Ever nodded as Nilkayn spoke, but of course this was all of the information she already know, but it was always better to hear it from a person who has expirienced things first hand. The last part made Ever smile a bit, "That sounds like my job, just without the bonding part. Most human men here in Syliras won't bond with the mother of their child if she is a whore." She paused for a moment, now thinking she should have reworded that better. "Not that the Nakivak are whores...oh...nevermind." She smiled, holding in her embarrassed laughter, "Sorry, I am a bit of an awkward socializer."
She layed her head back against the wall, turning it until she was facing the man, with a smile on her face. "So what brings you to Syliras, Kayn?" She knew this was a personal question, but he didn;t seem like the type to get offended immediately by first questions.