Time Stamp: 55th of Summer 511 AV - Early Morning
Location: The Bronze Woods
Stretching and yawning Tessa rolled over, tossing the cover of her bedroll away as the temperature started to rise. She could already tell it was going to be another warm one as she yawned again and sat up, remembering to duck just a little to avoid the cross pole overhead. She reached for her tunic and roughly pulled it on before crawling out of her tent, idly running her hand through her hair and pursing her lips at just how greasy it felt. Probably best that she wash it today, and she was fairly sure she was going to need to fetch some water anyway given that her waterskins were running low again. There was a little stream not too far from her camp site, so breakfast first, then pack up and head out that way. Unfortunately that begged the question of just what food she had left.
Well there was a little of last night's bird left, though she wasn't sure what species it had been. Still it had been tasty enough, burned as it had been, and she had some of the blackberries left. So that was breakfast then, half a small bird on a spit and some berries. "Oh the glamorous life you lead Tessa." She muttered sourly as she pulled a little canvas bundle from the tent and unwrapped what was left of the bird within it. She never really liked leaving half a carcass just sitting around, she’d learned very quickly that things tended to be eaten when she did that, which made these small sheets a godsend for storing them in. She gave it a once over and spitted it with asharpened stick before setting it over the ashes of last night's fire. She reached back into the tent behind her and dragged her coat out, searching through the pockets til she found the little pouch she was looking for and flipped it open. So... a little salt is all I should use really, don't want to waste the rest of it on something this small do I? Although it was a little bland... oh what the hell She drizzled a little sprinkle of salt over the half bird and on a whim added some basil too while poking at the ashes, smiling as she found there was little heat left in them after all. She started carefully adding some of the smaller twigs she'd collected last night to avoid smothering the bit of heat that was left and waited for them to catch.
It was probably a good thing that she was heading out of here, it was foolish to camp in the same place for too long. Even this close to the city the woods weren't exactly safe, and it was getting towards the time when she'd have to head back there too, and this time she'd have to see who was hiring. Still that meant heading off somewhere else and she couldn't help but wonder where. The crackling and popping of the fire as it finally caught brought her back to the here and now and she added some more of the wood, nodding in satisfaction as it caught in turn. "And this time you're not going to burn it, are you?" she half scolded herself as she waited for the right moment to turn the bird, watching it carefully as she popped a couple of the blackberries into her mouth and chewed them slowly, relishing their slightly sour not quite ripe taste, it had always been a favourite of hers for some reason. She started to hum softly as she turned the bird, trying to remember the notes to one of her Ma’s tunes. So far so good as far as this day went it had to be said.