At the word, ‘Lady’ Lucette could not help but to lengthen happily along her spine, and shift her smooth shoulders back. But the man looked away, and the Kelvic wondered why... Did he not find her pleasing to look at? Her head cocked sideways while her eyes settled upon where she thought he looked in case something was there. There was nothing. “I am called Lucette.” She offered, though secretly she wished to be called “Lady” again, and to see if he would look at her. “Please… tell me your name.” With the quiet grace of a hunter, the man retrieved her garment. And as Lucette watched, she instinctually approved of the way in which he moved. Roland had never moved as such, instead he had a wobbling gait, the manner of which annoyed her feline sensibilities. Never would she have admitted it to him, as she believed it was not her place to correct him, no matter what he would do. But now, she realized there were other, more assured strides than his. The man moved to untangle her shift from the tree’s roots, and Lucette followed, almost upon his heels. “This hunting tonight, is the only I have done… I do not know your – real hunting,” she said. Curiosity lay upon her features, though she appeared unembarrassed by her lack of knowledge. “Was this not real?” The Kelvic was unaware that in a few, exotic and faraway places, Cheetahs were often taught to hunt for their owners. Lucette trusted his opinion; the man seemed to know how to move and he had killed the bird… A tiny flick of pink tongue tasted her lips, followed by one delicate finger… the taste was of bird, and cold blood. Already, the Kelvic was reminded of the crunch of tiny bones between her jaws. Greedily, she wanted another. “Do you use that bow?” Lucette wondered, “To bring down your quarry?” The weapon was a reminder of when she had been considered prey for the Wind Reach hunter. “I do not wish to learn the use of that… ” the slave girl apologized, though distain was not far from her tone. “But I would wish to hunt more… if you would show me the real way?” |