Location [Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

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The westernmost tip of Kalea, Wind Reach is home to an amazing group of people and their giant eagle mounts. [Lore]

[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Rista on August 12th, 2011, 1:39 am

Ah, it was probably the best, most eloquent scolding she had been offered in a long time. If Rista hadn't been so occupied with recoiling and shrinking under the pressure of the old mans gaze and words, she would have felt thoroughly impressed. Sadly, she was spending most of her mental capacity by examining each and every insult, turning them over like precious gems and considering whether they were fair and worthy of responding to. The rosy hue of indignation slowly took place on her cheeks and dyed the coppery skin with tints of red okra, for a moment the beady black eyes flared up in anger...

And then she swallowed it, slowly but surely. She was reluctant, but it wasn't like the man was giving her a choice in the matter. To be called stupid was one thing, the be accused of not behaving like a true Inarta.. that one hurt, and hurt bad. The girl failed to understand how she could be seen as a true Inarta by learning about another people.. It didn't make much sense for her, but since the old man was so persistent...

Slowly, steadily her stubbornness caved in, like a brick wall that first had been sewn with ivy and then beaten at with a sledge hammer. Anger gave way to a sulky reluctance, and with a heavy sigh the girl let her arms fall to her sides in defeat. She really was way too tired for this.

"Fine then" she muttered and made a sour grimace, as if the words tasted bad. "I'll come and take your lessons, learn whatever you have to teach. Just don't expect me to like it, please? I've never gotten anything good from this" she made a gesture with her hand towards the eyes and the hair "and I really can't see how it will help me. But I'll do it.." If nothing else, she would do it so he wouldn't ever be able to say that she wasted the gifts of Caiyha again. It was just.. It felt more like a curse.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Davlamin on September 19th, 2011, 12:09 pm

Being unable to locate anyone in the crowd, the monk simply decided just the walk his way among the people and go inside the actual city.The horse was tired and he didn't liked the fact that his human friend was forcing him to walk more.Davlamin however was guiding his horse as he was moving surrounded by poeple from a different age and gender.Locals more then others were there going in and out on groups.That was one of the erasons to be had fr anyone to get where he or she wants.

The poor animal was on the edge of it strenght, but still was finding energy enough to not collapse.Davlamin was hoping to find a tavern to take a rest so he kept looking for loopholes to get away from the gates and just neter the Wind Reach fully.It seems that the gatekeeper was too busy tod rink tea or to do something else.It wasn't that much important any more so he needed to find a place to take rest.The explore the world was interesting, but wihtout taking breaks it wa very exausting.

Even the monks need it a rest, specially nomad like him who didn't liked the whole idea of staing on place fr too long.He was always moving, always on track to seek new lands to explore.Wind Reach was his next destination to visit so he finely manage to leave to area of the gates with his black horse.Leaving a marks on the ground from the horse''s hoofs, he made his way to the exit to enter the city.Davlamin was on his way to find the place where he was actually born.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Flicker on September 19th, 2011, 6:08 pm


No one waltzed through the Sanikas Gates with any such thing as automatic respect from the native redheads. The way this visitor walked, the swagger, the way he imaged that the Inartans shivered under his gaze made Val, the watchful gatekeeper, chortle and sip from his tea. He remained silent in his nook, tired old feet propped up on the table that supported a saucer.

No guards saw this pompous display, and none heard his gusty calls for assistance. And certainly not a one would feel any hint of trepidation at being in his presence. For there simply were no guards for the man to address. Lucky for the visitor.

But he did still have to interact with an Elder of the Inarta people to gain entrance into the city. One who was vastly unimpressed and more than a litte inclined to leave this sorry excuse for a dandy outside. Perhaps he should step back and take a second to look at the gates themselves.

The only way to gain entrance to the city was to engage the gaekeeper, who would sound the signal to signal for the gate itself to be opened. Val sipped from his tea, more than prepared to keep the man outside however long it took him to reevaluate his attitude.

OOCMy first post was an attempt to get you to read the lore and gates description a little closer. This game is based on written lore, it's vital that you pay attention. Your character will not be allowed inside the city until you respond in a way that reflects a proper understanding of the city.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Jameson Kindle on September 25th, 2011, 7:26 pm

Timestamp: 22nd Day of Fall, 511 A.V.
Location: Sanikas Gates
Purpose: Curiously seeing what sort of knowledge he can learn from the Inarta.

There was an unsettling feeling in the bowels of Jameson’s stomach as he squinted with his one good eye at the Sanikas Gates. So this was the entrance to the city of Wind Reach, home to the red-headed natives and their massive eagle mounts. It appeared to be more of a grand corridor than a gated entrance. Having stowed Espinosa away in the stables, he was without her comfort and without her reigns to grip firmly in his hands. There was nothing here that could hurt him surely, but nonetheless, he was nervous. As he felt his feet up the stairs tentatively, he could feel the deliberation welling up in him. Had he really already trekked this far? It was a long journey, and thus far he was curious as to what lie in the city.

The darkness of the hallway left him feeling for his way until he entered the grove. Hanging by a nearby column was a chain adorned on the end with an intricate glass handle. He moved closer to inspect it, before gingerly reaching up and tugging on it. The metallic clang of bells rang throughout the road, causing Jameson to nearly flinch. As he gazed around, he spotted an elderly, grayed man making his way patiently to Jameson’s vicinity.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Flicker on September 26th, 2011, 3:03 am

Val sallied forth to inspect the mundane looking man milling about the gates, the music of the bells uplifting his spirit and carrying it away on the winds to the valley floor and the excitement of the Bay. Taking a deep breath of brisk autumn air, the elderly gentleman straightened the simple, but quality blue garments indicating his high status among the Inarta. Though, to this visitor the significance of the clothing probably wouldn’t register until he’d been around the filthy lower castes, and observed enough to realize that most dressed to their station here.

The hulk, as Valterrrik quickly categorized him as, seemed straightforward enough, nothing menacing or shady. “Come for a while, have you?” the elder inquired in common, figuring it to be his best bet. “We’ve not much farming here, lad, but Kaden will get you set up right if you plan to stay for any length.”

With little further ado, the spry old man called through the horn to the gate workers and the stone slowly scraped out of the way and presented an entrance for Jameson. “Stop into the office there before you get into the mountain, you’ll be okay.”
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Ed Stine on November 30th, 2011, 8:22 am

40th Day of Fall 511 AV

Edward gazed forward, the enterance gate was now visible, he couldn't help but feel intimidated from the view. He stoood at the bottom of the vast valcano, and currently was approaching the seemingly empty dark path leading inside accompaneid with the few stairs and surrounding columns. It sure is a sight, Edward thought to himself, he suddenly slowed his pace suddenly not in the mood to arrive to it so quickly. He began arguing with himself,well come on I'm not scared just cautious, yea yea thats it anyone would be its dark, endless and doesn't exactly shout welcome home. Well not to him at least. Despite his concerns, he now stood at the top of the stairs glaring at a glass handle, he grasped it in his hand and gave a slight pull. The gray haired man startled Ed, but at the same time he was able to ralease a sigh of relief, after hearing the bells and cursing at himself for probably alerting the city watch to attack. Ed laughed at the irrationality of his thoughts, and proceeded to answer the elderly mans question.

"Hiya! Yes umm...haha" Ed scratched the back of his head, now embarrassed with his nervousness.He paused and cleared his thoughts procuring a more serious tone. "Yes sir, I'm looking to enter the city and from there seek an apprenticeship. Is this possible?" Now obviously pleased with his found determination.
Last edited by Ed Stine on December 1st, 2011, 8:03 am, edited 1 time in total.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Indigo on November 30th, 2011, 7:08 pm

Valterrrik set down his cup of tea and motioned to the Dek to raise the gate. Aged, heavy stone grated and creaked against the thick ropes as the drudge pulled the door open.

"Greetings young man." Val spoke in common, reflecting the visitor's language. The older man flicked a piece of dust from his well made blue clothing and looked over the stripling.

"You seem a bit long in the tooth for an apprenticeship, but perhaps the Valintar could find you something if you're willing to work hard enough. Before heading directly into the city, go right through to that large office and he'll see you right."

The gatekeeper gestured to the drudge again and the stone slid into place with a solid finality.

"Welcome to Wind Reach."
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Davlamin on December 30th, 2011, 11:09 am

Flicker wrote:

No one waltzed through the Sanikas Gates with any such thing as automatic respect from the native redheads. The way this visitor walked, the swagger, the way he imaged that the Inartans shivered under his gaze made Val, the watchful gatekeeper, chortle and sip from his tea. He remained silent in his nook, tired old feet propped up on the table that supported a saucer.

No guards saw this pompous display, and none heard his gusty calls for assistance. And certainly not a one would feel any hint of trepidation at being in his presence. For there simply were no guards for the man to address. Lucky for the visitor.

But he did still have to interact with an Elder of the Inarta people to gain entrance into the city. One who was vastly unimpressed and more than a litte inclined to leave this sorry excuse for a dandy outside. Perhaps he should step back and take a second to look at the gates themselves.

The only way to gain entrance to the city was to engage the gaekeeper, who would sound the signal to signal for the gate itself to be opened. Val sipped from his tea, more than prepared to keep the man outside however long it took him to reevaluate his attitude.

OOCMy first post was an attempt to get you to read the lore and gates description a little closer. This game is based on written lore, it's vital that you pay attention. Your character will not be allowed inside the city until you respond in a way that reflects a proper understanding of the city.

Taking a step back the man simply walked towards the stairs as he entered into grove, passing the through the halfway.His horse was force fallow him all the way.Feeling unwelcome here, all he wanted just enter it was getting too long for him to do hat.Perhaps coming here wasn't a good idea.Probably he should turn his back on this cold plays go back from here he came from.It could be best for him and his state of mind, since he didn't really dying from desire to walk among the cold people of Wind Reach.The whole plan to come and look for anything that could help him find at least some information about his mother and perhaps his father, was looking less attractive for him.It was just another impulsive idea born after dream that was about his mother.

Ringing the bells to open the gates for him, was even more disappointing then he though.He saw someone there to lurk around, but he wasn't sure who it was.Davlamin was totally considering the idea of leaving this place if the they don't let him in.That's why he was just waiting there wondering about the low lever of hospitality among those people. "Hmmm should i walk or not walk?What you thinking old friend?" Referring the his black horse, he was expecting more reasonable answer from him instead of getting the hostile reply of the cold people. "Ahh...it seems we should leave indeed!"
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Deyja Zhitani on February 11th, 2012, 9:22 pm

Time Stamp: Season of Summer, 25 Day, 505 AV

The young mixed blood had been riding her frostmarch Tess to their near exhaustion. She was now more or less slumped on the back of the slowing horse, her busty torso nestled close against the nape of Tess' neck. Her pools of twin gold were slightly lidded, her chap full lips were slightly cracked, and the unruly mess of fiery locs atop her head, if not hidden by the hood of her ebony cloak, were noticably matted from dirt and sweat. Her entire form if tooken in screamed of a journey that had been both hard and long on traveler and steed; expansive trek to the entry area into Mt. Skyinarta. The Sanikas Gates was where the mixed blood would seek entrance into Wind Reach to start a new life in the birthplace of her mother.

Tess' hoove falls fell into silence and seconds later the mixed blood rose her heavy head up to pour her dull molten gaze on what ever had made the horse stop in forward progression. A lack lustered sigh broke her chaffed lips apart as passion drained gold pools made their way over the painstakenly plain hallway cut into the mountains face. Tenderly she patted the side of the ivory mare's neck, whisphering words of thanks to the beast of burden than prays to Caiyha for sustaining her on her journey. With more effort than normally needed to get herself down off Tess the mixed blood dismounted; an unladylike curse barreling out of her as the young woman's legs gave out from under her and sent the mixed blood stumbling to the ground, arms outstretched to brace herself for the impact.

As her arms made contact with the ungiving earth that broke the mixed blood's fall; excruciating pain splintered up through her wrist to her shoulders and back down again. The one thing she was glad for was that she'd been seemingly alone, and if so lucky the moment of weakness was not seen. Forcing herself to forget her pain and exhaustion the mixed blood rose to her feet, unconsciously digging the heel of her ankle boots into the ground to help balance herself. Her boots drug and scraped over ther ground as she no longer had the strength to lift her feet. Besides the mixed blood was sure she couldn't keep from stumbling if she had.

The steps that she made her way to were a small challenge, but the young woman was able to reach the space were the glass handled chain hung. Her heavy heart lifted and her empty stomach fluttered almost instantly. 'Butterflies maybe,' was the simple thought to cross her mind. Yes this had been a dream of hers since childhood, and finally she would see Wind Reach with her own two eyes. The mixed blood yanked the handle down ever so gently, excitement flickering twin gold pools with some life. Chimes that resonated afterwards soothed the young mixed blood, and absently she repeated a lullaby her mother use to sing to her.

"My heart seeks out the endless sea
Yearning for what lies out of reach
Amongst the clouds and aimless breeze
I can feel in everytime I breathe

My heart seeks out the endless sea
To soar, to glide, to raise from beneath
Bring forth the feathers in my soul
Spread out wings to make me whole

My heart seeks out the endless sea
No longer hinder by my memories
Uncage my form to fly free
The skies above are calling me,"
she sang in a hushed tone. The mixed blood's sonorous voice was penetrating a subtle silibant slur lingering on each prominent S in the lullaby which lifted through the hallway, gently caressing the air about her. Had she not been to tired to notice the much older gentleman who entered she would have colored three shades of red with embrassment.
~The Skies Above Are Calling Me.
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[Wind Reach] The Sanikas Gates

Postby Phoenix on April 20th, 2012, 5:11 pm


Val watched the man as he paced back and forth outside the gate, clearly confused as to what was going on. Reclined in the old chair that he had long ago placed to overlook the Pass, Vall chuckled to himself for a few chimes before deciding that it was indeed time to help the poor man.

"Oi!" the crackly, old-leather sounding voice carried just enough to reach the newcomers ears. "Are you lost?"

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