by Syndela on August 4th, 2011, 9:35 am
Traces of perispiration fell down bfore her scalpline like shimmering diamonds lost against the snow. Trickling down to her chin, the added heat of such exercise fuelled her to keep warm even with the torrent of chill that apprehended the area with force. Now full in the sky, the moon reflected it's light upon the courtyard in full, casting the female's glittering skin and suit into a ghostly yet entrancing image.
Rest was minimal in the daring and complex routine, having to spare only a few seconds or less to regain breath until the next move contorted her body to suggestion. Rafaelle rolled the coins out, and so forced her to step faster, more pronounced and jump higher and grander than ever before.
Giant leaps carried her across the courtyard, almost from one side to the other before turning and pouncing back. Between jumps did the ribbon cut and wove, congenial to that of a slithering serpent of the skies.
Feminine athletic limbs bent, spread, stretched beyond boundaries. Every muscle worked and pushed for it's worth, straining with the movements to bulge accordingly. Fingers tightenned around the ribbon as Syndela came to finish her leaps in the centre of the courtyard. Parting and spacing her feet with graceful steps, the Symenestra found herself to balance on the head of the crooked tap once more, seising her movements before she could topple off the other side.
There was no space for error. No time for mistakes. If this customer continued to pay then she would need to step up and further her routine. This was not the pinnacle, but would grant her at least a small rest to catch before Rafaelle could offer another coin.
Swinging her arm above her head did the slender and claw tipped digits release the prop. The handle of the ribbon threw into the air, causing the device to spin up into the air and circulate cascading ribbon on the celestial drape above.
bare feet touched the ground in a delicate fall, toes pointing away in opposite directions. Gravity brought the ribbon tumbling back to the earth, encouraging it's mistress to lean over and posture herself for it's catch.
However, the touch of the ribbon falling into her fingers was numbed, a much more dominant grasp catching her attention. White and black hair cascaded down her shoulder as Syndela shot a glance behind herself, catching Rafaelle touching her hip.
Scarlet fuses dazzled and fizzled in the low light, danger locked behind every trickle of emotion that perceived within their depths. Yet, instead of lashing out and meeting his hand with a strike of claw, a slap of palm or worse a bite of fang, the dancer smiled.
Fangs revealed themselves, offering Rafaelle a steady worry that those carnivorous features would pounce out and inject into his throat. Albeit, the dark lips buried the sinister vibe and greeted his touch with a flash of mercy. " Does desire surpass threat, young human? " Syndela asked of him in a lightly panted voice, the accentless tone drifting between the two alike the crashing waves washing over the shore at midnight.