Vorg sighed, watch opportunity walk away once again. This wasn’t the first time that he had turned down an assassination request, and he knew that he would be a lot richer if he did. But for whatever reason he couldn’t let anyone around him die, no matter how much he knew they deserved it. It was so stupid that he had this weird little moral code of his. The man who’s life he had just saved from Marweather hadn’t even attempted to thank him. He had just run off without a parting glance. But this was something that he decided a long while ago. He would not kill and he would not let others kill. Nobody deserved to die. He turned, expecting to see the mysterious woman walk out of the door. Instead, she stopped at that yellow-armed Isur and dropped off a note. Vorg’s eyes narrowed. He knew that the note had a place written on it, and that was the place where the woman would be. And she would have the same request, but of someone else. Someone who, he knew, might say yes. And kill an innocent man. Vorg got up, just waiting for the formidable looking bodyguard and the huge gray wolf (a wolf?) to follow the mysterious figure of death to exit the tavern before rushing over to the Isur’s table. “You can’t do it. If you do, you’ll be her’s forever. ” By this, of course, he meant that killing tears the soul. Killing once would leave you vulnerable to other offers, and he would eventually end up as some kind of contract killer. Vorg hoped that this was enough to convince him. He didn't know what else to say, and if he couldn't convince this man, he would have to go stop all of them by himself. And that meant stopping this one in the bar itself. |