Kadurro took a seat, and let himself breathe deep. "Redemption is good," he said, letting Karrin and deGrey get on with their tinkering. He found his eyes wandering as he waited silently, gazing upon all of the foreign devices that graced the shop. I'll have to ask him what these things do, if I end up working here. Some of them are just downright confusing.
Kadurro began to wonder about his competition. Certainly a capable man. Bright enough? Perhaps; it is hard to say, when he talks of "gee ones" and "gee twos"...and what of deGrey? This place, full of his devices, is a testament to his skill, yet it is a skill that few see a need for. Kadurro made a quick glance towards deGrey, now tending to his furnace. A hard worker, surely... Kadurro bit his lower lip in concentration. Simply coming right out and asking wouldn't fly with him. And the thought of him losing his shop probably wouldn't help persuade him, either, he thought to himself.
Kadurro looked up from his chair, taking in the sight of the workshop, now illuminated by a lively flame, and let himself put out a sigh of exasperation. "Shame," he mumbled. He would make a fine accomplice, under different circumstances.