[Merchant] General Supplies: Tooltuk Supplies

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Not found on any map, Endrykas is a large migrating tent city wherein the horseclans of Cyphrus gather to trade and exchange information. [Lore]

Moderator: Gossamer

[Merchant] General Supplies: Tooltuk Supplies

Postby Tundris on February 22nd, 2010, 3:23 am



ImageEvery early morning when dawn breaks, the Tooltuk family rises from the beds in the back of their pavilian and begins their daily routine. Tent flaps are untied and rolled up to expose wooden displays and tables with both native and imported goods. Items in demand are pushed to the front and the less popular inventory is shelved further towards the back of the tent.

The Tooltuks are actually one of the few families that has their shop in a tent that is serparated from their home pavilian. The smaller tent is a family heirloom, a reminder back to when the Tooltuk even started selling supplies to their fellow Drykas. The tent has been used in the family for over 10 generations and has withstood repairs and reconstruction to keep it functional. Along the walls of either side of the tent hang brackets with hooks that show a variety of supplies all organized by function, size, and origin.

Many of the heavier tools and equipment are kept in barrels or alone on small wagons parked inside the tent. During the start up of the day, these wagons are pulled out to be displayed and are rolled back into the tent overnight. The tent itself has been blessed and protected by the family web, first established when the tent itself was built for the purpose of helping the family prosper in business. The web is particularly sensitive to thieves and deters curious eyes and hands.


Animal Snare, Small 5 GM
Axe, Carpenter's 1 GM
Axe, Woodsman's 4 GM
Barrel (Empty) 1 GM
Basket (Empty) 4 SM
Bedroll 1 SM
Block And Tackle 5 GM
Bucket (Empty) 5 SM
Candle 1 SM
Chain (10 ft.) 30 GM
Chest (Empty) 2 GM
Climber’s Kit 80 GM
Compass 200 GM
Crowbar 2 GM
Dice Set 5 CM
Flask 3 CM
Flint And Steel 1 GM
Hammer 5 SM
Hoe 3 GM
Hourglass 25 GM
Insect Repellent 1 GM
Ladder, 10ft. 5 CM
Lamp, Common 1 SM
Lantern, Hooded 7 GM
Magnifying Glass 100 GM
Mirror, Small Clay 10 GM
Oil (1-Pint Flask) 1 SM
Parchment (per sq.ft.) 5 CM
Preserving Kit 5 GM
Pitchfork 1 GM
Pipe, Smoking 1 GM
Pole, 10-Foot 2 SM
Rake 1 GM
Rope, Hemp (50 ft.) 1 GM
Merchant's Scale 2 GM
Sack (Empty) 1 SM
Sealing Wax 1 GM
Sewing Needle 5 SM
Shovel 2 GM
Signal Whistle 8 SM
Soap (Per lb.) 5 SM
Thread (200 ft.) 10 SM
Tobacco, Smoking 10 SM
Toolkit, Fletcher’s 20 GM
Toolkit, Crafter's 25 GM
Toolkit, Leatherworker’s 70 GM
Toolkit, Surgeon’s 30 GM
Torch 2 CM
Traveler’s Soup Stock (10) 3 GM
Vial, Ink 1 GM
Water Additive 3 GM
Water Trap 45 GM

As mother Lynn and daughter Shauna maintain and organize the sales and inventory of Tooltuk Supplies, Ankal Samhain often travels with relatives and clan members to trade and bargain for the products they import for reselling in Endrykas from their shop. Several times a year he will split off from the family for weeks at a time with a wagon to transport goods and a team of family warriors to protect the transport from thieves and wild beasts.

Math: 80
Bartering: 90
Organizing: 75

Candle Craft: 50
Bartering: 75
Organizing: 80

Bartering: 90
Webbing: 80
Riding: 60
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