[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

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This shining population center is considered the jewel of The Sylira Region. Home of the vast majority of Mizahar's population, Syliras is nestled in a quiet, sprawling valley on the shores of the Suvan Sea. [Lore]

[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Archon on August 2nd, 2011, 3:43 pm

Season of Spring, Day 47, 509 AV

As morning dawned in the Squire dormitory Xalet awoke to find a familiar style of letter, this time carefully balanced upon his face so it was literaly the first thing he saw when he woke up. Inside the letter was a note, as always written in Irine's soft, flowing hand.

Squire Xalet,

Today you will be joining me for patrol and training at the docks. It will be just the two of us, the rest of my wing having duty elsewhere today. I'm sure you'll be up to filling in for all of them. Make sure to wear your full armor, and bring any weapons you feel are needed. I'll be waiting for you outside the dormitories. Please don't keep me waiting for long.

After Xalet had gone through his preparations for the day and left the Squire Dormitories he would indeed find Irine standing outside in the thoroughfare, a serene smile on her lips in greeting for her Squire, "Good morning Xalet, are you ready for today?"
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Xalet on August 2nd, 2011, 8:12 pm

Xalet was a very calm sleeper. Though not the deepest of such things, when he slept he rarely moved from his starting position, which was almost always on his back. This wasn't so much a cultural instinct, but rather an evolutionary necessity after rolling off of too many beds due to his size. This very nature made placing a note atop his face quite easy, although not something he expected. When his eyes finally opened as his internal clock kicked in, he immediately noticed something before his eyes. This strange obstruction gave him quite the start, causing the akalak to bat it away and bolt upright in his bed.

"Paper...?" he said to himself before picking up the note. It was from his Sergeant, and it ended with "...don't keep me waiting for long." That was enough to have him toss off his covers and prepare himself for the day. With a quick wash of his face and a cleaning of his teeth, Xalet stumbled about his small quarters in an effort to get his things together. Pulling up his breeches, tying down his tabard, and affixing his armor. His standard uniform was his full plate, his shield, his training gladius, and his heavy crossbow. With these ingredients in warfare he felt prepared for any training.

Grabbing a small pack that had such things as rags, polish, training bolts for his crossbow, and other care equipment, the akalak exited the dormitory and found his Patron soon enough. Xalet always felt nervous around Irine, though he dared not vocalize it. This unease wasn't due to any intimidation from her, it was actually quite the opposite. A strange paradox of emotions, he felt so familiar with her that it made him anxious to constantly be around the Priskil of Syliras. "Good morning Sergeant. I am." Inside he wanted to mention how he felt to be training directly with her. It was a positive emotion, but not easily described or placed. Thus, in proper akalak etiquette, he left it alone.
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Archon on August 8th, 2011, 4:28 pm

"That's good. Thank you for not making me wait," her smile grew a bit warmer as she turned and started to lead her way through the few other morning travels making their way through the thoroughfare.

It wasn't terribly far from the Squire Dormitories to the Warehouse district, but during the walk Irine turned her pleasant smile to her tall Squire and casually asked, "How are you doing with the Squire life Xalet? Are you getting along well with the others in the Dorms?"

As Xalet answered his Knight the pair turned and made their way through the entrance of the Warehouse district. Inside, despite the early time it was in the morning, the district was already alive and bustling. Rowdy sailors jostled their way about, some carrying various goods, while merchants and guards made their way between the various buildings in the work for the day. Somewhat ironically the nearby Tooth and Claw was probably the quietest and calmest place in sight, the door still shut and windows revealing the inside to be empty, and a few muffled animal noises being the only signs of life.
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Xalet on August 9th, 2011, 4:01 pm

"Of course Sergeant." he responded promptly as they began to walk together. The soft shifting of his armor did well to cover up any loud beating of his heart. Inwardly he attempted to calm himself down, as he often did when directly meeting with his Patron. The Priskil of Syliras stood next to him, her temperament so serene. Maybe that was what it was like to reach internal balance? Xalet was still attempting to find that inner perfection himself, by the darker half was always in the way, like some maneuvering vine constantly looking to trip him up.

When she asked him about life in the Dorms, he knew he couldn't exactly spice-up his answer without it appearing somewhat fabricated. Not that Xalet was untruthful in his daily life, but realistically there was not much to report during his stay, "As well as can be expected. They...mostly stay away from me so my time there is...very quiet." There weren't many other akalak's with which to compare his experiences with. Indeed most of his dorm mates were humans, some with mixed blood, but clearly human none the less.

As the surroundings opened up into the Warehouse district, the squire was greeted by the familiar sounds of another busy day in Syliras. Put enough people in one area and even if they all just sat around reading books it would have appeared busy. "Everyone's very lively today." said the youthful akalak, "Do you think Syliras will expand further? To give citizen's more space?"
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Archon on August 11th, 2011, 4:25 pm

Irine gave a soft laugh at Xalet's report on his time in the Dorms, and her smile only grew warmer, "It sounds like your experience is much the same as my brothers, even if your phrasing is more polite and softer than them," she placed a hand lightly upon her Squire's arm as she gazed fondly up at him, "The other Squires will warm up to you with time Xalet. As intimidating as your appearance is it can't hide your kind heart for long."

Xalet's next question caused Irine to tilt her head thoughtfully as she contemplated it, and then she gave a small shrug of her shoulders, "Perhaps, but I doubt there will be a major expansion anytime soon. While it can certainly be crowded it would be much worse if we became less defensible by expanding too much. I'm sure most would much rather be a bit crowded and very safe rather than the other way around."

The pleasant conversation the two were having was shortly interrupted by the sound of a loud argument from nearby. From what could be heard it sounded like a pair of men angry over a deal gone wrong. Irine's smile faded somewhat as she reached down to lightly touch the suvai on her hip, "Come Xalet, it's time for you to try at being a Knight. You try to deal with the situation, I will be there to back you up."

A short jog around the corner of the next building brought into sight the loud argument. The pair of yelling men were both fairly well dressed and well kept, merchants by appearance, and behind each stood a pair of rougher and tougher looking men. The two pairs of what were most likely guards were holding their weapons firmly as they eyed each other, apparently ready to attack at the order of the two arguing men.

"We agreed upon the price of 200 Gold Mizas for the entire container! We had a deal, and I expect it to be followed through!"

"You claimed it was fine Symenestra silk you had, but when I opened it up all I found were poorly colored and woven fabrics that look like a child made them!"

Irine's violet eyes sought Xalet's silvery ones, and then she gave a soft nod to him to tell him to go forward and try to resolve the situation. When Xalet moved Irine followed close behind him, ready to help her Squire if he needed it.
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Xalet on August 12th, 2011, 5:07 pm

Xalet's pointed ears picked up those sounds. Not particularly sounds of distress, but more of anger, the anger of two men feuding. "Right." he replied, following along side of the Sergeant as they made their way toward the verbal dispute at a quickened pace. Once they arrived, Xalet quickly found out it was not simply two men, but two merchant looking humans with what he could only assume was their guards in close proximity. It was a common practice as a merchant, one had to have security when dealing with money.

Once the pair could hear the argument more clearly it began clear that money was exactly the problem between the men, to the sum of 200 gold mizas, not a trivial amount, especially to Xalet who made no wage of his own during his duties. Turning slightly to look at Irine, Xalet found her nodding at him, spurring him to step forward toward the group. Xalet had little experience in actually dealing with people in the capacity as a Knight as most of his training was focused on the foundations of Knighthood. He had watched Irine work her verbal magics many times, though he remained unsure that he could do the same.

"Gentlemen." Xalet made his presence known, stepping closer to the group of men. Xalet didn't appear tense or nervous, but little could be seen beneath all that armor. His hands appeared loosely at his sides however, not gripping his weapons or preparing to draw. "What business transaction has occurred that has two men dressed in their finery at each other's throats? What of this silk?"
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Archon on August 23rd, 2011, 3:09 pm

Xalet's words quickly drew the attention of of the gathered men, and his presence quickly put an end to the yelling of the two merchants. Even encased in armor, which was clearly the armor of the Knighthood even with the wear and age of it, it was unmistakable that Xalet was not your average man. The guards' glances alternated between their employers and Xalet, while the two men who had been squabbling both seemed to take stock of the situation.

"Good Ser," it was the merchant who had apparently been the purchaser that spoke first, bowing his head slightly in a show of respect, "I agreed to pay this scoundrel 200 Gold Miza for a shipment of fine silk fabric, but what he delivered was hardly that. Now he is insisting I pay him and take his shoddy goods. All I wish is for him to leave me alone and find somewhere else to peddle his garbage."

"We had a deal," the second merchant snapped, his attention moving from Xalet to the man opposite him, "I only made that trip to Kalinor because of that deal, and I won't be left with the costs due to you wanting to back out of the deal now," he finally turned his gaze to Xalet once more, "Ser, isn't it honorable to live up to your word? That is all I ask."

Irine remained the silent observer throughout the explanation, listening to each of the men and then turning her attention to Xalet as well to see what her Squire would do. With all attention on him it seemed the entire world was waiting for Xalet's next words with baited breath.
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Xalet on August 27th, 2011, 12:32 am

Xalet took the time to listen to both men. What a quandary. Xalet had never been a merchant, nor had he any clue of how a merchant's code of conduct worked. He knew the rules within the city of Syliras, but they mainly included more simplistic and easily distinguishable crimes like battery or theft. The way the Squire's mind worked was unmistakeably Syliran while melded with the processes of an akalak. That meant things were black and white, they either were or they were not.

"It is." Xalet said simply with a nod to the second merchant. He fully agreed with him, honor being one of the most intrinsic core values the Squire could fathom. "Especially, I would assume, for a merchant, who's customers rely on nothing but his reputation when bartering." the tall akalak continued, his posture seemed relaxed enough, but beneath his armor he was only now starting to fully understand how to put his thoughts into human words.

"But...a likewise, a merchant shouldn't force their goods on anyone, deal or no. A one time occurrence is the cost of doing business. A continuance will be self-correcting. No one will want to trade with someone constantly dissatisfied with the suppliers products, and no trader will want to buy from a supplier who constantly forcibly supplies inferior merchandise. If it is not as he requested, leave him be without it and find another buyer, or next time collect partial or full payment before the journey." and that was Xalet's piece upon the entire matter.

Luckily common was indeed the akalak's first language, if only because he grew up in Syliras. Still, by his very nature he found communicating at such length to be somehow awkward. Quite simply, he was a man that much preferred action to words. Still, when he said them, he stood by them. If a man wasn't willing to stand by his words, his fellow men would hear of his untrustworthy nature soon enough.
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Archon on September 22nd, 2011, 9:09 pm

The two merchants listened quietly to Xalet's words, but they made little effort to hide their responses to the Squire's words. The first merchant's face held a frown at Xalet's words regarding reputation, but it quickly became a pleased smile as the Squire took his side in the end. Rather predictably the other merchant went through the same facial reactions in reverse, but Xalet's words at least seemed to calm him down some.

As the Akalak finished talking the second merchant, who had been trying to sell the goods, grumbled to his guards and then stalked off. He made no comment to Xalet, and in fact didn't even turn his gaze back towards the armored man. Not long after the trio of men were out of sight.

"Thank you for your assistance Ser," the remaining merchant said with a polite bow before going back inside the building he had been standing in front of.

"Very well done Xalet," Irine's voice was warm and her face held a very pleased smile, "You handled yourself well, and came to a good conclusion," she gave a light pat to his armored arm, "But we can't linger here. There is much for the two of us to patrol, come along."

Leading the way Irine took Xalet on a twisting path between the various warehouses and buildings of the district. Things seemed to be rather quiet, as they encountered no further problems over the next couple chimes, and eventually Irine began to lead her Squire out of the district and towards the docks themselves.

"Well, it seems your presence helps to discourage mischief," Irine said pleasantly with a smile to Xalet, "So now we'll go about some training," she glanced up at the sky to gauge the time, "We should have enough time before we stop for lunch," with that she turned her attention back to the unknown path she was walking on, apparently heading towards some of the smaller ships that were sitting next to the wooden docks.
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[Flashback] Watch Your Step (Xalet)

Postby Xalet on September 23rd, 2011, 10:02 pm

Xalet wasn't a very empathic individual, not compared to someone like his patron. He worked in a way that upheld certain intrinsic personal values, honesty and honor being two of the most important. When he solved problems he always allowed those values to be paramount in determining a resolution. Of course beyond that Syliras had its own sets of rules and regulations, and those he too would follow. For that reason he didn't feel disheartened in case the merchant that left without a glance. Xalet knew better than most, you can't make everyone happy. Being a Knight meant dealing with people as well, not just explaining rules, and that was something he would improve with in time.

"Thank you, Sergeant." he responded. Making his Sergeant proud gave him quite the feeling of accomplishment, no matter how small the task. It was an excellent feeling to draw strength from in times of frustration and exhaustion, both which also made their way to Xalet during his training.

The large armored squire followed dutifully, but it seemed that beyond simply addressing and being addressed by a few individuals going about their day, all was quiet. That was the general atmosphere in Syliras, as the crime and anarchy found in some other towns did not exist in any such scale behind these walls. The Knights owned Syliras in every way, and the people knew it, whether they were a longstanding resident or a simple passer by. You didn't cause trouble in Syliras, that was a good way to spend time in a cage, or end up dead.

"Does it?" he asked, more rhetorically than fishing for a specific answer about his presence. Xalet turned as his Patron did, looking forward toward where they were going. The smaller, more personal ships upon the docks, what was there? "Training? I mean, yes of course Sergeant. What kind of training?"
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