Location [Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

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Considered one of the most mysterious cities in Mizahar, Alvadas is called The City of Illusions. It is the home of Ionu and the notorious Inverted. This city sits on one of the main crossroads through The Region of Kalea.

[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Fallacy on August 5th, 2011, 8:13 pm

She watched him eager to go back to her bliss of doing nothing. Smiling politely at him her hand slid over the desk and covered the key, raking it back into her palm she put the key back in the drawer and looked at him only slightly annoyed. A now obviously fake smile spread across her face as she considered it, "We have a building, 300 GM, 200 Square Feet, four walls, a ceiling, door, and it is in fine shape. Empty of course, you will have to furnish it yourself." she said, a hand already digging for the key to present to him.

Finding the key she placed it on the desk and looked at him, waiting for a response. The key looked rather new, and although it had been used before no such use would be apparent. Smiling, she leaned back in her seat and waited.

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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Ssafirsotibones on August 5th, 2011, 9:23 pm

Bones looked over at her. This seemed better... And with there only being so many choices, he had to settle on something... A bare room. It should be enough for him... Two Hundred Square Feet... So probably ten feet by twenty... A bare wood structure... It would do for what he needed...

"Okay... itsss a deal... It will do for what I need..."

Handing over the gold, he took the key, an even exchange. Thanking her, he nodded, and left. Not bad for his first day here. He had already gotten a house, and would soon have some simple furnishings.

If he was a human he would probably feel a sense of accomplishment... But he was more neutral, just doing what he needed to do.
Bones is a Constrictor Dhani. He likes to eat meat. He also has some speech problems.

When he speaks, a double s (ss) means a [th] sound, that he cannot say.

A triple s (sss) means just an [s], but it is extended in his speech.

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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Fallacy on August 5th, 2011, 10:00 pm

She smiled as he said it was deal. Scooping up the gold she nodded as he took the key, "Now, that key is special, made specific for that building. Feel that little tug?" she asked her words trying to stop him before he left. This was important "Anytime you need to find your house follow the keys tug, its like an invisible string that will guide you to your new house. Congratulations and welcome to Alvadas." she said waving after him now much more cheerful than she ever was during that entire meeting.

Congrats :
You now have a 'house' in Alvadas. Feel free to do what you will to it and always know you can add on to it at any time (As long as you have the gold). That key will always guide your chara to his house, and its important that he keeps it on it. I imagine that he would have a hard time finding his home in the ever shifting city without it.

The place is 200 square feet, for 300 GM. Please deduct that from your gold if you haven't so already and have a blast in Alvadas!

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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Kakoli on August 7th, 2011, 7:32 pm

Summer, 511 AV, Day ?

Kakoli marched on through the doors of the moss covered build. Before her, all that stood were walls not able to be seen through shelves of book and a simple desk. The one thing she saw occupying said desk was a small bell. She turned around looking for anyone within the small room; no one. She spun in circles, each new turn letting her catch a glimpse of new brightly covered book. She continues on like an amazed child until pretty soon she has bumped in the desk.

The bell rung as it tumbled over on its side and rolled away. She looked around like a guilty child. She hugged her hands close to herself and back away from the lone table. She had been here only minutes and already cause something, be it minor or major. She rolled her eyes at herself and back away to a corner.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Fallacy on August 7th, 2011, 8:14 pm

Upon hearing the bell Serenity hurried to the front desk. With a smile she looked at the girl in the room, "Hello, welcome to Alvadas" She said quickly taking a seat at the desk, "How can I help you today?" She asked, her smile unfading as he found her bell on the floor.

A little annoyed by the dropped item she picked it up and expected it for damages. Finding none she placed it back on the desk and reseated herself. Waiting for an answer she kept her smile plastered on her face trying to seem friendly.

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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Kakoli on August 7th, 2011, 8:31 pm

She smiled sheepishly and quietly approached the red haired woman at the desk. The woman seemed friendly. She didn't seem the slightest bit altered by the fallen bell. At least Kakoli thought so. Nervously she began to talk, opting to apologize before anything else.

"Yes, Hello, I'm...um...sorry for the bell. I'm... my name is Kakoli and I've just arrived. I was wondering if you had any places I could possibly stay at. Maybe and apartment, you know, small just for me. It doesn't have to be too big. And...um...", She trailed off and fell silent. She hadn't talked in such a while that when she began she couldn't control herself. She was speaking to much and probably wasn't going to reach her point in a while. She backed away again, preferring to to let the woman speak.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Fallacy on August 7th, 2011, 9:34 pm

The woman smiled and waved a dis-concerning hand at the apology, "The bell was not damaged, no harm was done." She continued to smile and nodded, "Of course, Alvadas has the perfect home for you" She informed her getting straight down to business, "We have a 400 square foot space, furnished, good quality and just perfect for one person. 500 Gold Miza" She named the price waiting for the girls response wondering if she had that much.

oocSince you decided to start with the housing I know you dont have 500 gold miza, but just play pretend here and give her the money :) Then you will have your house.

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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Kakoli on August 7th, 2011, 10:20 pm

"Sure. No problem at all. I just have it..." She removed the money from the side pockets of her backpack, hoping she had handed over the correct amount.

"You wouldn't happen to know somewhere to buy a couple thing... or food at all?"

OOCAlright. No problem. Sorry the post is so short. Couldn't think of anything at the moment.
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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Fallacy on August 7th, 2011, 10:41 pm

The woman watched as the girl presented her with the money. Taking the gold she swept it into a drawer and with her other hand fished out a key from another, "Here you go" She said placing the key on the desk for her to take, "As for food and such, I would suggest you head to the bazaar" She said with a smile. "Oh, and you might want to keep that key close. Its your only lifeline to your house. If you ever need to find your house just follow the keys gentle tug" She informed her

Congrats :
You now have a house in Alvadas! Its 20 by 20 feet and includes a hearth, bunk, chest, chair, and small table. Keep in mind that it is a single room. Have a blast in Alvadas! (Hey that rhymes)

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[Alvadas Location] The Sanity Center

Postby Ricky Maze on August 30th, 2011, 2:48 pm

Day 60th of Summer, 511 AV

Ricky and Odis entered the red moss covered building, impressed to see so many books stacked everywhere. He wasn't sure if Odis was able to enter the building so he instructed the dog to wait by the door for him, Odis reluctantly obeyed. For some reason the city made Odis nervous or something, he never had acted this way before.

Ricky rang the small bell at the desk, looking watching Odis as he waited for someone to show. The room was quiet, and seemed empty too. Was Alvadas a ghost town? Or is the illusions already taking a hold of them both?
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Credit goes to Fallon for allowing me to temper with her codings! :)
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