Landfall! (Closed)

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

Landfall! (Open)

Postby Luna Keln on July 25th, 2011, 5:32 am

Luna gasps and covers her mouth. She saw the blond guy get punch quite hard by the dark hair guy. It was unexpected and she could tell that is going to leave a mark in the morning.She looked at the dark haired guy and blinked. She had no clue what he said and the blond looked like he was confused and in a bit of pain from the punch. She could tell it was not properly hit cause he is drunk and through off his balance. she walked over to them and bend down to the blond to see if he was okay.

"Are you okay sir?" She said in denvali. She smiled and looked at the dark haired guy and had to cover her nose from how much he smells like alcohol. Ske walked right be hind Luna and some what gave the tall dark haired guy a dirty look. Well as best as a dog can give a dirty look. Ske did not want him to get close to Luna in case he gets violent with his mistress. "How much did you drink sir?"She said as she slowly got up from bending over to look at the blond. She could smell a lot of booze on him and knowing if it is the local ale the stuff is strong and very good.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Talen Stirling on July 25th, 2011, 12:44 pm

His ribs cracked and the air in his lungs abandoned him in a gasp as his lapse in concentration was punished with a brutal uppercut. The blow connected firmly and heavily, and Talen staggered backwards coughed and spluttering as he regained his breath. As he looked up from his ordeal, he was suddenly looking into the face of the pretty girl questioning his well-being in Denvali. She had a little bit of a strange aura about her, but he managed to come up with a reply despite his drunken confusion.

"Uh.. I'm fi--" He choked as he felt an urge to throw up, yet he suppressed the pressure building from below so that he did not shower her in degtine and hours old oatmeal. "Fine - Thanks." He got up, and looked at Darren with a questioning glance "What the..?" when the girl looked at him instead of Talen. Her appearance in the middle of their fight left him dumbstruck. He took a step towards Darren to speak or say something, yet staggered and accidentally grabbed onto her shoulders for support with considerable weight and pressure and a surprised expression as he stumbled.
Last edited by Talen Stirling on July 25th, 2011, 8:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Darren on July 25th, 2011, 7:40 pm

His fingers feeled through Talen's insides as he connected, followed by a quick guffaw from Darren as he grunted in approval. He then watched Talen response as he quietly appreciated his handiwork. "Good, good. You ready?" His eyes drooped as he saw the Denval guard retch slightly but nevertheless stood patiently awaiting Talen's retaliation. Darren drew back as the guard's face turned a curious and equally disgusting shade of green averting his gaze from the unsettling look. If Talen was that nauseous the Vantha himself wasn't too far off. "You hit me. Not girl. ...but with fists please." Turning back, Darren watched as his susceptible new friend gazed dumbfound at Luna before rolling his eyes to the high heavens. "Ugh by Morwen, your so dumb"

Suddenly Talen moved to the offense as he took a step towards the overly intent Vantha. Spurred into action, Darren move on his own accord sending out a light kick at the man. However Darren didn't count on the man stumbling next to the stranger but it was too late for him to stop the momentum he allotted in the short time. Granted with the angle and trajectory of the kick it didn't fare to well for the stranger as it would hit Talen's arse and send him stumbling, or possibly tripping atop the newcomer.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Luna Keln on July 26th, 2011, 6:43 pm

Luna felt the waight of the blond. "That is good." She said smiling and speaking in denvali.Denvali is not her best language but she knows it fairly well since it was one she spoke for two years straight. The man was heavy but not to heavy for her. She is used to heavy people. Since she has to take care of her brother she used to give him piggy back rides. Ske looked at the blond and growled a little. "Oh shush." She said in common just for the fun of mixing up her languages. "And do you have any ale left?" She said not caring to whom answers her.

She is used to hard types of ale or spirits. She had to leave her brother at a inn just so she could go off and drink till she had more then enough for a human to stand.Ske know she wanted ale and barked at her. All luna sis was roll her eyes and shrug. Yes she wanted ale but she wanted this fight to end rather faster then it happened. Witch she does not know how fast they decided to fight and what they are brawling for. 'Probably a barmaid or something.' She thought to her self chuckling. She was surprised on how hard the punch was. She could even see he was still a bit green and might need to puke. "Do not puke on me." Luna said smiling.
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Landfall! (Open)

Postby Talen Stirling on July 28th, 2011, 6:56 pm

He was completely incapable of stopping, but apparently the otherwise small girl had strength in her that he hadn't imagined and didn't fall over. He jumped off her and to the side, she spoke in Denvali but his eyes went to Darren with a mixture of scorching anger and amusement that was a little hard to read in his drunken state. He heard her speaking in Denvali to both of them, and looked at her for a brief moment. In his ears seemed muffled, as if whatever she said didn't quite get through some veil, so he decided to simply make a joke and make Darren pay. "We're busy, wait your turn." He said it with a grin that suddenly changed into a grim expression as he sprinted towards Darren in all his drunken might.

The charge was hopefully surprising, he'd thrown all of his weight into it and aimed for Darren's lower chest as he came within range, intending to send him to the ground with a wellplaced tackle. Talens' arms were spread out wide and he was, although barely, ready to try and grab him if he attempted a dodge.
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Landfall! (Closed)

Postby Darren on July 29th, 2011, 5:04 pm

Darren's eyes drooped as he watched Talen recover from his kick. This guy's not really taking this seriously huh? The appearance of the straggler was probably the cause of Talen's lack of focus. Even now he is mindlessly pawing her as she supported his weight. What were they saying? The two speaking in their native tongue had him feeling suddenly left out of the conversation. "Forget it" Waving an unsteady hand downwards in contempt he turned to leave the scene before it deteriorated further. Let the Denvali talk They can do it in the streets for all I care. Looking away from the two he took a few shaky steps back into the tavern expecting to see Eisi somehow already in the room he ordered for the both of them.

Three steps. Three steps back towards The Stranger's welcome was all he could take before he noticed a fleeting movement in his peripheral vision. The vantha was just in time to turn his head to see Talen finally hit him. Tackling him from the side Darren had no choice but to crumple under the weight Talen's charge as it sent him hard unto the unforgiving floor. He layed still for a moment as he tried to gain his bearings before trying to push Talen away from him. His arms flailing around wildly in his desire to get the guardsman off of him he would soon find his aggressors's face. In doing so a few smacks were in order before Darren would shove Talen's face with what little strength he could muster in his cramped position. "Get off me, you drunk!"

oocItalics is common. Dare can't understand Denvali.
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