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In this forum, all the character sheets are kept for player characters. Feel free to come on in, browse the forum, look at what sort of characters others have created, and then begin your very own!

Moderator: Liaisons


Postby Ambrose Wheeler on August 1st, 2011, 8:09 pm

Ambrose Wheeler


Basic Information

Race: Wolf Kelvic
Birthday & Age : 509av (2 years but appears 17 in human form) 7 Summer season
Gender: Male


Language 1: Common
Language 2: Isur (learned while traveling)

Physical Description
Ambrose stands at about 5'10 and weighs in around 130 pounds with shoulder length silver hair and bright silver eyes. People tend to get his age wrong and think he's older, and he tends to correct them, unless it's beneficial to him. He has a very serious look that's on him almost all the time that keeps him very alert and aware of impending danger.

Character Concept
Ambrose has a very mellow personality unless someone close to him is dragged into it, though he's very impatient and tends to jump into things too quickly without thinking first, which tends to get him into trouble. He's kind once he gets to know you well enough and loyal to his friends until the end.

Character History
Ambrose had left his family after some bandits had started to mess with him, not wanting to drag his family or friends into it by accident. He had then wandered on his own just looking for a new home and place to live, usually using an alias to play it safe.

long sword 20/100 (20pts - starting package)
hunting 15/100 (15 pts - starting package)
wilderness survival 20/100 (20pts - starting package)
tracking 5/100 (5pts starting package)

Equipment and Possessions
Simple black cloak, smoky black short sleeve shirt, dark pants, and sensible shoes. He carries a 2 1/2 foot straight sword given to him by his father before he left, for good luck.
1 Waterskin
1 Backpack which contains:
1 Set of Toiletries (comb, brush, razor, soap)
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Flint & Steel

1 large tent (4 person), large tarp, 100 ft of rope, flint & steel, lantern, 2 torches, bedroll, blanket, fishing tackle & hooks, a riding horse (Kavinka pantedmount), a full set of tack, and a large set of saddlebags.
100 gold mizas

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Last edited by Ambrose Wheeler on August 15th, 2011, 1:50 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Ambrose Wheeler
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Joined roleplay: August 1st, 2011, 4:49 pm
Race: Kelvic
Character sheet


Postby Avant Garde on August 4th, 2011, 4:13 pm


Greetings, Welcome to Mizahar!

I am Avant Garde and I am what's known here at Mizahar as a Character Sheet Liaison. My job is to help others with their Character Sheets by making sure they are correct and prepping them for playing. Here I noticed a couple of things in your Character Sheet that need some tweaking.

First of all is your birthday and age. Kelvics age much like their animal being. I assume you are a canine of some sort, as your second language seems to be "Canine." If you would like for your character to be 17 years old, I would suggest you change his age to approximately two years old, and specify that he appears 17 when in humanoid form.

Secondly, though you have listed that your race is Kelvic, and canine in your Languages, please specify what type of animal he is. I suggest you do so where you have Race: Kelvic. Perhaps list it as, Race: Kelvic (Wolf) or Race: Wolf Kelvic. Either will do.

Third, your languages. I can see that you have "Canine" listed as your second language. It is understood that a wolf would understand other canines, it's a given. I suggest you remove "Canine" and replace it with a language you may find to be helpful on your journey. Perhaps the language of the city you will be starting? It is not required to have three languages, but it's certainly encouraged.

Next is your character history. I suggest you read the Kelvic Lore page to better understand their family life. Most Kelvic do not have families. Thus, it is unlikely that his father would have given him a sword as a parting gift. They make bond mates. Please read the lore for the race carefully and alter your history accordingly.

Kelvic are animals with a human form, not humans with an animal form. This concept is often one that is misunderstood by new players. Because of this, they tend to have animalistic behaviors and attitudes, characteristic to those of their animal forms. Please keep this in mind.

Lastly, your "Training" should be listed as Skills. Long Sword should be listed Weapon: Long Sword. Also, you have this skill listed as 10/100 (20 pts). Please correct this mistake.

In your equipment, please remove 1 bottle of embalming fluid. You are not a Nuit, so you would not have it.

Everything else looks good so far! Please make the mentioned adjustments to your Character Sheet and you'll be thread-ready! Thank you for your compliance, and I bid you a grand welcome to Mizahar! Feel free to message me with any further questions/comments/concerns. PM me after you have made the requested changes and I will remove this post.

Avant Garde

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Avant Garde
Character Sheet Liaison
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