting to have responsibility, after he fled it.

It hurt his head to think of such things, but a more pressing meeting drew him away from his round about thoughts to look at the elderly knight seated before him. He was expecting something, him to say something, to announce his reason for being here. His eyes slowly blinked just for a moment, composing his mind, and then opened. " I wish to become a knight good ser, I pray this is the right place, and I have not been deceived "
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Archon on July 29th, 2011, 5:00 am

Eldon Sunkiss

"It's good to meet you too, Eldon Sunkiss," Ser Erik said with a pleasant smile and a bit of a chuckle at Eldon's pronunciation of his name, "Drykas are fine warriors and horsemen," the aged Knight nodded understandingly, and then fell quiet as Eldon began his demonstration.

As the Drykas finished Ser Erik picked up the stone sphere in his hand, giving it a firm squeeze, and then turned questioning eyes to Eldon, "Jaelyn Baroth?" he pursed his lips slightly as he thought, "Baroth... Ah, that must be Atriso's daughter," he smiled again at the recognition, "I don't believe she's a Knight yet, but if she's anything like her Father I imagine she was quite the inspiration," the man paused a moment, and then stood up carefully, "Speaking of Squires, hold a moment," he made his way to the door, and then poked his head out, "Excuse me, would you go ask Squire Nilas Whiteleaf to come here? I believe she'll be able to help me with a new recruit."

Eldon heard a hurried reply from someone in the hall, and then Ser Erikwalked over to Eldon's side and placed a roughed hand upon his shoulder, "Hopefully she'll be able to help up reach that important why. Skills can be taught, but purpose is something that must be discovered by oneself."

Ser Erik returned to his behind his desk, idly rolling the stone sphere back and forth over the wood, and a few chimes passed in a calm silence. Eventually the door to the room opened and a green eyed, brown haired woman who looked to be around Eldon's age peeked in, "You called for me, Ser Erik?"

"Yes, you speak Pavi, right? I was wondering if you'd help me talk more clearly with this young man, Eldon, who wishes to join us?" the Knight gestured to Eldon, and as the woman's eyes followed his hand to the Drykas her eyes widened in surprise, or possibly fear.

"Ah, of course Ser," she finally said as she stepped into the room, revealing simple clothes, tanned skin, and a white ribbon wound through her waist braid, "What did you want to ask him?"

"I need to know the reason why he wants to become a Knight," he gave a soft chuckle and gestured to the ax and sphere on his desk, "He's already firmly demonstrated his capability."

Taking a slow breath the woman nodded, and then turned her gaze to Eldon, "Why do you want to be a Knight, Eldon?" her Pavi was smooth and fluent, spoken by one raised in it, and she hesitated before asking her next question, "Why did you leave the Sea of Grass and come to Syliras?"


Ser Erik nodded slowly as Jokor explained his skills, and then gave a soft chuckle at his reasoning for wanting to be a Knight, "Free food and lodging is certainly nice, but do you understand what you're getting into?" he fixed Jokor with a firm gaze, far warmer than Alero's icy glares, "The life of a Squire is hard, but a Knight puts their life on the line for others. Is free food and lodging worth your life? A man who only cares for his own comfort makes for a poor ally on the battlefield."

"I'll make sure that he's not a failure, Erik," Alero growled, giving a pointed glare to Jokor, "You know I wouldn't bring any weakness into the Knighthood."

"I know you already, Alero, but the one I need to get to know now is your recruit," the one armed Knight turned his gaze back to Jokor, "So tell me, what would be your motivation? What would keep you going through the difficult moments?"

Erzotol Silverden

"Deceived?" Ser Erik gave a soft chuckle and gestured with his one hand towards the bench opposite of him, "Who would deceive you in such a manner? This is certainly where you come to join the Knights. Please, take a seat."

For most of a chime after Erzotol sat down Ser Erik looked him over, appraising him, and weighing him against some invisible measure. When he spoke again it was with a pleasant and friendly voice still, apparently he had not been found wanting, "What's your name then? You can call me Ser Erik," his face crinkled a bit with a soft smile, "Tell me, what skills do you have that would be suitable for a Knight? More importantly, why do you want to be one?"
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Eldon Sunkiss on July 29th, 2011, 8:44 am

When Eldon heard Ser Erik ask aloud for someone by the name of Whiteleaf, his interest could only perk up. His eyes widened in hope as that name sounded too familiar to ignore. It wasn't that he personally knew any Whiteleaf Drykas, but it was a drykas name, true as his was. Eldon watched with Eagerness as what he had hoped was the precise reason this new Drykas name was called. It was just like His own cousin when he used his ability to speak Common to talk to Conrad. Such thoughts of home tugged at his heart strings painfully.

This was the first time in half a season he had Spoken in Pavi to somebody other than himself. Pavi, his native tongue, had never sounded so musical to his ears as it did just now. It was almost welcoming, like if there truly was just a tiny bit of home somewhere for him in Syliras. "Hello Nilas." Eldon smiled as he spoke with a confidence that you would typically only hear casual friends have, as if he had known her his whole life. Just being able to converse in pavi was a beautiful feeling again. "To be honest, I want to be able to respect myself again. When I was in Endrykas, I was a Water Maker of the Sapphire Pavilion, there was plenty to be proud of in that. Since I left, since I came here, I've lost that sense of self-worth. I don't quite understand the Knights yet, but it sounds like the Stormwatch of Syliras, and that's something I dreamed of when I was a kid. I guess, I still hold a fragment of that dream with me." If she was a true Drykas, she would more than likely understand. The Stormwatch were the heroes that kids looked up to. The true riders, best of the best of the Sea of Grass of Cyphrus of Mizahar. few could compete with a Drykas on Horseback, but even a Drykas couldn't compete against the Stormwatch.

Then Whiteleaf asked a question that, he felt, wasn't from Ser Erik, but rather from the Drykas woman herself. Perhaps he was mislead, but she held a great tone of concern in her voice. Why did he leave? That answer wasn't quite as easy to announce. He took a moment, heitating on the answer. Why did he leave? Did he want to say? Did he have to? He had bottled that up inside for Gods-know-how-long. "I had to escape my troubles. I love and miss my home, but I lost everything dear to me. I am the last of my Pavilion, and not even capable to be named Ankal. I'm a man beyond age of ripe for marriage, but haven't a single wife. I've heard my friends, my family, everyone I've ever loved just by being there. And... the woman I've loved since before I even understood love, is married to the greatest man I know and look up to." Eldon glanced at Ser Erik, confident that the old scarred man had no idea of what he said, which was a mild comfort. he could surely pick up on the emotional tone though. Eldon had strong feelings for his old home, and was hoping to make the same attachment here, to his new one. He looked back to the Dryks Squire. "Is this a mistake? Joining the Knights?"
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[Syliras Location] Recruitment Office

Postby Erzotol Silverden on July 29th, 2011, 12:46 pm

He bit his tongue slightly in thought and after just a moment in though waved his hand dismissively into the air. " Bah, unfound claims, it is the first time I’ve been outside of my homeland, so I'm a bit wary " he said as he walked over to the seat, and sat down slowly. His eyes similarly looked over the man, and by the scars he could see, this man was someone to defer to with the utmost respect, and his kindness enforced that to him.

The man’s voice pulled Erzotol back from his thoughts, and he met the man's eyes in a instant. In a proud deep voice he declared, " I am Erzotol Silvereden of the Diamond Clan, well met Ser Erik. " he said and found that he was now standing up. He took his seat again as the man started asking his next round of questions, intently listening to what the man asked of him. A smile came to his face at the chance of telling his worth, and he was glad that he was still carrying everything on his back from the long ride, fully suited out in his leather cuirass, and weapons. " My riding is fair, and on any field I know I can trust my Strider to carry me true. " he paused taking another breath while he thought. " I could get better acquainted with my weapons, and my shield work could do with some practice " He finished by laying presenting his short composite bow, and his sheathed longsword before him for the man to look over if he so wished.

" Simply, I must follow my heart, and it leads me here. I wish to serve, and protect, and do all I can for the knights " he said, scratching his chin absentmindedly as his thoughts wound backwards into Endrykas where the thought first donned on him. It had been so long since then.
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