The young man saw the black braid and nodded as if to himself. When they reached the paddock, he saw a new strider. His eyes roamed the stallion as thoroughly as they would a beautiful woman.
'The head seems almost too delicate for the neck. He must be still filling out. About three years old. Well schooled judging by his gait. When Nightwind was that age the testosterone made him so edgy!'
Nightwind cantered over to Bolden, practically sitting on his haunches to stop. He greeted Bold affectionately, but his ears kept flicking back and forth to listen to the nearby stallion's antics. He scratched under the Strider's forelock and looked over Augustus with a practiced eye.
"His neck's just starting to muscle up, so he'd be about three or four now? I really like the way he engages his hocks. Good natural balance. He's a fine Strider, Tallandir."
Bolden stroked Nightwind's ears as he spoke, his actions telling the story of long habit. The Strider draped his head over Bold's shoulder and just soaked in his rider's company.
"Nightwind was a terror at that age. His neck started thickening and all he wanted to do was fight and kick and just be a rebel about everything." He laughed as he talked and slapped the animal's gleaming neck to send him off as he pleased.
" He still gets the devil in him, but with daily training, he's shaped up well. We're still working on his manners, but even an ancient stallion will still have a saucy attitude." The young Denusk chuckled and started to relax. He could talk horses all day and all night.