Winter, Day 20, 509 AV Private thoughts are to be reserved for prayer and meditation. To the person who might have found this diary, might've gotten her sneaky little hands on it, and is reading it now, there is truly no need to look any further. You won't find anything interesting. Unless, of course, you are dull enough to find my organizational thoughts interesting. Purpose: To lay out assignments, record brief ideas for lessons and sermons, and to keep note of tasks that might need to be done, to record the status of a particular project, etc. I may also record my impressions, but these will be as objective as possible. Today is the one-year anniversary of my ordination into Her priesthood. Assigned tasks for the year, beginning immediately: ~Instruction of daily writing lesson to the snakelings. ~Thrice-weekly instruction of medicine to aspiring priestesses. ~Thrice-weekly duty in the medicine hall, beginning at midnight. ~Once-weekly ritual, at least. |