ethaefal | male | fell spring 90 511

When the rays of Syna's light kiss the surface of Mizahar, Lysander the human stands at five-foot-three with the rounded features of a young teen. The boy is wiry, olive skin wrapped tightly around lean limbs and thin muscle. Lysander's slumped posture and clunky gestures are heightened by a body not quite a boy, and not yet a man. His voice cracks, and he keeps a sparse growth of facial hair neatly shaven. Lysander's back has several deep scars along his shoulders, a result of living a life as a slave. His straight chestnut hair hangs in a heavy mess around his eyes and cheeks and his large eyes shine with youthful fervor.
When Syna sets and relinquishes the sky to Leth, Lysander's form matures approximately ten years and grows to a height of five-foot-eleven; his skin fades to a flawless marble-pale hue and he adopts sharper, more masculine features. Eyes become narrow and zealous and irises shimmer with flecks of gold wrought with fleeting emotion. The color of his hair and horns change with the year; they bleed from one color to the next in the last week of each season. The young Ethaefal still isn't accustomed to his new body and as a result is rather clumsy.
seasonal colours
spring Silver-blue hair, opal white horns
summer Black hair, jade green horns
autumn Blonde hair, gold-yellow horns
winter White hair, deep violet horns
spring Silver-blue hair, opal white horns
summer Black hair, jade green horns
autumn Blonde hair, gold-yellow horns
winter White hair, deep violet horns
Lysander died while he was still a boy both physically and mentally. Because of this, even as an Ethaefal he tends to be incredibly immature, blunt, and has been unable to properly deal with the fact that he is in a much larger and more physically mature body under Leth's rule. Lysander isn't an angry person - in fact he's far from it. He loves Leth with every fiber of his being for giving him a chance at a new life and freedom. Lysander's psyche reflects that of a child that lived a life of oppression, suddenly set free upon the world. Everything is new, everything is a challenge. Like most Ethaefal, he is not immune to bouts of frustration when approached with details of his past.
pre-death history
name Rees Llaenight
race Human, Male
lived from 485 AV - 499 AV
race Human, Male
lived from 485 AV - 499 AV
Rees was born into slavery in the lawless city of Sunberth. He did not know his parents well, as he was sold off to a different master at a young age. From there, he was tasked to work as an attendant to his fellow slaves who fought for the entertainment of their wealthy master. Being too young, too thin to be thrown into the fray himself, Rees spent most of his short life tending to the aches and pains of slave fighters, wrapping wounds and even setting broken limbs. After all, slaves were expensive and had to last as long as possible. During this time, he apprenticed under a far older, far more experienced healer that taught the boy a wealth of information.
At the age of fourteen, Rees himself was finally deemed strong enough to hold his own, and worthy of his master's entertainment, and was tossed into the fighting pits. The boy learned the basics of unarmed brawling, before a particularly mismatched fight ended Rees' short life.
Languages Common (Fluent)
Lore Human Anatomy
Lore Fighting for your food
Lore Lore of Past life
o 2 sets of clothing, one suitable for each form
o Dull fisherman's knife
o Large black linen hooded cloak with bronze clasp in the shape of an oak leaf
o Comb
Medicine | 26/100 | Competent |
Unarmed Combat | 12/100 | Novice |
Herbalism | 12/100 | Novice |
Astrology | 11/100 | Novice |
Swimming | 2/100 | Novice |
Sailing | 2/100 | Novice |
Storytelling | 1/100 | Novice |
Interrogation | 1/100 | Novice |
Lore Human Anatomy
Lore Fighting for your food
Lore Lore of Past life
o 2 sets of clothing, one suitable for each form
o Dull fisherman's knife
o Large black linen hooded cloak with bronze clasp in the shape of an oak leaf
o Comb
Thread List
SU 32 511 | An Absurd Interloper | Lysander, Lorne |
SU 10 511 | Seeking Guidance | Lysander, Veldrys |
SU 7 511 | A Day in the Life | Lysander, Sitkanis, Talen Stirling |
SU 4 511 | Laying Down the Law | Lysander, Sitkanis |
SP 90 511 | Freedom's Weight | Lysander, Sitkanis |