Teros Staff Vizerian

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Teros Staff Vizerian

Postby Teros Staff Vizerian on May 28th, 2011, 3:44 am

Teros Staff Vizerian


by ~Le-Artist-Boheme of Deviant Art

General Information

Name: Teros Staff Vizerian
Race: Isur
Birthday & Age :457AV (54 years old)
Gender: Male
Height: 5'2
Weight: 220 lbs
Hair: A deep red
Eyes:  Dark brown
Character Concept

Likes: :
Enjoys worshiping his god through work, and intensive training.  Likes to run, and lift weights as a part of his regimine and also has great care for his immediate family.  He also like to spar when he get the chance, greatly enjoying practicing with a his axe and also experimenting with other weapons and tactics as well.  Magic has also intrigued him, and Reimancy is a passion of his. Other then that he likes to work at the forge just like any other Isur, and conversing with trusting friends should he have enough time in the day.

Dislikes: :
He does not like those who cheat in a spar.  It is something he does not tolerate, and is not above punishing if it happens.  Dishonesty, theft, and other less than savory activites offend him as well, and if he catches it he will step in no matter the odds.  Doesn't to much like the water either, never really venturing near large bodies of water, and never desiring to.  Because of this he does not know how to swim, and wouldn't want to anyway.  He also doesn't much care fore outsiders as is typical, and tends to be especially hard to impress if one desires something from him.  It is very hard for outsiders to earn his respect or even talk to him, as more often than not he will simply walk past him seeing them as not worth his time.  Of specific outsiders, he especially doesn't like Dhani, Akvatari, Charoda, Ethaefal, Jamoura, Kelvic, Konti, Nuit, Pycon, Symenestra, or Zith races, often not tolerating even the presence of people belonging to these races that he deems as the lesser of the lesser races.  For those belonging to those races, it is almost impossible to gain his respect.  As for the races not belonging to this he holds a grudging respect for the peoples as a whole because of their survival, but as for individual members, there is still a lot that remains to be judged.

Physical Description

As much of his race, he makes up for what he lacks in height with strength.  Standing at just around 5'2, with broad shoulders framing his muscular physic, he keeps himself balanced working out each part of his body no more than the other making for a rather defined look of his muscle tones due to his hours devoted to body building and running.  His hair is a dark red, and he always wears it neatly trimmed and well kept.  He also keeps his eyebrows well trimmed, and keeps himself clean shaven and makes no attempt to disguise any of the features that mark him as belonging to his race including his bluish skin.  Other then what he mantains himself, he also as dark brown eyes, and usually wears darker clothing, but sometimes goes for lighter shades such as greys and silvers.  His arm carries the typical bluish color of the people in the clan, the appendage looking as if with sapphire dust.
Personality: :
Teros is a bit of a introvert, usally keeping to himself and his training while only having more than the occasional contact with his immediate family.  He possesses few friends but his lack of strengthining those friendships keeps them from becoming close friends as he perfers to concentrate on his training than work on his friendships.  While not so much a people person, even on the best of days, he knows how to listen to instructions and respect those who hold rank over him, obeying them completely.  He also is very singularly focused, paying nearly all of his attention to whatever is his focus at the present moment, and whenever he achieves that goal, he sets his sights on another, ever trying to better himself for his god, and the pride of his family.  He also respects all magic, himself a practitioner of Reimancy, and enjoys practicing it just as much as he enjoys training his body.
He hates any of those who try and harm their fellow man, and dislikes those who are lazy and try profiting on others labor.  Any dishonesty, theft, or other darker activites he is prone to step into and will put a stop to it or die trying.  He does not appreciate any who lie to him, as he see's no reason for it, and he isn't beyond punishing any who cheat in a spar with him, or otherwise swindle him out of something if he finds out about it.  He is also more prone to think that a member of another race has slighted him, especially those of the more animalistic races or those that he deems weak.
With fellow Isur though he respects his fellow man, and harbors no grudge against anyone unless they slight him in a way that he can not easily accept.  He holds a strong pride for his city, and his heart beats for his clan, hoping one day that he will prove influential to bettering the amazing city even more.
Character History

Character History :
Born to two parents belonging to the Vizerian Clan, he naturally grew up will a deep belief in Izurden. His faith in the god is directed more inward, choosing to worship his god through his actions rather then open professions of faith, and elaborate marks on his body and clothing.  He is a only child so naturally he grew to become more dependent on himself but the lack of a sibling rivalry didn't mean he was unfamiliar with competition. Always on the challenges with his friends he was very competitive and although much time has past since those days, his competitiveness has not dampened, and his passion to succeed burns all the brighter.

Along with the occasional game played between friends his life has been filled with training and work allowing very little diversion from this course.  When he found a interest in Reimancy his training grew all the much harder with a new goal in mind.  He still had much to learn of the magic and all Isur to learn more about such matters the best place to go was the Silver Tower.  Thus he immediately began increasing his training load, the tests to get into the Silver Tower where great, he would have to pass all three tests to achieve such a honor.

Besides where his goals take him, for now he has found himself working for local blacksmiths making money as he can to feed himself and help him with his body building or anything else he might need.  He also owns his own home as well, simply furnished with nothing in excess as he gets only what he needs.  The coin is also put to get the occasional weapon or piece of armor as he prefers to train with a weapon everyday to not lack a means to defend himself or others if need be.  He has many things he would like to do, things to do in order to better himself, his clan, and maybe one day the kingdom as a whole.  Among those things is to travel beyond the walls of his beloved city to learn and make himself stronger from the knowledge of the best of the best and return to spread his knowledge among his family and clan.    


by =reiq of Deviant Art

Skills and Lores

Body Building: 25 (starter package)
Reimancy: 20 (starter package) 
Axe Double-Bladed: 5 (starter package)
Blacksmithing: 10 (racial bonus)
Subterranean Travel (basic)
Knowledge of Silver Tower (basic)

Possessions and Threads

black cotton tunic, black cotton pants, and a pair of grey leather shoes
A waterskin
A backpack which contains:
A comb, brush, razor, soap
Food for a week
1 eating knife
Father's hammer
Axe Double-Bladed (Isurian)
Leather armor (Form Fitted)
Gauntlet, Locked (Isurian)
Bones (Game)
Animal Snare (Small)
Saddle, Riding
Saddlebags, Large

Flint & Steel
600 gm
-300 gm for Axe Double-Bladed (Isurian)
-160 gm for Leather Armor (Form Fitted)
-40 gm for Gauntlet, Locked (Isurian)
-1 sm for Bones (Game)
-5 gm for Animal Snare (Small)
-50 gm for Mountain Pony
-10 gm for Saddle, Riding
-8 gm for Saddlebags, Large
Total: 126 gm 9sm
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Travel History

Last edited by Teros Staff Vizerian on May 30th, 2011, 5:15 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Teros Staff Vizerian
Posts: 12
Words: 13064
Joined roleplay: May 28th, 2011, 3:43 am
Race: Isur
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