No Time for Plants (Ethan)

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A city floating in the center of a lake, Ravok is a place of dark beauty, romance and culture. Behind it all though is the presence of Rhysol, God of Evil and Betrayal. The city is controlled by The Black Sun, a religious organization devoted to Rhysol. [Lore]

No Time for Plants (Ethan)

Postby Irriari on July 28th, 2011, 3:34 am

No Time for Plants
Timestamp TBA- Summer 511 AV
Closed, Ethan, please

Irriari walked through the forest slowly, admiring the way the night sky and Leth's moon illuminated the grass and foliage below the green canopy. It had been too long since she had explored the fungi and plants that grew within the forest, so tonight, she planned on spending the entire dark hours doing exactly that. A small burlap bag had been pulled out of her poisoncrafters kit and was now tied to her quiver. It would store any plant material she picked up, and though she loathed mixing all the plants together, it was her only option until she found a better way to store them. The plants would have to be dried and preserved, and the zith groaned at the thought. Sevrai had always taken that task as her own, knowing that her mistress despised the process. Now, she would have to do nearly everything on her own, and she briefly wondered how much longer poisoncrafting would take. Even the lab in Sahova with all the nuits was preferable to her tiny work space in Ravok. At least the nuit had most of the materials she needed already stored and cataloged. Oh well, there was nothing to be done about it.

Irriari bent down and examined a small thick stalked plant that seemed to shine amid all the plain weeds. Droplets of white liquid protruded from the snapped stalk of an identical plant a few feet away. The sticky milky substance, sometimes, but not always indicated poisonous properties. Looking around, she saw no more in the vicinity aside from the ones directly in front of her. Carefully, Irriari dug a hole into the ground in front of the plant that was about a half a foot deep. Her claws raked at the loamy soil until they found roots of other plants, which she tore and moved to the side. By the time she finished digging the first hole, her slender fingers were caked with dirt and a lone worm tried crawling feebly inside the hole. She crushed it and continued onward, digging identical holes on the left and right. Finally, the fourth hole was ready to be dug. It was the last of the group, and Irriari was glad. Her sore hands were angry- the grasses and dirt in the sea of grass had much fewer roots to contend with, and the soil was not packed nearly as densely. After two chimes, the fourth hole was dug, and Irriari began the slow process of joining them all to create a small circular island around the plant. She worked in a counter clockwise fashion, throwing the dirt she grabbed to the side so it wouldn't interfere. After fifteen chimes, the plant was alone, and thankfully the entire root structure was contained within the pillar. Now, she simply had to knock the dirt around the roots off and slowly extract the plants.

For the first few seconds, she was overzealous, and tore a small part of the delicate branching root system. Swearing, Irriari worked more carefully and gently pushed and prodded the dirt until it crumbled off into the small pit below. Finally, she had the plant and could examine it more carefully.

The root structure was larger than she had expected for such a small plant. Her standard circle digging distance away from the plant had barely contained it. The outside of the leaves were a dark green, while the underside was much lighter, and more of a mint. The edges of the leaves were toothed in a fine pattern almost unrecognizable unless one peered straight downward. Turning the plant on it's side, Irriari stared at the roots and stem, being careful not to put undue pressure on either. The stalk was ordinary, as far as plants went, and aside from being large for such a small plant, it had no distinguishing characteristics.

Irriari busied herself looking for more plants as the sky grew darker.

OOCFeel free to do anything and Irr will probably see/hear you

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No Time for Plants (Ethan)

Postby Ethan on July 31st, 2011, 10:53 am

It was one of the last nights before the group reached Ravok and he needed to gather his thoughts. It was nerve racking to know he was freely walking into the city Lavia was enslaved. The stories Hadrian told him were even worse. Some dark god ruled over the city with an evil army at it's whim. On top of that having to pose as a slave... The one thing he never wanted to even pretend to be. What if he saw other Kelvics in the street suffering? Could he really take that? Could he harden himself to the whips, insults and cries of his kin? So many things were bottled up and messing with his mind.

So this flight was needed. For safety reasons he kept away from the lake that surrounded Ravok, and stuck to the hilly lands around the area. Never reaching further than The Southern Trading Post. He mostly back tracked their journey from the Karbin Road. Flying miles away from the camp and back towards Syliras. With good winds he could reach there in a few days. Perhaps even sooner if he went none stop. That was only a thought to calm his nerves though. Hadrian and the others were his home for now.

When he felt his wings grow a little tired and his worries slip away with the clouds. He decided to take a break and land near the camp. When he finally reached the area the others were resting at. He flew a little north and dove into a rich section of the forest. Lightly landing onto a branch and starting to rest. Not quiet ready to go back to the others.

It wasn't til a couple minutes later that he heard the slight rummaging sounds. It sounded heavier than most animals so he became curious. His eyes couldn't see anything, but small movement threw the trees. Ethan glided silently threw the forest until he came to a low hanging branch with a view of the creature. Ethan was a little more than curious. This thing was humanoid in shape and movements but very short and even had wings! His sharp eyes analyzed the creature inch by inch. He was fascinated with what she was and how she could fly. This needed to be reported to Hadrian right away. If possible he could analyze her himself.

The Bearded Eagle tilted his head as he tried to figure out what exactly she was doing... Digging for something? Perhaps she was looking for roots to eat! He thought long and hard about this situation until she was done digging. Not wanting to interrupt anything, but he needed to speak to her. Of course that was assuming she could talk... It had tools? Bow and Arrows weren't things any monster or lower animals could carry and use. Wait was it a woman? She seemed curvy enough but things could differ between races.

He was five or six feet off the ground and saw no point to flying down and being vulnerable. So he decided to change right then and there. After all he wasn't with a human. This was a fellow creature! He noticed there was a simple understanding between races he met. A common connection when he talked to non-humans. Although he hadn't ever met anyone like this...She had a savage beauty to her.

A flash of light transformed the Bird into a man. Sitting on the sturdy branch and waving with a smile. ”Hello fellow flier!” He shouted in a hushed whisper. Not feeling comfortable with yelling in the middle of a foreign forest. ”I don't want to interrupt anything but you are so exquisitely beautiful! I have never seen anyone like you! I'm a Kelvic myself. What are you?”
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No Time for Plants (Ethan)

Postby Irriari on August 2nd, 2011, 2:27 am

Irriari wasn't seeing any more promising plants in the area, so she took a moment to breathe in deeply and relax. Sometimes, if she calmed herself for a moment, she could focus better on the world around her and see things that had been hidden before. As she breathed in slowly and exhaled, admiring the natural scents of the forest, Irriari heard the sound of the wings of a bird flapping somewhere behind her. Ignoring it, she her sights on the ground directly in front of her, hoping to suddenly find a new plant that could be useful. Even with her meditation, she saw nothing and sighed. A voice came from behind her and Irriari stood up and turned.

”I don't want to interrupt anything but you are so exquisitely beautiful! I have never seen anyone like you! I'm a Kelvic myself. What are you?”

Irriari turned around and examined the person who had asked. The kelvic seemed inquisitive, and happy to see her. What was it with kelvics? The race confused her, as none that she had met so far were disgusted by her appearance. His golden eyes intrigued her, and the kelvic was attractive by human standards, though the zith didn't worry about such things.

“I'm not a kelvic, but thank you for the compliment. I am a zith, and my name is Irriari.”

She paused, as the man truly didn't seem to know what her race was.

“The zith are not kelvic at all. We are born this way and cannot change it, short of cutting off our wings and fur. We are murders, and humans in Ravok and elsewhere hate us. It's funny to see someone approach me so openly, when most would love to destroy me. But it doesn't matter. Who are you, kelvic?”

The kelvic's answers in the next few chimes would determine whether she would draw an arrow and shoot him, or continue speaking.

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No Time for Plants (Ethan)

Postby Ethan on August 8th, 2011, 6:09 am

”Murderers you say?” His tone was light and curious. Not many people were so forward especially with something like that. This could be very interesting or dangerous. He looked her up an down for a moment, analyzing quietly. She had wings. They looked bat like in nature all sinew and thin fur. A bow was strapped to her back, obviously her weapon of choice.. Now he couldn't tell how good she was with her weapon or with flying, but he could safely assume he had a good chance of escaping. Flying straight up into the forest canopy would easily provide the cover he needed.

”Well human's are funny things aren't they? Kelvics are either wild animals or slaves, nothing in between So we can put the views of others aside. Besides we are brothers and sisters of the sky.” Said Ethan from the comfort of his tree. Trying to keep cool, relaxed not show any signs of fear. If he saw her intention were wrong he could take flight. A smooth simple plan.

”My name is Frehad.” At the time Ethan and his group were trying their best to sneak in and out of Ravok unnoticed. Even though this Zith didn't seem a friend of the city he didn't take chances with others lives. The name quickly came to mind as a mental tribute to a friend he had left back in Syliras. ”I was out hunting but you struck my curiosity. I haven't ever seen anything as beautiful as a Zith before. I am envious of your wings to be honest.

May I ask what you are doing out here? It is a bit late for... Roots? Is that what you are looking for? If you are hungry I can help?”
Said Ethan with a curious smile on his face. He had seen her digging when he flew in, but only for a moment.

Although he didn't get the feeling that Irriari would be one to go hungry. As an animal he knew a predator when he saw one. ”Four eyes are better than two in my opinion.” Said the Kelvic. Slightly shivering as a chill swept his bare chest.
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No Time for Plants (Ethan)

Postby Verilian on June 25th, 2013, 10:25 pm


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