Room for More?[Private]

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While Sylira is by far the most civilized region of Mizahar, countless surprises and encounters await the traveler in its rural wilderness. Called the Wildlands, Syliran's wilderness is comprised of gradual rolling hills in the south that become deep wilderness in the north. Ruins abound throughout the wildlands, and only the well-marked roads are safe.

Room for More?[Private]

Postby Erato on August 5th, 2011, 10:42 pm

It was revolting in every sense of the word. The shelter of Devmond’s scent was too quickly lost against the rancid stench of slaughtered blood and gizzards. What was further appalling? That Akalak had actually dragged that bloody corpse to the clean river and tainted its perfectly clear waters with that hideous blood. Such was an insult no konti would ever dare make, her very father being the master of the sea, to which all rivers lead. To ruin water that gives life, to taint it with death, to soak in it a defiled corpse—unforgivable. Animals could drag filth into clean waters but it was no konti’s place, no man’s place to defile so delicate a source of life when they had the sense and duty to keep it pure.

Erato shuddered, her hands curling into angry fists. So savage, so disrespectful, so thoughtless, so distasteful! May the very water that touches the lips defiled by that filthy meat recoil and burn them with the sickness they deserve. Yet there were worse thoughts to come. Erato made the mistake of looking up when she heard more voices, surprised that her sense had given no warning.

There was another large man, though much more familiar a sight. He looked very human, hair, skin and all. Perhaps it simply wasn’t in the nature of men to be shy, so confident and easy-going as these ones were. He hardly even offered a greeting, going straight to the crude image of the speared meat roasting over a fire. There was no fear there, no questions, just… of all things, concern for the sword?

That seemed to be Nilkayn’s priority as well, so quick was he to heed a stranger’s words. Concern for his blade, not the deep gash in his arm that would likely grow fetid with disease if not treated (so crude were the means of its infliction), not concern over the sudden presence of a stranger, and certainly no concern for the trail of blood he had left about and within the camp that would easily attract carnivores. Erato was utterly beside herself, staring with eyes that could not conceal her horror and disgust.

Could she even dare to use the river as a shelter now that she knew how men treated their water? Yet she certainly couldn’t stay in the camp where the hideous remains of the monster were. She realized, then, how foolish she had been to ever trust herself into the power of these men. Who had saved Nilkayn from the pond? Who had bound Devmond’s bleeding wounds? These men knew only danger, the very thing Erato had avoided. No one had yet questioned her in carrying no weapons and wandering the wilderness unarmed. Who needed “protection” from danger when it could easily be avoided?

It was true that her danger sense had heightened to a staggering degree since she’d left Konti Isle, but it had given her even greater safety. Erato knew a road safer than the main one; Avalis was her guide, her gifts protection. That was what Lilly had told Erato. But panic had detracted the logic of her mind and the price was steep. Now that she found herself trapped in Devmond’s arms, surrounded by unwelcome strangers, all she wanted was to escape back into solitude. At the very least, she wouldn’t have to smell the bloody meat cooking.

But there were still more surprises for Erato. No sooner had the stranger and Nilkayn begun conversation when a third beast… man appeared. Impossibly, Erato’s eyes widened and quickly averted, her already sickened stomach twisting tighter. She even forgot to be offended by the suspicious and blunt questioning towards her relationship with Devmond.

It was time to test Devmond’s protective words. How he could remain so calm and complimenting was well beyond her, but then again, he was also a man. Her body had long gone rigid with tension, but she managed to lift her head from Devmond’s shoulder, bringing her lips closer to his ear to whisper, “I cannot bear this stench any longer. Will you walk upstream with me for a moment to escape it?” Erato needed her solace of water, but she planned to move much further away to avoid catching someone bathing.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Nil'kayn on August 6th, 2011, 7:52 am

Kayn glanced at Devmond, the man had a point he had been holding her for much to long, but he kept quite. He nodded at the wolf man smileing, "A Kelvic. I have not met much of your kind, but they are truly a wonder." He stepped forward, putting his whetstone, and sword away. His hand out stretched to the man, "The names Nilkayn, but call me Kayn. And if you are wondering what I am; I'm an Akalak." Licen announced his wish to bathe, so Nilk let him walk off Amb at his heels.

He heard what Devmond said as they passed. His eyes narrowed, this man had been able to kill the beast that attacked him, and by those wounds it was a worthy adversary, this man I should be wary of. Nil continued to urge Kayn to action; he was suspicious of this man. He glanced at Dev as he addressed him, walking forward towards the pale man and the women he towered over the two, any normal man would be intimidated by this. He slowly moved into a crouch, so his face was only around a foot from the man. Devmond had now stopped speaking, Kayn had a stern look on his face as his emerald eye seemed to search the man's eyes. Slowly a smile crossed his face, not the light hearted jokor smile like he had on before, this was a sinister look of sick pleasure. To those that could see he looked insane. If Erato tried to interrupt at all Kayn would ignore her or at the most give her a glare with no emotion on it, just simply "Stay out of this" on his face.

"Oh? I'm glad you think so. And yes I do plan to take them along." Hie hand shot out to wrap around Devmonds shoulder. "You may have no qualms, but was it ever stated you had a choice." His grip would tighten on the man's shoulder, and the pain would be excruciating the added pressure on his wounds. "And I wish I could say I have no qualms." His eyebrow raised slowly, "As to the fact of you-" Erato had spoken about the smell, and he guessed it did smell slightly of blood and such, and it hit him that the blood would attract other creatures. He mentally kicked himself, but his focus was still on these on Devmond. "You heard the lady. Take the lady for a walk."

His let grip release on the man's shoulder, and he got up slowly he glanced to the stream where Amb and Lic had gone. As soon as Dev made a move to leave he would spin slightly and shoot both hands out to grab whatever he could, lifting him up if he grabbed anything. He would say his tone a rumbling growl, "If you betray me OR the lady. I will squish you, Spider." Letting go he would watch Dev and Earto walk off. If Dev dodged him he would attempt to grab him again, but if he got away Kayn would yell the same thing after him.

OOCDevmond or Erato if you don't like any of it give me a PM and change it. I would rather change it and have it not happen then him fail at it.
Last edited by Nil'kayn on August 14th, 2011, 9:42 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
Note: Unless stated otherwise, Nilkayn is speaking in common, except for his thoughts.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 7th, 2011, 12:14 am

Licendous smiled as he came trekking back to camp, shirt off as ell as his gloves but his pants and boots had been securely fastened as he walked towards his horse. The cool air brushing lightly against his still wet skin, he loved the feel it was as if he was back in the north again, back in his home land. Laying his shirt across the back of his horse and placing his gloves in the saddle bags, and took out his dagger and kama, sliding them into his belt and then taking out three throwing knives. Standing up a random fallen log in the area he fashioned it onto a practice target, throwing the knives at it 2 went a little wide of his target and one hit to the lower right corner. Licen kew that if he wanted to get better he'd have to practice, as he gathered up the knives the smell of perfectly cooked meat filled the air. Smiling he strode over and lifted the heart he had placed on the stick and devoured it with both speed and ferocity. The heart, the best part, it was the best tasting to licen, and licen had a small belief that if you ate the heart of a fallen creature you gain the strength of that being.

Looking up at nilkayn. "Nilkayn was it ? A sword like that must be wielded by a man who has some skill in the art of sword fighting. would you be wiling to have a small spar with me ? i need the practice as I've procured some weapons i'm un-familiar with." Taking the glaive out of the saddle snapping on the horse, he had a few practice swings against the log he had stood up feeling the weight and position of power on the weapon. Licen was still wary of this devmond but he knew that if he was well versed in multiple weapons styles he would stand a better chance of stopping him if he tried anything. Spinning the shaft of the glaive in his fingers to gain a better idea of the balance along it's shaft. "Go easy on me please."

(sorry about the crappy post :/ i would have done better but i have a few issues :/)
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Ambrose Wheeler on August 7th, 2011, 11:48 pm

After Lincen had returned to camp, Ambrose had wandered off a little into the woods, making sure it was all clear, as well as his own selfish desire to be able to relax alone for a bit. Promising himself he'd return to the camp soon he headed far enough into the woods to be out of sight and earshot, then climbed up into a tree and relaxed on one of the branches, laying back against the trunk.

Closing his eyes for a minute he'd realized just how tired he was and thought to himself. "Would a little nap really hurt all that much?.." He pondered the thought for a couple minutes. No. He had to return before he caused any trouble, or worse. He scrabbled down the tree, clumsily, but it was good enough considering he was worn out. He then turned around and returned to camp.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Devmond Incarnata on August 10th, 2011, 2:22 pm

Devmond massaged his shoulder with clenched teeth. Although the grip had seemed intended only for intimidation, he felt, with numbed fingers, the right shoulder had dislocated under the Akalak’s fearful grip. The deepest rooted traditions of his fathers’ had been broken. Pain bred a young, fluttering hate in its womb. Devmond, with his arms wrapping the woman, could not dodge the Akalak’s brutal hand. Now in pain and fear, he relied on the wisdom of his ancestors. Through the intense fire in his veins that spread even down his back, he gave the Akalak a wide, twitching grin. Every fang with its poison was exposed.

The smile kept as he rose upward, letting the woman slide off his lap as he could no longer hold her, his left arm keeping the two joints together only as neighbors. The smile stayed when he felt wet grime the Akalak had smudged on a wound that lay on his collarbone. He was even smiling when he said, “I think the most widely accepted derogatory term for my race is ‘Widow’ not ‘Spider’, we only share a very distant common ancestor. Also, I think you will understand if I consider you ‘Meatsack’ since your comprehension seems to revolve only around that image.”

The pleasant expression flickered and went out like a candle. He turned away, no longer willing to pretend any charity. The sound of forgiveness for him was not dumb silence. As he left them to head upstream, a low swaying head made the bangs a curtain between Erato’s gaze. It could only be imagined how more frightened the woman would be if she saw the hate that could pulse in a bloodshot gaze. The pain was hot in each step, the pace like rapid, inconsistent arrow fire. The stream was found in less than a minute, and followed it for more than four. He waited till his thoughts were gathered against a rougher current than the one beside him, and stopped on his heel. Taking a slow breath, he moved the right shoulder back gently. He let the breath go. The shoulder was thrown forward on a pitch. A hissed scream escaped as well as a few tears. The shoulder was back in place.

Although the Akalak had not meant for any real physical harm, he now realized one consequence at least. The body of a Symenestra was made light and brittle to defy the gravity impairments of other creatures. Devmond’s people avoided the direct contact of battle, always choosing long-range weapons. Crowds were feared. Their webs kept isolated. This lifestyle eventually became their psychology. They cautiously formed close associations among themselves, and, rarer still, did they attempt to make enemies. You did not confront your adversaries with its many heads, a Symenestra ran and either let the matter settle with time, or planned a way to subtly end your problem. If he would not be allowed peace, then his scheme would have to include another death besides a woman in childbirth.

He walked a little more, gently rocking his shoulder forward and back. The stream had bank that lifted up into a protruding lip of moss. Devmond sat with his feet dangling like the exposed roots that grazed the clear water. His breathing was had been heavy and harsh, but it finally calmed as he closed his eyes and tried to imagine that he was in the Blue Grotto. It had been his favorite place in Kalinor and even pretending to be there helped him remember something besides revenge. The water’s cool touch reminded him of Erato and he felt a bit sorry for leaving her. There was something about her presence, the caring insight of a healer, that made Devmond tolerate the brash workings of those lesser men. Hopefully, she had followed behind, and he would soon hear her questioning voice with a whisper of her rustling clothes.
Pictures by nheira and Noiry on Deviantart
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Erato on August 10th, 2011, 10:38 pm

Ah, how wretchedly painful guilt can be. Erato knew there was no logical reason for it—the akalak had been the one to harm Devmond. Yet there still remained a sense of responsibility, shame that she had been the one to lead Devmond to the camp and the one who had made the request to walk with him. She had begun to expect the ferocious glare, but when Nilkayn’s eyes had directed to her, when she saw Devmond’s sharp teeth just inches from her face, burning fear pricked every hair and scale of her skin. Her gift, however, remained calm and unassuming. Despite the obvious hatred here, none of it was intended for her… or so she desired to think.

When Devmond slipped away, Erato’s intrinsic response was to draw him back, but her hands were weak, arms limp as her eyes watched him. The violent akalak was suddenly not her first concern as Devmond spoke, holding one arm. The eyes of a healer picked up the gesture immediately, though the severity of this new wound was impossible to tell without closer examination. All that went through her mind was, comfrey, willow bark. And then he was gone.

Erato didn’t wait for encouragement or invitation; she wasn’t even thinking about escape any more. All the same, she felt it too intrusive to run on Devmond’s heels, but her body refused to sit still. Smoke and blood was still in her nostrils, the shadows of careless men upon her, and like a fish in water, her feet slipped silently away through the grass. Erato also took care to take her things with her, throwing her cloak over one arm and holding her lyre in the other. Scales and pearls gleamed in the pale cast of moonlight as she moved further from the campfire, a few strands of hair escaped from her bun tickling her neck as the light breeze brushed past her lonely form.

The konti knew which direction Devmond had gone, but realized rather quickly that she had no skill in tracking. Almost on its own, the idea of escape finally formed again in her mind, realizing that she was now free to disappear without question or hesitation. She could disappear into the river and find her own safety. But no sooner had those thoughts formed when Nilkayn’s threat echoed through her mind. "If you betray me OR the lady. I will squish you, Spider."

If Erato didn’t return, would those men merely assume that Devmond had done something? They had been suspicious before, and Devmond hadn’t so much as raised a finger against them—surely her disappearance, however unexplained, would give them reason enough to do something brash. And equally concerning to Erato was what injury Devmond had sustained. She had seen so little of his pain, but this wouldn’t be the first time she had seen him control it. Memories of his tears surfaced, then his gentle words, his warm golden eyes, the scent of his skin. There certainly were aspects of him that made him appear rather dangerous, what with the strange clothes and sharp teeth, but did that somehow make him inhuman and unworthy of trust? He did not appear to be a man of hasty action as Nilkayn was, but a thoughtful one, a soft one. He did not reek of danger as a monster would.

But he was lost. Erato was lost. She stopped abruptly at the edge of the river, looking upstream and wondering. If nothing else, she needed the solace of her lyre again, the quiet of wind and grass. So she gently cradled the instrument against her chest and began to walk along its banks, tempted to remove her shoes and feel the cool pebbles beneath her feet. Thoughts of the ugly meat roasting back at camp faded, and slowly, Erato’s mind calmed again. She might have even started to hum, but heavy thoughts kept her spirit from reveling in the solitude. Where was Devmond? Was he alright?

Erato didn’t want Devmond to disappear again, frowning at even the thought of him meeting another monster. At the very least, if she found him, she could subtly guide him away from danger. Even upset, she didn’t think he would harm her, and… well, if he did, it wouldn’t be entirely undeserved. He had protected her, and she had offered none in return. All she could do now was wander in hopes of doing some good, and if she ultimately failed, she still had the river to turn to for shelter. At least in one thing she was entirely certain: she would not be returning to that camp alone.

Thankfully, however, Devmond had not gone far. A few paces upstream, and there his pale figure sat, so very near to the water. Erato breathed a quiet sigh of relief. She would still have to approach him carefully, gently to keep from surprising or disturbing him. As she slowly drew closer, she saw his eyes were closed… was the pain gone? His previous wounds were still somewhat obvious on his exposed chest and shoulders, but there was a new mark very near his neck. Erato’s eyes narrowed at the sight, a sudden lump forming in her throat when she realized it was also the work of the akalak.

It was odd, really, but a familiar outrage boiled in the konti. Tainting the pure, harming the innocent, soiling the beautiful. Erato’s hand itched to wash off the careless grime, to hold and reassure Devmond, to soothe his wounds with the creams and tinctures she had spent her life learning. She wanted to make the promise he had made to her, to protect, to keep company under such lonely and miserable circumstances. He was the only beginning of a friend she had in this strange land.

So carefully, quietly, Erato approached the symenestra, staying a good few feet behind his exposed back. Her eyes were soft as they looked to him, quick to avert back down to the grass. She knew she ought to speak, and certainly apologize, but she felt an unspeakable hesitation. Was he angry with her? Did he wish not to be disturbed? Her mouth opened and closed once, twice before she finally managed to mutter something. “Devmond?”
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Nil'kayn on August 11th, 2011, 12:06 am

Kayn's lip rose, and it showed contempt on his face for the man. The "Spider" as he had nicknamed him(he did not give a shyke what his race was called, this name was for Devmond and Devmond alone, unless another deserved it in the future), had ran off; Erato following after him. He watched turning he, wiped his hands on his breeches. He caught site of Licen entering the camp, smiling his mood became its usual light-hearted tone. He watched him gather his weapons, he started to wash away the blood and gore off the ground using his waterskin and some sticks, after he had refilled his waterskin he strode over to the fire.

He drew his knife cutting a piece of the meat off tasting the hot flesh, he smiled. It was nothing fancy that was for sure, it had no spices or any such thing, but it was a warm piece of fresh meat not salted or dried out like his rations. He sent a silent prayer to the gods who had sent this beast his way and for those gods that had gifted him with the strength to beat it. He also sent a silent prayer to Lhex hoping the beast's spirit, was happy in its next life.

Smiling he cute off a hunk of the meat, reaching into his pack he withdrew some bread and placed them on either side of the meat. He took a large bite out of the food, letting the juices run down his chin. He smiled; his father had taught him manners, but what use where manners in the wild? He wiped the juices from his chin as he chewed. Swallowing the food he grinned yelling out in a loud voice that could be heard for a ways around, "Foods ready! Come dig in!"

He quickly devoured the food, he continued to eat. Licen soon strode over eating the heart he had stuck into the fire. Kayn raised an eyebrow to that, but he shrugged. Licen engaged him in conversation as he ate. Kayn smiled, gathering his weapons he strode into the middle of the campsite. His belly was full and he was going to get some practise in. "Well Licen. I am by no means even competent with any of these weapons and I'm guessing you aren't either. So lets make this into a little bit of a game." Amb entered the camp then, Kayn smiled and started to draw a large circle with the but of his spear.

"Amb join us we are going to do some sparing, but you can grab something to eat first. Now the rules are simple. You can use any weapon you like, but keep in mind we are not trying to kill each other so I think it best to keep ranged weapons out of it. Its a free for all, everyone is fighting each other, now inside the circle is only where the fighting happens. If you step out you are safe, if you step in your not. And we also can use our bodies for they are weapons in there own right. Alright?"
Experience is something you don't get until just after you need it.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Licendous Gestral on August 11th, 2011, 12:42 am

Watching devmond and erato leave the camp made something not sit quite right in licens gut as he twirled the glaive in his fingers. Nilkayn had proposed a challenge , a game of sorts. This as right up licen's streak, no ranged weapons he could try them at any point it was the close range things he needed the help with. h'd gathered a collection of weapons he was willing to try taking the scythe out he wielded that as he stabbed the glaives blade into the ground outside the ring and kept the kama and dagger along his belt and the sword of his neatly tucked in above the dagger. Non-lethality was the name of the game, so licen would have to be both clever and crafty his weapons were chosen for just those points, the kama curved and smaller version of the scythe he was wielding now. Spinning the scythe above his head he held it along his arm the length of the shaft behind his back holding it near the top so some of the shaft would point over his shoulder. The flat of the blade facing the others, three of his weapons sat at his belt the throwing knives and shuriken stored in the bags on the horse. Parting his feet a little he stepped into the circle His left arm a natural weapon glowing a vibrant crimson fire ruby red in the sun light, he wondered what the best course of action would be.

Swinging the scythe in a large arc by letting the shaft slide down his hand as he swung he was attempting to make them duck, so that he could then lower his swing and hit them withe the back of the scythe. This was his plan anyway. He grinned as he set the plan into motion reaching his other hand behind for his kama in case of a sideways swing, he could catch the blade and Leave the opponent an open target for the other person to strike. Licen was new to these weapons but found handling them came to him naturally. He was after all a weapon aficionado. His skill was unrefined but like his sword skills as a youth it flowed easily to him. Beaming a smile he spoke out. "Nilkayn any weapon you see as a possible usage even if it's not yours you may use." Licens true skill lie with his long sword prowess, though he was trying to vary his skills into a wider procession. As he looked at the floor he noticed part of it had become damp with the blood form the beast, making footing there dangerous , if he could shuffle either nil or ambrose onto it he would have them dead to rights.
45. - shinedown :
Whatever happened to the young mans heart?
Swallowed by pain, as he slowly fell apart,
and i'm staring down the barrel of a 45. ,
swimming through the ashes of another life.

what a shame - shinedown :
what a shame, what a shame,
judge a life that you cant change.
The choir sings, the churchbell rings,
so wont you give this man his wings?
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Licendous Gestral
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Ambrose Wheeler on August 11th, 2011, 2:37 pm

Ambrose had stayed out of the circle for a little while, to have a small meal to gain back at least a little energy, knowing it'd be bad to start sparring when he had no energy. You two have your fun, I'll join when I finish Ambro pulled out his sword, sticking it in the ground, Then he sat by the cooked carcas, using his cooking knife to cut off pieces of meat while he laid back against his sword to relax whilst eating.

He noticed Devmond and Erato were missing but didn't care to ask, instead he assumed they were away doing "other" things. He smirked at the thought. He quickly finished eating but stayed sitting for a minute before getting up and pulling his sword out of the ground. Mind if I join? He smiled as he asked, walking upto the circle Kayn had drawn in the dirt, his sword brandished in his right hand.
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Room for More?[Private]

Postby Devmond Incarnata on August 11th, 2011, 9:06 pm

He had heard her come softly from behind him, Erato’s hesitant voice reaching out to him gently. Devmond twisted his back around so he could look at her more directly. She was standing rather rigidly but her face had the expression of a very nervous child lost in the market. It was not unlike a more familiar face that from his elbow often looked up to be told what to do. The reassuring smile he gave was as natural to give Erato as his own child. It was not that he saw the woman so beneath him, but it was meant here to be nonthreatening. Motioning with his hand, a grassy spot near him was rubbed down flat by his palm.

A slight chill ran up his back and he shivered. Although it was summer time and warm, Devmond could never quite get used to the wind on the surface. He fled to shelter from the gusts of Winter, and refused to go outside or travel in storms. The brushes of this invisible creature seemed to follow him wherever he went made him lay awake even whole nights in a row. Its haunting was the reason the dark shadows under his eyes were so marked like a women’s running mascara. He did feel vulnerable, with only the bare essentials covered, and wished he’s taken the time to grab his traveling cloak. He turned to the woman again and smiled even more warmly. At least she was here to be his makeshift windbreaker.

“We both seem at a loss to deal with these strange new acquaintances.” he said. “I say we let those three cool off like the earth does every night, and enjoy one another’s company. I am giving my full heart when I say that you are the only one I could do so at the moment. Come and sit by me, I’d say we have at least a few hours before they think to look for us.”
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