We all have them. I once was going to post an entire blog listing my top 100. Luckily, Mike stopped me pointing out that if the whole game knew about all the things that annoyed me, this might not be a good thing. I still laugh at that comment, whether he realizes it or not, and sometimes I hear his computer typing voice say that very thing to me when I'm about ready to kick and scream about something. Today has been one of those days though and I'm going to grumble about two of mine... the first is perfect people, the second is people that won't do their own dirty work.
I get frustrated at overly sensitive people. Maybe its because I'm one of those people that if I make a mistake, I look at it closely, figure out what the heck I did wrong, what I was even thinking, and make a mental note not to do it again. It seems like an easy task to me. Sometimes, I beat myself up about something I do wrong, but thats rare and only when its something I should have KNOWN BETTER than to do. I'm well aware of my faults... and they could fill volumes. So I never know if people are not wanting to hear critique because they don't have an ability to deal well with it, or if its just really really painful to them. I don't want to hurt anyone, but as a Founder I really do feel compelled to point out when someone is doing something I think its wrong. I always hope they are going to understand and not take it the wrong way, but I am realistic to know it makes me the bad guy about 70% of the time. You wouldn't believe how many pms I send asking CS's to be corrected, pointing out how to develop things while politely asking them not to make up things that aren't yet in the game world, etc. Sometimes, I even send WTF pms. I've sent about four today... and its exhausting. But it needs to be done, especially for those new folks or players that don't hang in chat. I find it amusing if people hang in chat, they are quickly corrected when they make mistakes on their CS without a Founder getting involved. Thank you Chat... you make our lives a lot easier.
But I digress.
Today, I've been confronted by two of my biggest pet peeves. Perfect people annoy me. I'm just disgusted by them. Some of you call them Mary Sue's or Stews, but I'm sure you know what I mean. I'm sick of those that can't do any wrong, who are flawless, and project their internet personas (and thus characters) that way - be they those they play or the faces of the 'player' they project to the game. I guess that's why I am so fond of those characters that have obvious flaws. Are we as storytellers supposed to have biases? No, of course not, but we do. Trust me. You know you do too. There are always those PCs you love and those you just can't stand. Why? Because we are human. It's how we are designed. We actually can't help it. If you are sitting here reading this and say to yourself "Not me!" then you are a damn liar and probably fit into that Sue/Stew category and your the ones I'm annoyed over. Anyhow, I just thought I should mention they are bugging me today. I'm especially bugged when these types log into chat, interrupt the conversation with a brand new one while breaking the current conversation, or flash a link. Ugh. Stop it. It's annoying. And I'm not the only one that feels that way. Chat is busy... very busy at times... and while I'm sure we are all glad to hear about your situation or see your link, please wait until the current conversation finishes or there is a lull.
I work with a guy at work that none of the other guys like. I kinda like him, but its because hes new and nice in a way that a stray dog is. I couldn't figure out why the other guys don't like him but I could totally tell they just DESPISED him... so me being the bold chick I am... I flat out asked them. Then I laughed. The response I got was 'He's okay... but man hes annoying. He will walk up to a conversation that is going on and join in without a pause, posing as an expert and taking it over. We're glad to talk with him and include him, but man he could take a breath and stop interrupting and find an opening to add his comments in. That is why we scatter when he comes around." Ahhh. I started laughing and nodding, knowing the EXACT same feeling. The problem is... and the thing they didn't add was that it was always in a way that almost sought attention or pity. Yea... you know what I mean. You aren't the things that you own, but you are the light that shines inside of you. Some of the poorest people in the world have some of the strongest character. It might not be good character, but its strong.
My other pet peeve is when people come to a founder and ask for them to intervene in a situation before they actually try to deal with the situation themselves. I don't care what it is... there is a term called 'Maning Up'. It means, try and solve a problem yourself. If you try and fail, then we're in a whole different ballgame and a founder probably needs to be talked too. On the same note, if someone asks you to get involved in some problem to help solve it BEFORE they've tried to solve it themselves and you do it, shame on you. What are you thinking? Seriously. Get the party who's crying to go talk to the party that's supposedly done wrong, and then if there's no resolution, then get involved to help out if you are in a position to do so. Trust me. Almost all of us here are adults and reasonable at that. If I give you 2XP for a thread you thought you deserved 4XP for, then tell me I screwed up, make your case, and you know what? I'll probably change it.... or tell you why I haven't given you as much as you thought you deserved. And guess what? If its over a little thing (like you didn't fail enough or you didn't struggle enough or you were too genius in the thread) I'll give you time to fix the thread to earn what you think you deserved. It's as simple as that. And you know what? If I did really screw up and you can make your case all over the place and prove it, I'll apologize profusely! We all have good and bad days. We all have threads that are sitting there waiting for XP and maybe don't get what they deserve because one DS will award one way and another will award another way. Stuff happens. We all have bad days or differing opinions. Luckily, when this situation came up today, and I of course naturally blew up.... (at a person involving someone else without trying to fix the problem themselves) the person involved maned up immediately and took care of things... I was really proud of them.
We work through it together and the important thing isn't the XP... its the fun you had writing. I get a lot out of Mizahar - the development, the people, and most importantly the stories. I'll never grumble about an XP award I think was too low. Why? Cause it just means I can write more. Writing is why I'm here. It's why Mizahar was built. Its not a place for perfect people to prance or pose for their fandom, nor is it a place for people not to step on toes but to ask others to do so for them.
Write. Writing is beautiful. |
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