Tallandir Mithadar (WIP)

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Tallandir Mithadar (WIP)

Postby Tallandir Mithadar on July 28th, 2011, 7:27 pm

Tallandir Mithadar


Race: Human, Endrykas
Age : 27
Gender: Male

Hair: Medium Length Dark Brown Messy Hair, Brown Goatee
Eyes: Blue
Height: 6'1"
Weight: 185 lbs

Strider's Age: 4 years

Tallandir's Strider Pictured above

Tallandir is a very social person and can be found interacting with people a great deal. He usually does not insult others and when he does he has a reason. Tallandir prefers to avoid unnecessary fighting but is not opposed to it, he will fiercely defend what's his and those that he loves. He likes his Ale as does any man and He fiercely loves his family and the land of Endrykas. He leads the Mithadar Pavillion of the Diamond Clan following the death of his father who was killed while hunting when a band of bandits attacked the hunting party. Tallandir was there as well but survived the attack by the band of bandits, their leader of which was a woman, but no one else in the large hunting party survived. He is a fair man and an honorable man but shows no mercy to those that attempt to harm his family or himself or those that trespass. He has no wife as of yet but he has a great bonding with his Strider Augustus (named for the strider's fierceness). He's a man with a great deal of pride but can be found to be humble most of the time. Tallandir lives by 6 virtues he has come up with or heard (mostly from his Father) over time:

1. "Well done is better then Well said."
Tallandir dislikes those who boast and make false promises. Tallandir would prefer instead to see it done.

2. "He that cannot obey cannot command."
Tallandir believes that it is important to be an intent listener rather then a speaker and sees it as one of the most important traits in a leader.

3. "Wise men talk because they have something to say; fools, because they have to say something."
Tallandir believes that unless you have something worthwhile or intelligent to say that either makes or adds a point in a discussion, then you need not say it for you will make yourself a fool.

4. "If you believe that you can damage, then believe that you can fix."
Tallandir believes you must learn from your mistakes and fix the mistake in the future, or you risk repetition and damage to yourself and those around you.

5. "Intuition is a suspension of logic due to impatience."
Tallandir prefers to use logic and reason as much as possible rather then just jumping into a "gut feeling" and risk failure.

6. "Legends are material to be molded and not facts to be recorded."
Tallandir does not believe in stories or legends of individuals and prefers instead to truly interact with the person to discover who they really are.

Skills, Lore, Languages, & Gnosis
Weapon (Longsword)-30/100
Riding (Horse)-15/100

Ambidextrous with a Sword

Grassland Sign


Chain Lamellar Armor with a Mithadar Pavillion Surcoat Covering it (Armor is family heirloom)
Black Cloak
Black Tunic and Pants


Cyphrus Strider, Named Augustus

  • 1 Waterskin
  • 1 Backpack containing:
  • 1 set of toiletries (soap, comb, brush, razor)
  • Food for a week
  • 1 eating knife
  • Flint & steel
  • Large Tent 4 Person (And all Associated misc. things with the Tent package)


+100 gmStarting Package100 gm
-5 gmMithadar Surcoat95 gm
-15 gmLongsword80 gm

Summer Threads

Friends Made (Bolden Denusk)

Fall Threads

Last edited by Tallandir Mithadar on December 3rd, 2011, 7:03 am, edited 8 times in total.
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Tallandir Mithadar
Posts: 10
Words: 3533
Joined roleplay: July 28th, 2011, 1:01 pm
Race: Human, Drykas
Character sheet

Tallandir Mithadar (WIP)

Postby Tallandir Mithadar on August 2nd, 2011, 9:38 pm

Tallandir's Theme Song

User avatar
Tallandir Mithadar
Posts: 10
Words: 3533
Joined roleplay: July 28th, 2011, 1:01 pm
Race: Human, Drykas
Character sheet

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