Room for More?[Private]

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Room for More?[Private]

Postby Nil'kayn on August 2nd, 2011, 1:00 pm

Timestamp: Dusk, 36th Day of Summer, 511 AV
Location: Small Camp in Woodland, West of Priskil's Pond, Small Stream at the edge of Camp
PC's: Nilkayn, Erato, Devmond, Licendous, Lethal
Statues: Private
Continueing From: A Quick Dip

Kayn nodded to the Devmond's words. He hauled the corpse to the river washing it of the blood, then carryed it back to his small camp area, he also re washed his wound ripping off another piece of cloth from his shirt for a bandage. He had gotten out his multi-purpose knife and began to skin the beast. This beast intrigued him it had fought bravely and with honour. It was a beast deserveing of honour, and so he would devour its flesh to make him stronger and in a sence the animals body would become part of him, while its soul would go to meet Lhex. He continued to experimentally butcher the creature after the skin had been taken off.

He used his lakan and cut of the creatures feet and head putting them to one side, he also cut of the beasts genitals. After doing that he gutted the beast letting the organs fall out he put them to one side. He had no clue what the organs would taste like and he suspected it wasn't going to taste good. He grabbed cleaned out the inside of organs. He glanced at what was left. Much meat was still left on the beast's body. Everything he had cleaned off the beast was now in one pile. Grabbing the skin he had stuffed it into his pack to be sold at Zeltiva.

Grabbing his sword and a few peices of wood he created a spit, by ramming his sword throw the beast and useing the wood to hold it up. He grabbed the beast and walked to the stream he washed the meat and bone then, walking back to camp he set the beast down. Grabbing his bathing things and some spare clothing he wlaked to the rivers edge. He had ignored the other two until this point he just nodded to them. He walked into the stream and bathe. He washed himself, and his clothes. Stepping out of the water he put his clothes on and put his wet clothing on a branch of an overhanging tree. Clapping his hands together he smiled. He was never the lazy sort, always love to get things done.

He then walked to the pit and put the animal above the fire, feeding the fire with wood it roared, and he began to cook the beast. He startled to whistle merrily those two sourpusses would not stop him from his meal.
Last edited by Nil'kayn on August 20th, 2011, 11:36 am, edited 4 times in total.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 2nd, 2011, 1:52 pm

The air cool and refreshing a grand difference and welcome relief to the sweltering heat that summer brought as it blew past his face it lifted his hair lightly which had been tied into a pony tail behind his neck. He could feel his sweat cementing his cloths to him and outlining the enormous frame he had, it was by little grace he was glad that he did not have to haul his belongings his dull grey frostmarch as ding that for him. Although he could not ride the horse himself for fear of snapping it's back, under his sheer bulk. So he trudged by his steeds side leading it, feeling hotter and hotter under the sweltering sun. His mind swirled with thoughts, he knew he's left lethal a ways back but still he truged on. Crushing the dry earth beneath his boots. He took a deep breath in through his nose, the smell of fresh grass and flowers filled his nose until, it was then sharply cut through by the smell of roasting meat. His mouth watered at the smell and his belly grumbled. The smell grew stronger as he grew closer. Seeing the smoke of the fire rise like a darkened column into the sky.

As he and his steed grew closer to the fire he noticed a small gathering around it. A tall man standing much above his height he could tell, his skin a dark green, a striking sight. Nothing he had ever seen before was similar to this man and then there was the woman that was with them she seemed more like a sculpture of ice than a living being but she looked a stark contrast to the man standing next to the fire pit. The last of them was a strange looking man purple streaks in his hair, there was something off about him which gave him a sinister feel. Out of the group none of them scared him, not one of them even made him think he was in danger. Looking at each of the group once more he cam to a sudden halt and glanced at them. "Hello." he spoke in his coarse gruff voice, the smell of the food making him think a little looser. "This your camp ? and these your travelling companions ?" Licendous asked the tall dark green man, int he common language.

Looking around and surveying the area, in case he was not welcome he would have to make a hasty get away. He then glanced at the carcass of the beast roasting on the fire, and saw a handle of a bald jutting out from the beast. "Not to sound rude but using your sword as the shaft for a spit was not the brightest idea. Your re-tempering the metal making the joint of the blade to the handle weaker, and more prone to easily snap. His blacksmithing background served him well when it came to maintaining his weaponry and other metallic items.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Nil'kayn on August 2nd, 2011, 2:15 pm

Kayn turned and blinked at the man. He was the sturdy sort. Kayn let his eyes rome over them man.

Another one?

Maybe they are attracted to your personality.

If Nil could sniff in distain he would have.

"Hello..." His turned fully leaveing his blade within the carcass. "Yes. This is my camp , I am Nilkayn and this are my companions Devmond and Erato." He saw the mans eyes move towards the fire and he glanced backward and smiled, he was about to offer him dinner, when the man spoke. Kayn glared at him, then slowly his eye widened.


Turning he rushed over to the pit takeing the blade away from the fire he slid the cracass off the blade holding each in his now gloved hands. He glaned over his sword. He bride and joy, he had been careless and stupid to do that. He glanced at the man a serious look on his face. He walked forward towards the man and tossed the sword to the man. "Do ya think it's damaged? It hasn't been in there for long." As he asked he had grabbed a stick and pushed it through the hole left by the sword. Putting it back on the spit he walked back to the man to see what his inspection had revealed.
Last edited by Nil'kayn on August 3rd, 2011, 7:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
Note: Unless stated otherwise, Nilkayn is speaking in common, except for his thoughts.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 2nd, 2011, 2:56 pm

Catching the blade by the blade with his left hand, he examined it carefully. The blade was made by a better crafts man than himself he could plainly see. looking a the blackened metal he gave a light grin and flipped the sword.catching it by the handle and putting a lot of stress on the joint to the handle, ther eas no distinct sound of creaking then shearing metal. " it's fine about fifteen or twenty minutes longer and it may be a different story." Spinning the blade on his finger he offered it back to the dark green giant of a man by the hilt, not the blade as a show of peace.

"This is is a fine blade, a lot better than my crude piece of work. Never the less mine has sentimental value." He unsheathed his blade and pierced the heart that lay on the floor. Then removed his blade replacing it with a stick which he began to roast over the fire. A simple enough show that he was deft with a sword but not willing to use it. he raised his hand to his chin and rubbed his stubble lightly then remembered the fact his own sweat had made him sodden. "Would you perhaps, happen to know if there is a stream near by? I'm from the north so the heat of the sun effects me some thing chronic." He asked in a respectful manner, as he didn't want to start an argument it wasn't his style of things to fight for no reason.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Ambrose Wheeler on August 2nd, 2011, 3:19 pm

Lethal had finally started to see a camp in the distance and could keep his thoughts held back anymore. Why had he left me there? What was his goal? Moving as fast as his wolf form could carry him he quickly advanced on the camp, finally able to make out Licendous' body, he reverted to human form quickly. He walked the rest of the way, hearing his Paintedmount catching up in the distance he entered their camp and looked at his partner to see whether they were friendly or not, giving him a curious look and hoping he'd understand. Hello. Lethal said in his wary, almost threatening tone.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Devmond Incarnata on August 2nd, 2011, 7:36 pm

“Another two visitors for your evening, Erato. It seems that I am perhaps not the only one drawn to your voice.” Devmond whispered to the woman in his arms. “Unless they decide to approach us directly, let them not bother you. I’ll admit that the entrance is a bit bold, but it is not uncommon to run into other strangers from Syliras to Zeltiva. There is only one safe path and no other cities in the area.”

Hopefully, this would not only keep her calm, but also keep her quiet. This unexpected visit might ruin the comfortable mood, shakily built on the sands of false tales. There were some things he could not answer, and many promises he would never keep. The loving words could turn into cupid’s ricocheted arrow if his intended surrogate was distracted by other men. He needed to keep her emotionally isolated. The physical closeness suggested that trust was only with him. If not, then well, there was always tying her to a horse like saddlebags and making a run for the hills.

His two current companions seemed ignorant of what he was, a Symenestra harvester out to collect female bodies. That gave him some security to make a bold conquest. Now, he had to reevaluate all his tactics. What if these new faces were aware of his culture's practice? Hopefully, they'd just mosey on their way. Nilkayn, however, was already making the ‘let’s introduce ourselves!” moves that he forced earlier on Devmond and Erato. The young lover made a note for long-term memory that a nest of spiders was finding its way to Nilkayn’s sleeping bag.

Devmond had not paid attention to the Akalak’s food preparations. He came from a wealthy family with its own attendants and hunters. There were always someone slaving for him. Yet, this new piece of bulk, with more brains than that brash Akalak, quickly dealt with the mishap. So, 'pony-tail' was both intelligent and generous. There was also a friendly nature present in the way he moved to hand the sword back to the Akalak. Well, Devmond liked him. The immediate impression being a selfish one. After all, he had made Nilkayn look like an idiot.

The other one, however, was not so charming. The silver darting eyes never seemed to rest, and his whole body was tense as though ready to fight. The silver-haired man looked a bit unstable, emotionally in particular. He seemed the type that could go from happy to heart-piercing in a minute. There was also a sense of dependence on his friend for social situations. The silver man’s look for guidance spoke of respect and loyalty. At least one tactic was clear now: be friendly with the first man and the second would probably tolerate Devmond’s presence. Of course, that would only check-off a small section to a stack of concern. This was, however, at least one small way to keep things going his way.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Nil'kayn on August 3rd, 2011, 3:05 am

Kayn took back his sword a smile crossing his face. As far as he was concerned this man was now his life long friend. As the man walked forward he slapped his hand onto the man's back laughing. "That was a close call." He smiled and watched the man pierce the heart, he got out a cloth and started to clean his blade.

When the man mentioned a stream he had finished cleaning the blade and had gotten out his whetstone to let it run across the blade, making a shrill grating noise that Kayn loved. He nodded over towards the stream, "There is a stream over there hidden by the bushes." He blinked when a wolf bounded into camp and morphed into a nude man.

"Eh..Hello?" He glanced at the other man, "Is he a friend of yours?" He continued to run the whetstone along his blade.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
Note: Unless stated otherwise, Nilkayn is speaking in common, except for his thoughts.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 3rd, 2011, 7:11 am

Licendous looked back to his friend who was just arriving. When he gave a small gesture about if he was his friend, he gave a small nod that would be unnoticeable to all but his friend, keeping the same expression he always had he listed to the guy with purple streaks talking. Something about this mad made him feel uneasy. Whether it was his voice or his demeanor he couldn't tell. "Devmond was it ? You seem to be sticking very close to the female, is it because you like her or for another reason ?" LIcendous didn't know whether they had arrived together or separately, whether they were related which was a very unlikely possibility given their looks. Byt then again they could be a couple, he didn't know.

Looking at the green giant who he believed was called nilkayn, he looked back a the giant, at the mention of the strem he nodded. "Yes this is my friend, ambrose. Hes a hunter and wilderness survivor and he can shift into a wolf form at will. If you would excuse me i'll be bac in alittle bit i need to go and get cooler." licen spoke this aloud then as he turned to ambrose he whispered lightly. "Keep an eye on this devmond character, i don't know what it is but there is something dark about him." With that he stepped past both devmond and the woman heading to the stream.

Sitting at the edge of the stream he began to slowly undress removing his gloves first and then the sweat sodden shirt which clung to his chiseled chest like a second skin. Folding them neatly he placed them onto the grass his silver veins and pale skin coupled with the sweat and light made him look like a carving for a speckled white granite more than a living being. His red arm glowing in the sun looking like a ruby had bolted it'self to his shoulder and taken the form of an arm. Removing his boots and pants he stepped into the water and cooled down, breathing a heavy sigh of relaxation. Now he let his mind wander on to other matters.

The 3 back at the camp made him wonder, the girl had not spoken a word almost as if she couldn't, where the green giant did most of the talking, and that purple streaked guy had made him a little wary. Why was he sticking so close to that woman, what connection did he have with her. Then he tuurned his mind to the sword, forged steel strong dependable but never quite got as harp as you wanted it too, the inner cor of it was sturdy but the outer edge could chip or dull faster than most. Sitting at the edge of the water these werre the tings going through his head.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Ambrose Wheeler on August 3rd, 2011, 7:32 am

He gives a small nod after Licen whispered to him and smiles, being sure not to let anyone else know what he has heard but his shifty eyes focused on an area around Deymond, seemingly looking at the woman for a little while to see how he'll react, before shivering lightly. Licendous and I have been travelling together for a while. Also, sorry about.. He motions to his uncovered body He walks pretty fast

Once his horse gets into the camp, he reaches into the saddlebag and pulls out his clothes, getting dressed quickly. Much better He spoke calmly and softly, though he wasn't sure exactly how well he could trust these new people, especially the man who was sticking close to the woman. The tall one seemed kind and trustworthy enough.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Devmond Incarnata on August 3rd, 2011, 12:12 pm

Devmond smiled pleasantly at Licendous. Careful not to show the tips of his fangs, he moved his masked expression into a peaceful reflective look. “I was traveling this area when I was brutally attacked by a Kriikil. Although I managed to kill it, the wounds I received were severe enough to cause death through exhaustion or infection. Erato, with her voice in song, guided me to the camp where she bound my wounds. I’m indebted to her.”

Although his voice was sincere, Licendous continued to walk past him without even meeting his eyes. Something was exchanged between them under their breaths, but it did not a fraction of his mind to wonder who they were talking about. As expected, the wolf-kid had responded equally to Licendous’ gut-reactions. They seemed to take quickly to the Akalak, however. Friendly words and smiles had been exchanged like white-elephant gifts. Nilkayn was becoming too popular than Devmond could be content. The leader's strong and forward will was trusted emphatically, mostly out of sheer confidence in his own words. The Symenestra, of course, could be considered his exact opposite.

There were really only four types of people that ever approached Devmond without hesitation: 1) women who fell under his dark charm, 2) the abused or forsaken who were desperate for a friend, 3) those looking to fall under his reputation, and 4) people who wanted to kill him, and those were mostly people who had moved out of the first couple groups. This could be interpreted in many ways, but, in Licendous’ case, it meant that moral, smart males did not like him. Devmond was charming, but there were some who were perceptive enough to be on their guard against the relaxed gestures. If he was not as handsome as he was, there was no way he’d get away with all that happened when the lights dimmed.

He watched Nilkayn sharpen his blade. The two newcomers seemed novices. Still, there were two of them and might be difficult to fight off, when it ever came to that. If Licendous Gestral did indeed know something, or even spread an uneasy feeling about him, then the group would entirely turn on its edge against Devmond. With the other two at the river, however, peace should be maintained between him and the strongest fighter of the group. Even though Devmond knew he’d never even speak to lowly forms like the Akalak otherwise.

“It seems they are trustworthy enough. The Licendous character in particular is very generous. I can see that you probably intend to bring them along for the joy ride to Zeltiva. If its any consideration, I have no qualms for adding a few more companions.” Devmond said. Of course, he felt the emotionally to the one-eighty degree turn, but if there was one thing he could do well, it was to lie. “We already have had two attacks by wild beasts and we are not even far from Syliras. It is best to acquire more strong arms against whatever we must go against. This seems the best to me, but, in truth, I have not ever ventured this far from home.”
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