Falling [Sitkanis]

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A village cut off from the rest of Mizahar by the Valterrian, slowly reestablishing contact with the outside world.

Falling [Sitkanis]

Postby Estrellita on May 18th, 2011, 3:07 am

on the morning of the 21st day of spring in the year of 511 AV . . .

. . . Estrellita was not aware of much during the first seconds of her existence. Which was forgivable, when one was placed in her situation. And, in this case, one being placed in Estrellita's situation would involve said person "falling" into an entirely new world. In such a situation, unawareness and confusion are perfectly acceptable, and Estrellita was not to be exempt from the fact.

The only thing that Estrellita was actually conscious of was the light from Syna herself. This didn't alarm Estrellita, though. She was grateful for the light; it seemed more loving and gentle as opposed to bright and intrusive. The rest of it was all a blur. She felt a rushing around her body but could not define where it was coming from. Sensations sped past her, all of them felt but none of them realized. It was only the wonderful sunlight that she felt on her face that was constant. That was the only thing she realized.

A smile spread across Estrellita's features as the light pervaded her thoughts. Unconsciously, her body stretched itself out and her hands spread themselves apart, as though she would be able to catch the sunlight in her fingertips. So relaxing was the warmth against her body that Estrellita actually forgot about the overwhelming feeling of falling. The sensations went away, so that only the sunlight remained. She tilted her head to face the direction of the sun's rays as its warming caress still spread through her legs and arms, sending shivers of heat arching through her spine. Estrellita stopped blinking, stopped moving entirely. All was forgotten. All but the sun.

At least, all was forgotten until her body suddenly was overwhelmed by a sensation other than sunlight. She was suddenly enveloped into a denser substance that seemed to flow around her, surrounding her and consuming her. Almost instantly, the sunlight's warmth went away, leaving a surprising coolness about her skin. Estrellita tried to take a breath, but raw instinct stopped her. Her brow furrowed, and she tried once more to breathe but once more found her lungs locked. Imaginary wheels turned in her mind as she struggled to find an explanation, and then suddenly there it was. Water, she realized. I am underwater.

And then she was thrashing, thrashing for the surface, thrashing as she tried to remember how to swim. New muscles yet unaccustomed to any action protested the unfamiliar movements, and for a few terrifying seconds, Estrellita feared that she would remain trapped underwater only to drown, for she could not remember how to swim. She could not even remember how she had gotten underwater in the first place. There had been nothing, then that sensation of falling, and now this. Her body went limp as her mind struggled to figure out what had happened, but then her feet brushed against a solid, albeit soft, surface. Thoughts of how and when and why flew out of Estrellita's head at the feel of solid ground. Her toes immediately found purchase on its surface, and with one powerful kick, Estrellita's form surged upwards, only to burst forth into the light of the day.

Her hair was thrown back in the resulting splash from her ascent, arching over her shoulders in a spray of golden curls and silver droplets of water, both of which caught the sunlight and seemed to sparkle with thousands of iridescent lights. Estrellita's head lifted up towards the sun as she drew in a deep breath of sweet air, filling her lungs and then exhaling to repeat the process. Her hands flailed in the water, trying to keep her form afloat. Natural buoyancy and this action helped keep Estrellita's head and shoulders above the surface of the water, allowing her to safely open her forget-me-not blue eyes so that she could look out into her surroundings.

And look she did, filling up her eyes with the sight. Her first impression was a vast horizon of blue, blue that glimmered with the reflected sunlight, blue that told of an ocean too vast to even begin to comprehend for one so new to the world. During these few seconds of open staring, Estrellita forgot to move her arms, and once again went under the surface of the water. She came up thrashing soon after and began to turn her head this way and that, looking for shore. She didn't get far with the looking, though, for as she turned, she noticed for the first time how her porcelain skin seemed to shimmer like the water in the sunlight, casting incandescent sparkles around her form. She was momentarily caught up in her own beauty, and she let out a sigh of wonder. That sigh quickly turned into a gasp, because under her close scrutiny, the sparkling of her skin seemed to recede and then fade altogether, leaving her with smooth, flawless, and unchanging skin color instead.

Upset at the absence of the sparklies, Estrellita pursed her lips in annoyance and then began to splash about once more, hoping that her movements would in fact bring the sparklies back. All she succeeded in doing, however, was drenching herself profusely with water droplets which, while they did catch the sunlight's reflection in a most becoming way, could not compare to the sparklies. After a few more tries and a few more drenchings, the petite female let out an irritated noise and began to steadily and slowly and clumsily make her way to shore, or what she thought was the shore.

At least, she began to make her way to the shore until she caught sight of a flash of silver from the waters just to her right. She inclined her head to look in that direction, curiosity lighting up her dusky blue eyes. There was definitely something floating just under the water's surface near her, but she couldn't make out what it was. Furrowing one brow, Estrellita managed to flail and thrash her way over to the object, stretching out a hand through the water to touch its surface. The feel she encountered was somehow familiar, and Estrellita's hand instinctively tightened around the item. With one motion, she pulled it upwards to the surface, spattering her face and shoulders with water as she did so. Inquisitive eyes peered down at the object in her hands, only to widen in recognition.

It was her lyre.

Snippets of memory flooded back to her as she treaded water with the lyre awkwardly clasped in one hand, snippets of a time on this world in a different body. Her past life, she realized after a few seconds. The life in which she had only resided for a short time before passing on. This lyre was from that life. This lyre was made by the people who had cared about her and her voice in that life. This lyre was undeniably and unmistakably precious.

Estrellita's fingers tightened around its form as she pulled it close to her; leaving it was not an option, no matter how burdensome it may be at the moment. She slung one arm through the lyre so that she would have a secure hold on it and then began to focus her attention on what she had been doing before she found her lyre: getting out of this water. She was sick of splashing around and probably looking like an absolute fool; Estrellita wanted dry land. And so, she returned to thrashing for the shore.

The process of learning to swim again was arduous, and more than once Estrellita slipped under the surface, took a panicked breath, and then came up coughing and sputtering. Occasionally, Estrellita would look up to see where she was in correlation to the shore, but each time she found that she was making minimal progress. Even though this was quite discouraging, she persevered, gritting her teeth and continuing to labor as best she could through the water. She really wasn't cut out for swimming; the sooner she got out of this water, the better.

Her lyre wasn't much of a help, either. It bobbed against her side in a most annoying fashion, whacking at her delicate frame with each sudden, jerky motion she made. Still, the emotional attachment she had to it--one that she remembered even in this rebirth--was stronger than the discomfort; she refused to leave it behind. It was all she had from her past life. As Estrellita's body became accustomed to the mechanical motions needed to get her to shore, her mind began to drift over the dilemma about how she'd come here. She'd been in her realm, Ukalas. She'd been serving her goddess Syna as best she could, and then suddenly she'd fallen here. Back to Mizahar.


Estrellita couldn't remember upsetting Syna in any way; she hadn't done anything to deserve this. Why had she suddenly been taken from her life in Ukalas just when she'd been getting comfortable, only to be tossed down into an entirely new path? It didn't make any sense, and it certainly wasn't a thing Estrellita wanted. Her past life on Mizahar had been painfully short, and now her stay in Ukalas was cut short as well? A deep, stabbing pain for what she'd lost ripped through her, causing her to lose her momentum in the water. Off-balance and suddenly vulnerable, Estrellita's arms froze up, and she began to sink. She closed her eyes and sucked in a deep breath, preparing to be submersed in water, but instead her feet lightly touched the water's bottom. She'd swam far enough so that now she could stand in water. Which was good. That meant no more swimming.

Regaining her balance, Estrellita began to walk methodically for the shore, though she wasn't looking at it. Instead, her eyes were cast up into the sky towards the sun. Her expression was a mask of confusion and despair as she came to terms with the new losses she was suddenly confronted with. She couldn't think of a reason for this descent, no matter how hard she tried. Perhaps it was purely accidental; perhaps Syna let her fall for a reason. Estrellita squinted up at the sun, silently praying for an answer to an unasked question. None came, of course, and with a sigh, Estrellita lowered her gaze to the water, watching her feet move as she slowly glided towards the shore.

Estrellita trusted Syna. She trusted her goddess. This much was certain. And so it seemed only fair that she would also trust her goddess's decision to send her...here, even if here was the last place she wanted to be. Inhaling a deep breath, Estrellita closed her eyes, reaching deep within herself to find the trust that this situation required. What was it that the Vantha had always taught her? Life was something to be valued; life was a blessing, that was it. Estrellita opened her eyes, a new light of understanding dancing among her irises. Syna had blessed her with this chance at life, for whatever reason.

She'd better not waste it.
Last edited by Estrellita on May 19th, 2011, 1:46 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Falling [Sitkanis]

Postby Sitkanis on May 19th, 2011, 12:54 am

The trips to the shore were getting more frequent now. The memory of the day he feel was still haunting Sitkanis to his core. He had let the girl die. He had driven her to die. He wanted Leth to see him in a better light. He felt terrible for what had happened but he felt as though words would not be enough to make up for what had happened. He had to prove himself to the God. He had to do something to show Leth that he was not to be ashamed of him. The first step was to rid himself of his anger. That was the element that scared the girl to dive back into the depths and take her own life.

He had chosen the shore to be his place of repent. He had fallen there, he had disgraced himself there, and most of all, he was scared to death of water. He did not know how to swim and of course, the memories from the day he fell rushed back to him every time he tried to step foot in the stuff. Instead, he sat on the shore, looking mournfully at the sea and sky. He liked the feeling of Syna against his skin but it was not as safe of a feeling as when Leth shined down upon him. Even if father Leth was disappointed at his slip up he still felt solace in his light.

He tried to clear his mind as he sat. All of the things he wanted and needed seemed to be crashing into on another in his mind. He wanted to go back to the Ukalas, he wanted to be considered a Denvali, and he wanted to know what the place of his memories was. What he needed was Adalia. She had left him so abruptly and without notice. It was as simple as waking up one day to see the bed where your love once laid was empty. Maybe she had gone out for a stroll so she could walk that great white dog of hers? No, no one had seen her. She had gone home. She had seen pieces of his past Drykas self floating to the surface. The sexist comments were starting to slip out. He had almost become physical at times. He remembered a woman. The woman who faced the sexism and the aggression daily without a complaint. She had been beautiful and kind. He did not remember much about her. Just the look on her face when he had hurt her. It was like a clip of sight. His hand gripping into her neck and her eyes overfilling with tears. He shook his head as the woman started to come to his mind. She needed to stay away. He was sorry, or maybe just scared. He could only imagine what he did to her and what he would have done to his beautiful Konti lover if she had not escaped.

Off the shore, what looked like splash rippled through the water. It was hard to discern. It could have been a large fish or maybe an Akvatari. He decided to ignore it and dived back into his thoughts. He did not want to think about them but he felt he should. It was the only way to move on. He could not stop thinking about Adalia. He wanted her back so badly. She had left to go home to her mother and sisters in Mura. She did not want to see him ever again. It hurt more than anything he could imagine. It hurt more than falling from the Ukalas. "Adalia, please come back. I'm so sorry." Why couldn't he have said that when she was leaving. Maybe she would have stayed if he had. He just had to much pride to let the woman know she was everything to him. He did not want her thinking that he could not live without her. The sad truth was, he couldn't.

The longer he stared into the waves the more they seemed to shift and change in front of his eyes. At one point he could have sworn he saw a person in their aqueous grip. He got up from his place on the shore and looked into the water. There was a person. A person with horns and skin that shined like the sun. Was she like him? He didn't shine like the sun and he never looked like she did during the day. He was beautiful at night. He jumped back in fear when the girl's eyes opened, showing beautiful irises that seemed to glow of sunlight. "Did you come from the sky? I mean… the Ukalas?" He was nervous. What if he hurt her like he had hurt the girl before. He did not seem to have such a good track record with those of his kind. He held a hand out to her, an offering to help her to her feet. "I'm Sitkanis. I'm from the Ukalas too. I don't think that I am from the same dominion as you. I'm more… nocturnal I suppose." He gave the girl a small smile. He wanted to be able to be friendly with other Ethaefal. "Welcome to Denval."
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Falling [Sitkanis]

Postby Estrellita on May 19th, 2011, 4:16 am

Estrellita wrote:
Estrellita, upon opening her eyes, was expecting to see something vaguely uninteresting like the sandy beaches of the sea she'd just landed in, or perhaps a lone tree sitting on top of a scraggly hill. Something like that. Something scenic. Something landscape-y. So when she opened her eyes to see a good-looking member of the male specimen flinch away from her in surprise and fear, she was at a total loss for words and actions. In fact, she was suddenly mortified that someone had caught her in this vulnerable state. What if he'd seen her failed attempts at swimming!? Ooooh, she'd never live that down!

Estrellita tried to cover up her mortification with what she hoped was a blank look, although she probably ended up with an expression of absolute surprise. However, when the man seemed to recover from his previous fright and asked her whether she came from the sky--no--Ukalas, she felt her own embarrassment ebb and new curiosity burst forth. So, this mysterious man on the shores was from Ukalas as well? He was an Ethaefal like herself? What a break of luck for me, her mind whispered, while her eyes fairly sparkled with excitement. I'm not alone. She was about to open up her mouth to say something, but the stranger went on to introduce himself as Sitkanis, also from the Ukalas, but perhaps from a different dominion. He didn't look like she did; he had no horns and--while he was attractive--he didn't radiate an absolute and ethereal perfection. But then he said he was more nocturnal than she was, and a light flared up in her head.

"Oh, one of Leth's sons, then?" she blurted out before she could stop herself, her melodious and lilting voice pouring from her throat in a tone that was as sweet as honey. "That makes sense. So you'll change at dusk and then be ineffably beautiful, while I will turn back to my old, boring self. How cruel the world is." She feigned sadness in her voice, though her eyes glittered with cynical amusement as she reached out to take his hand, using that to pull herself to shore. Once her feet finally stepped out of the liquid stuff, Estrellita heaved a sigh of relief and then let out a slight giggle. "I hereby declare that I dislike water. I don't think I'll ever go swimming again."

She smiled slightly to herself before turning to Sitkanis, smoothing out her wet clothing and looking up at him in resignation. "To answer your question, yes, I came from Ukalas. I'm one of Syna's daughters, as you've probably guessed. My name is Estrellita." And she really had to look up to say this to him, for Estrellita only stood at a meager height of five feet, whereas her new acquaintance was around six feet. She bit her lower lip while glancing up at him, inwardly contemplating whether or not she should try to jump up just to see whether she could pat his head. She dismissed the idea, however, because for some reason, she was almost certain he would not appreciate that. And besides, she didn't think she could make the height difference.

Huffing slightly in annoyance at her shortness, Estrellita looked for something to provide her with a distraction, and found it in the form of her lyre. The poor instrument had taken a bit of a drenching, and even though it had gone through worse in its existence, she still wanted to make sure that her beloved instrument would survive. And so she knelt down next to it in the sand, placing her hands over the strings and plucking them one by one to make sure they still resonated with the quality she wanted. Miraculously, her lyre was in relatively good shape, though she was afraid the wood would warp as it dried out. Oh well. You can't win at everything, I suppose. At least it's still playable.

After she'd checked up on her lyre, Estrellita wrapped her arms around it and lifted it up to her chest, where she cradled it like she would a newborn babe. Looking back up at Sitkanis as he bid her welcome to a place called Denval, she couldn't help but noticed how his smile seemed thin and he seemed to be on edge. There wasn't really much doubt with the way he was acting; he was nervous about something. Could it be me? Estrellita frowned at the thought, not wanting to be the source of her new friend's anxiety. And so she looked right up at him with a concerned expression and asked, "Are you all right? You seem...you seem kind of tense." She looked at him for a few more seconds and then added, "And what's this Denval you mentioned? Is that where we are right now?" Her gaze drifted away from his face to linger on their surroundings. "Oh, my, do I have a lot to learn about."
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Falling [Sitkanis]

Postby Sitkanis on May 25th, 2011, 3:47 am

OOCEthaefal fall back to Mizahar naked. Lita should not be wearing clothing ;)
The girl was extremely short, although most people were to Sitkanis. When one stood at a staggering six feet, the world tended to look a little small. The look on her face made him a little uncomfortable to say the least. Her look of wonder seemed to be a little out of place on her face. She was the one who was shining with Ethaefallen beauty, not him. He smiled awkwardly at the little gawking beauty. He imagined things must have been confusing. At least her fall was not as horrible as his own. "Yes, I'm a son of Leth. Right now I don't really look like one. At night that changes though. I tend to look more like... you but different... I guess." He was not normally a big talker. He tended to try and make his point across using as little words as possible. The girl deserved more than a bunch of short sentances. Falling was more painful than one would think.

"I am sure you are interesting at night. I don't think I am that impressive at night either." He had been told that he was beautiful at night. He hated to hear that. Those words were not meant to describe a Drykas hunter such as himself. "Life is very cruel, that is certainly true." He spoke with a completely straight voice, almost void of emotion. There was some feeling lieing dormant in his chest. There was sadness, remorse, pain. He prefered to keep them all shut away where he could not feel them though. No emotion was better than painful emotion. A small smirk twitched at the corner of Sitkanis' lips when Lita mentioned water. "I could not agree with you more. I am scared to death of water."

Since coming to Denval, Sitkanis had become a bit desensitized to seeing naked women. It was not as though they were all walking around in the nude. He just happened to have been in the right place in the right time on a good number of occasions. Of course, seeing Adalia naked did not really count. "Hello Estrellita. I'm Sitkanis. I guess that makes us like siblings... or not." Could they really be considered siblings? Leth and Syna were not married, they were lovers. "Either way, yes I could tell you were a daughter of Syna." He had met a son of Syna before. His name was Valonai. He met him with Veldrys, a man who was quickly becoming one of his closer friends.

"What is that?" Sitkanis looked at the lyre held tightly in Lita's arms. She seemed to hold it very dear to her by the way she hugged it. When she stummed over the stringing Sitkanis' mind seemed to flicker in and out of his eye sight. He recalled a song. It was simple and quiet. It was sang by a womanly voice. Not by Lita, but by some woman from his memories. "Why do you sing to them? Do you really think they listen?" He was not speaking to Lita. He was talking to the woman playing in his memories. Lita could have easily mistaken his words to be directed towards her. A question of his stablity was murmured and Sitkanis snapped out of his memories to face Lita. "I am... in repair I guess. I'm just lost." His deep brown eyes looked over the young looking girl. "This whole city is Denval. I don't know what is past it. Other cities I suppose." Normally Sitkanis did not reach out to people, especially in times of dire need like this. This girl was his kind, even if she was not a child of Leth. "I will help you learn. I have a lot to learn too."
Last edited by Sitkanis on June 14th, 2011, 5:08 am, edited 1 time in total.
We'll dance in the moonlight
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Well then I'm movin' on
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Falling [Sitkanis]

Postby Estrellita on May 25th, 2011, 8:55 pm

If anything, one thing was definitely sure about Estrellita's encounter with this Sitkanis fellow: he was about as unreadable as a rock and incredibly mysterious. Which she supposed he was doing consciously. Few people were that emotionless by default, and so she drew the conclusion that he was trying to suppress his feelings. This baffled her. Feelings were what defined you; feelings were what made you. Why suppress them, therefore suppressing who you are? It made no sense. At least, it made no sense until he agreed readily with her "life is cruel" statement.

Her head tilted up to stare at him with scrutinizing eyes. "Careful, there," she purred in her harmonious voice. "Your words are savoring strongly of bitterness." He was suppressing the negative emotions, then. Maybe. She wasn't quite sure. This man was by far one of the hardest people to read that she'd ever come across, and so far the only thing she'd been able to pick up was that he seemed on edge, and he was not happy. However, she highly doubted that he would want to discuss personal feelings like this with someone so strange as herself. She highly doubted that he would want to discuss personal feelings at all, let alone with anyone.

So Estrellita let it be for now, instead allowing herself to be distracted by his reply about how he knew she was a daughter of Syna, obviously. A wry grin spread across her lips and she let go of her lyre with one hand while gesturing at her body. "Why, did the glittering give me away?" she asked, her tone tinged with her own unique humor. Her gesture drew her own eyes downward though, and for the first time, she realized her own nakedness. And inwardly, she shrugged. So what? What had she got to be ashamed of? Her figure had always been a nice one, the traditional curves of a woman betraying her height. Yes, she may not be much taller than a young girl, but she had the body of a woman, which usually answered many unspoken questions as to her age, which Estrellita didn't even know.

Though, the more she thought about it, the more her nudeness bothered her. She was such a stark contrast next to Sitkanis. One huge, clothed male accompanied by one petite, naked female. And her lyre. She frowned down at her form and then glanced back up at Sitkanis. She was about to open her mouth and ask for his shirt to wear at the very least (because she doubted he needed it more than she did), but then he made a comment about them possibly being siblings, and she bit her lip to keep from laughing.

Siblings? Sitkanis and herself? That would never fly, and she was pretty sure he knew it as well as she did. While she was a child of Syna, this in no way related her to any child of Leth; the two lovers had no claims on one another to make all Ethaefals siblings. This kind of relieved her, to be honest. She didn't know why, but she didn't want to be a sister to Sitkanis. Other than the fact that they looked completely different, it just...it didn't seem to fit. Besides, Estrellita was not used to the idea of family. Not since Avanthal, not since she'd decided to abandon her Holding and all of her social status for freedom. The first and only "family" she'd ever possessed had tried to force her into marriage she blatantly did not want to be in. Her definition of family was less than positive; this definition did not fit Sitkanis, even if he wasn't exactly positive in demeanor.

Remembering her family brought her attention back to her lyre, which was a gift from her entire Holding after they'd discovered just how much she loved singing. So maybe families weren't entirely horrible organizations...but they'd still ignored her emotions, and that, to her, was unforgivable. The fact that they made her a lyre hardly outweighed this offense, even if she did love her lyre very much. Her eyes closed as she strummed a string idly, though her eyes flew back open when Sitkanis asked her what her lyre was. Her eyes lit up with obvious pride and she extended her hands slightly so he could see the instrument better (but she didn't release her tight and protective grip on it).

"This is my lyre," she said in a serene voice, her love for the instrument resonating into her words. "My family made it for me. My Holding family, I mean. Back before I died and went to Ukalas." Her expression softened as she recalled a vague feeling of thrill when she'd first received the instrument. But that expression didn't last long, because soon afterwards Sitkanis asked a rather out-of-the-blue and pointed question.

"Why do you sing to them? Do you really think they listen?"

Estrellita's head snapped up so fast that her hair spun about her face like a golden halo, lit up by the sun. Her first reaction was confusion; obviously they listened because they liked the sound of her voice. But then she remembered he'd never heard her sing, and he may not like her voice even if he did. She chewed on her lower lip ask she contemplated his question which she took as directed at her. "I really do think they listen if they care for my voice," she began, answering the easier of the two questions first, "because singing is an art, something that can be appreciated by those who want to hear it."

Onto the harder one. Why did she sing? Well, she sang because it was her way of expression. It was her way of coping with her feelings, and she found that channeling her emotions--good and bad--into a song produced a lot better result than venting them at random intervals. But how could she explain that to Sitkanis, who barely knew her or how passionate she could be? She'd probably frighten him off and make him think that she was a raving lunatic. So, she settled on the reply of, "I sing to bring joy. I sing to express what cannot be said in words, but can be relayed through song."

And then his dark brown eyes cleared, turning to her and studying to her as he answered her question about Denval and then remarked that he would help her and that he still had a lot to learn, too. Momentarily overcome by this unexpected display of goodwill, Estrellita could only smile at him for a few moments as she tried to think about something to say. She was glad he'd decided to help her; she felt so much less alone now, and so much less...well...afraid. Of what could happen. But even though she tried to express her gratitude through words, the only thing she could find it within her to say is, "You still have a lot to learn? Good. Then we'll learn it together."
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Falling [Sitkanis]

Postby Sitkanis on June 14th, 2011, 6:36 am

Sitkanis lifted an eyebrow at the short girl's statement. What right did she have to point out the poison in his words? His emotions were his own and if he chose to be negitive then so be it. He would be! He felt as though he deserved to feel down on himself. In his eyes no one knew pain like his. "I tihnk I have a reason to be bitter. I fell from the Ukalas, I have no memories, my lover left me. Bitterness is me being happy at this point." He felt bad that his words had come out so harsh but he did not take kindly to people judging his emotions. They were no one's problem but his own.

Sitkanis was surprised to say the least at the fact that Lita was not making an attempt to cover herself. Weren't women usually concerned with keeping themselves covered and chaste? He tried to avert his eyes although they kept creeping back to her body hungerly. He had not seen a woman nude since Adalia and she was long gone. "I suppose so..." Sitkanis tended to sparkle as well, although it was at night and not for a long period of time. He could not help but look at the sparkles that seemed cling to the girl's body. He could not lie, they were captivating.

Sitkanis simply nodded at Lita. "Very... pretty." He was not sure what else to say. It looked like a piece of wood to him. A soaked one at that. Sitkanis did not know much about music or instruments but he was sure a water logged lyre would not play well.

"No. I did not mean you." Sitkanis blushed a little when he snapped out of his trance. He had been hearing his wife's voice. She called out to him from his memories. "I was just remembering someone I knew. She used to sing a lot... like you." He hoped that the badly hidden verbal connection would lessen the offence that the girl took in his words. "That seems to be a good enough reason." The girl's words made Sitkanis feel a bit ashamed that he really did not have any drive. He did not have anything that he loved like she loved her music.

A forced smile appeared on Sitkanis' lips. "I suppose if I am going to show you around town you should be dressed." Sitkanis hated to give his clothing away but it seemed that this would be the only option at the moment. He pulled his shirt off, exposing a tanned and toned body to the sunlight. His windmark stood proudly against his skin as his brown eyes looked at Lita. "Here, we cannot have you walking around naked. I want my shirt back after we get you some clothes though."

Sitkanis led the girl into Denval, the worry that he would not get his shirt back weighing heavy on his mind. "This is Denval." He motioned to the city as he walked. "Right now I'll take you to the Raster Market to get some clothing." He was not sure what girls liked to wear. He could not remember his wife, only her singing voice. Even in that voice he had no idea it was his wife.

In the market Sitkanis motioned to the shopkeepers around them. "I'm not really sure what you would be looking for so I will let you take the lead on this." He was willing to pay for the clothing she required. It was the least he could do for the girl. He tended to think in those terms a lot lately. The least he could do. Maybe he was getting a bit apethetic.
We'll dance in the moonlight
We'll rock till dawn
And if you can't dig it baby
Well then I'm movin' on
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Falling [Sitkanis]

Postby Tabarnac on August 5th, 2011, 11:41 pm

XP Award!

XP Award: Swimming +2; Lyre +1

XP Award: Observation +2

Additional Notes:
Sorry to see this one end so abruptly, but hopefully Lita will return!

Feel free to PM me if you have any questions or concerns.

Keep writing!
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