11th Summer, 511AV The Market Place was always a hustle and bustle of activity, the shouts of haggling, the running of children and the grumbling of adults after they had been cheated out of their bikka being ths ounds that made it up for what it was. Tira sidestepped a playful Myrian child, running after his older sister who had clearly stolen the large spike earring from him, him yelling after her in Myrian to stop and give it petching back. Tira smiled as she dodged the little boy, somewhat amused at the thought of what would happen when their mother caught up with them. The Market Place was as humming as it ever was, and it was somewhat of a comfort to her. Taloba was her place, her city, and she loved it with all her being. It was her grandmother's birthday in another couple of tendays, and though it may seem Tira was being preemptive, this was a full day off of the army for her, and if she was honest, she had no idea what to do. Shopping it was, then. Each birthday she had gifted her grandmother, the matriarch of the Flame Holders, a simple ceramic figurine. The figurine always indicated something central of the Myrian culture, for Milena was a proud woman. Alyke of the Pottery Stalls and Tira were on good terms, and it was always around this time of year that Tira approached her with a similar request. "Alyke! Woman! Where are you hiding?" Tira called with a laugh as she approached the stalls. She drew stares from people around her, at her exuberant manner and rough way of speaking, but quickly people went back to her daily business. She approached the stalls, and looked around her, but could not see Alyke. Turning to a vaguely familiar women, she tried a vague smile and began to speak. "Gess, right?" Tira asked. The younger women, an apprentice at the Pottery Stalls, nodded timidly, and before she could speak, Tira powered on. "Have you seen Alyke? I have business with her." Gess swallowed, pouncing on the opportunity. "Alyke is on break at the moment, she'll be back soon ... but my wares are always available, I'm always willing to sell, why don't you have a l--" Before Gess could suck Tira under her spell completely, Tira shook her head with a laugh and began to back away. "No, thank you, Gess! I will come back later, when Alyke is around. Thanks anyway!" Turning with a smile, she began to walk away, then halted, standing still in the middle of the market place. Petch. What did she do now? |